The One Natural Mosquito Repellent That Really Works

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Have you had your coffee today?

Coffee is the second most consumed drink in the world, behind water. So, if you like to drink good coffee every morning, you should know that it has a little known use: scaring away insects.

Next time you think about buying a spray insect repellent, remember this tip!

Coffee is a great insect repellent. And best of all, it's all natural and super cheap.

Coffee is also effective at eliminating mosquito larvae that stay on dishes and pots of plants.

Coffee grounds are also great for chasing away ants.

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I know absolutely used coffee grounds spread out around ones house or area the ants will not cross the coffee grounds. Excellent information and video!!!


wow a very cheap and hygienic way to keep insects away..


I have ur notifications on I love to see your remedys 😊 a lot are affective that I have tried


Magnificent advice Natural Cures ✌ LoveALove this so many people are allergic for the Mosquito.. Thank you kindly 💕🍃🌍🍃💕✌


Thank You. I use coffee grounds to repel insects also. I read recently that cockroaches are attracted to coffee grounds, but the grounds kill them after the roach comes in contact with them. I Love broadcasting (spreading around) the dry grounds on my grass because it is wonderful for the earthworm population, so helps plants grow better. I'm experimenting to see if putting the grounds in and around (gopher) holes deters them? Didn't appear to at first, but now that it's been a couple weeks, it seems to be working. Fingers crossed.


👍thank you. This is an economical and natural way to keep insects out of the home and perhaps in the evening when outdoors. I will definitely try this one. 😊


where was this video 4 months ago? lol. could have really used this tip all the times I went camping and got eaten up by bugs.


Also I found spreading the grounds repels cats from my yard, local pets use my dry sand as a place to excrete. Since spreading the coffee around these places in my yard no more cat excrement. It really works


Just spreading in lawn works and is also a GREAT source of nitrogen for your grass and in the garden. Compost too. also pour old coffee over your compost or mix with water and then water garden. IS amazing .


Question....When u say coffee grounds, do u mean coffee b4 use or after??


What about USED coffee grounds? Obviously once dried out... Would this work, as well?


Great tip, I start to use this portable USB lamp for catching mosquitos and for now do the work done. Check my video how easy it looks.


If don't burn the used coffee powder will it ward off mosquitoes


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Is this before or after you make coffee? Mosquitos are terrible around my plc😣😣😣😀
