How To Clean Dried Out Paint Brushes | Ask This Old House

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In this video, Ask This Old House master painter Mauro Henrique explains that while paintbrushes should be cleaned after every use, all is not necessarily lost if the paint dries on a brush.

Expert painter Mauro Henrique shows host Kevin O’Connor how to bring an old paintbrush back to life. Kevin explains that a “friend” let their wet paintbrush sit too long, allowing it to harden and become unusable. Mauro explains the importance of cleaning a paintbrush after every use before showing Kevin some methods of removing the dried paint from the bristles with a chemical brush cleaner.

Skill: Easy
Cost: Under $20
Estimated Time: Around 1 hour

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Steps for cleaning an old paintbrush
1. Place the brush in an empty, clean paint bucket. If the bucket has a magnet, place the ferrule (the metal part) of the brush against it to hold it in place.
2. Put on rubber gloves and pour the brush cleaner into the bucket, filling to just above the height of the dried paint.
3. Allow the brush cleaner to soak into the paintbrush and dried paint for 20 to 30 minutes.
4. After allowing the brush to soak, use the soft-bristled brush to loosen and remove the paint. Brush from the ferrule toward the tip of the brush. Continue brushing until all of the chunks of paint are loose. If necessary, soak the brush again.
5. With all of the paint removed, use fresh, clean water to rinse the brush. Place the 2x4 in the bucket and use it as a work surface to brush against as you rinse the paintbrush. Use a clean brush to rinse the paint from the bristles. Continue until the water running from the paintbrush is clear.
6. With the tip inside the rim of the bucket, spin the handle of the brush between your palms to remove excess water.
7. Use the comb brush to straighten the bristles and ensure the paintbrush is ready for the next project.

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From the makers of This Old House, America’s first and most trusted home improvement show, Ask This Old House answers the steady stream of home improvement questions asked by viewers across the United States. Covering topics from landscaping to electrical to HVAC and plumbing to painting and more. Ask This Old House features the experts from This Old House, including general contractor Tom Silva, plumbing and heating expert Richard Trethewey, landscape contractor Jenn Nawada, master carpenter Norm Abram, and host Kevin O’Connor. Ask This Old House helps you protect and preserve your greatest investment—your home.

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How To Clean Dried Out Paint Brushes | Ask This Old House
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I just turned 35 and suddenly care about proper paint brush care can't wait to see what's in store for my 40s


I always clean my brushes after every job! There's nothing like having to throw away a good paint brush...thank you for this video!


Mauro is one of my favorites. Painting has always seemed very mystical to me and these videos help a lot.


Lol I love the relationship Kevin has with each guy. Tommy and Kevin is like grandpa and grandson while Mauro and Kevin like a guy dealing with his son-in-law


I also have a "friend" who doesn't take care of his paint brushes.🖌😉 Great tip gents, thanks!


I love every painting video Maro is in. Didn't think I'd ever care about brush cleaning lol


Kevin proceeds to dip the whole brush in the water….🤣


This was surprisingly interesting! Keep Mauro around! I really like him!


Another most informative and enjoyable video. The interaction between Kevin and your experts can't be beat.


Well done. Expensive, quality brushes are worth reviving . I've used similar steps and got close but now I get what I did wrong. Thanks much! Great tip as always


I will occasionally clean brush when using them - especially on a hot day outside doing trim work.

I'll also stick brush in quart size bucket with water while on break


You can wrap the brush in foil and put it in the refrigerator. You can use the brush for a new project without having to wash it out.


Lol I've been using one of my old broken wide tooth combs for years as my Paint comb. People call me crazy when they see me combing my brushes 😄👍


If you going to reuse it soon Wrap it airtight in a plastic and it won’t dry up


I collected any comb, those freebies from airlines & hotel, to use for cleaning my paint brushes. It helps to remove hard to get clumps that still hidden inside a thick paint brush. Sometimes I use the comb for my hair too, just a bit smell of the paint thinner makes women crazy about my handy man skill & manhood too!🤪😝😜


I have tried murphys oil soap and the vinegar approach, while they have SOME success, if you really want to get the thousands of broken down latex specks out of the brush, then a chemical brush cleaner as they suggest is the way to go. I use Klean Strip Brush cleaner comes in a can the size that they show but also a large can which is more economical (it doesnt go bad over time). The chemical actually separates out into two layers so its important to shake it each time before using it so that you keep the correct ratio in the can itself. It will likely take a few "passes" if your brush is really doused in dried paint (likely if you forgot it somewhere lol). Another trick is to reuse the used chemical AFTER filtering out all the debris that is removed by pouring it thru a piece of cloth (or other filterous material) into a jar - then you can re-use that chemical as a starting point for your next bad brush in its first pass - make the most of what you purchase. But yeah this stuff really does work.


The gracious host of this video asks good questions.


'Waller, where u from'? Somewhere down south, Classic!


A strong solution of laundry powder and hot water overnight will soften dried paint and I do this at the end of every project to keep brushes tip top.. It took a week but I revived an extremely loaded, decade old, brush using this solution.


The most important part is to put it back in the package for storage.
