How to teach yourself A-level maths! (And do really well)

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How to teach yourself A-level maths? You’re probably asking this question because either, you’re in school and your teachers aren’t the best, or maybe you are a private candidate. Either way, I’m going to share with you how I taught myself A-level maths! You can think of this video has an extension to my “How to get an A/A* in A Level Maths” video!

This video is more packaged in a way that’s more instructive and more like a step-by-step guide that you can follow and apply to your own revision. Hopefully my framework is insightful to you and that it makes sense! Although in this video I share how I got an A in A level maths, that doesn’t mean its the best/absolute way to getting an A/A*. Which is why as you’re watching this video, I encourage you to take notes of each step, and ask yourself how my method can accommodate your needs, and thus making it your own method of learning maths. Some people don’t need much revision. Some people may get things faster than others. Whatever your needs are, I believe there is something for everyone studying maths in this video.

This video is quite a long video, and it’s because I wanted to make add as much depth of possible to give you a full insight. I have a cup of tea because I know I’ll be talking a lot in this video haha. (For those interested, the raw footage ended up being around 1 hour long. That’s a lecture lol).

Enjoy this video! And I hope the tips and insights are valuable!
00:00 - Introduction
00:08 - The aim of this video!
00:21 - Disclaimer
00:45 - What I’m actually teaching you in this video
01:03 - Brief summary of the framework
01:12 - Step 1: Create the blueprint (Attend lessons, make notes in class etc)
01:33 - If you’re a private A-level candidate student…
01:47 - If you’re still in school…
01:56 - Why is the blueprint important?
02:10 - Step 2: Use the blueprint (How to teach yourself)
02:15 - When I say “use,” I mean: do 4 things
02:18 - Step 2.1: Find time to teach yourself
02:27 - Step 2.2: Look at your notes from lessons
02:31 - Step 2.3: Watch Examsolutions
02:29 - Step 2.4: Write notes based on those Examsolution videos
02:58 - What this whole process looks like in practise/real life
03:39 - How did this whole process take me to do?
03:48 - To put things into perspective…
04:09 - The real reason I was able to stay on track (More perspective)
04:46 - Step 3: Do textbook questions
05:08 - What if I’ve done textbook questions in lessons already?
05:38 - What if textbook questions are set as homework?
05:56 - Wisdom
06:00 - How do I know if I’m ready to do harder questions?
06:14 - Step 4: Do harder questions
06:24 - Why do we want to do harder questions?
06:33 - Where can you find “harder” questions?
06:50 - Important notes when you’re doing these harder questions!
07:23 - More Wisdom
07:27 - How can I fully understand these harder questions?
07:59 - Step 5: Repeat steps 1 to 4 until the end of term/semester
08:05 - Tips!
08:15 - How much time did I revise/practise maths every week? (Roughly)
08:21 - Keep your notes in a folder
08:30 - Balancing your other A-level subjects
09:08 - Step 6: Before January mocks, do past papers in exam conditions
09:14 - An overview of your progress so far!
09:25 - How is this step different to the step 5?
09:56 - Shift your mindset!
10:18 - Ideally before your mocks, here’s what you should do!
10:26 - An important note when doing past papers!
11:00 - Step 7: After mocks, repeat steps 1 to 4 for the new topics
11:10 - Light work
11:15 - Tips for maintaining productivity at this stage
11:31 - A note on mental health
11:45 - More wisdom
12:16 - Step 8: The run-up to exams…
12:20 - What did I do?
12:39 - What this period is all about (for me)
12:42 - Insightful things about past papers
13:00 - More Tips!
13:18 - More insightful things I wanted to share
13:34 - So… how much work did I do for the entire year for maths?
13:58 - Solomon Press Papers! (Cherry on top)
14:18 - Closing remarks
Long video right? Haha. Hope it was valuable tho. Considering subscribing to the channel and liking this video. All the best with studying! Safe👊
Рекомендации по теме

As a student who got 6 stars and 2 A in olevels and now 3 A in alevels I can guarantee you that if you do every single thing he mentioned in the video you will for sure get an A star


As a GCSE student thank you very much for the videos for giving me how a level maths would look like 🎊


I'm planning to self-teach myself A Level Maths alongside my full-time BTEC and this video was quite helpful, thanks!


Just wanted to say some kind words here. Thank you so much for this video. I will take my A-Levels rly soon! And it makes me a bit nervous. I have done well in year 12, I barely done any prep, cheated on workpacks, but I could easily solve questions, hence I got an A in year 12 mocks. I was lucky. But then, in year 13 my approach deceived me, and it caused me getting a D in January Mock. I feel like an abomination now after such a result and my ethics, even tho I don’t apply it to my other subjects.
I need to be working on myself, I know. I know I fucked myself up, but it’s never too late. If I have turned my grade in computer science from E to A, it means I can do the same in maths.

Your video motivated me to keep my shit together and get through this, thank you!

P.s. Just a note to people reading this, don’t make my mistakes, please. Never cheat on the prep, take your time to learn the topic, but don’t be lazy. And don’t be afraid to ask questions! Further maths students, teachers, friends who have done well in exams, don’t be shy to collaborate!


Guys the second I heard that he done the 2006-2016 papers 4-6 times I nearly fainted (ima start grinding this summer)


Thank you. I’m planning to revise during the summer as my mock grade was very awful. I have motivation now to get a grade I want


thank you for this, I'm starting my a a levels tmr and I was very nervous for maths, so thank you so much, this was so specifc and detailed so much appreciated :)


Your video has inspired and helped me so much, thank you!!


You are comfortable and amazing, thank you so much


Thanks man, I'm self studying maths with the goal of ending this june. I took two sciences at a level and couldn't handle maths (physics and med) on top of them. I do also have other self learning topics (japanese and spanish) so I can switch without burning myself out


Thank you!! This is just what i needed


YES I NEEDED THIS VID HOPEFULLY ITS MORE USEFUL THAN YOUR POPULAR ONE (seriously you said you were able to answer hard year 13 questions just by taking notes and then you were able to draw the info?)


This is the video I needed. I’m going to be starting my A level maths course soon. Im 34 so it’s been a while since GCSE maths. Does anyone have anymore tips for someone who has been out of education for a while? Would be much appreciated.


Amazing, super useful, also, what is this guy drinking, it can’t be good!


I'm going into AS level next week and I'm pretty scared. I hope I'll do well. However I hate mathematics and I'm bad at it...
I did IGCSE this may/june and I did mathematics on high B. But I don't believe in myself when it comes to mathematics


I hope it works on me too but I'm sure it will, thus great


i feel so stressed, im so afraid of failing.


Your one Beautiful man. Cheers for the video !!! :)


OoooH yeees!!! He's spelling Q-U-A-L-I-T-Y!


Thank you. What do you think about first learning only the theory and then jump to doing exam papers and mostly studying from mark scheme? I kinda dont like the questions on the text book so it kinda turns me off.
