DIY: Essential Oil Mosquito Repellent

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For this Saturday Strategy, we’re going to teach you how to make an all-organic, save-your-life, DIY mosquito repellent!

Mosquitos are the number one killer on the planet. Don’t believe me? Just check out these facts! (I know, I was shocked too!)

According to the World Health Organization, mosquitos result in the death of more than 1 million people every year.

Mosquitoes kill more people than human murderers do.

There are over 3,500 species of mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes can drink up to 3 times their weight in blood.

Mosquitoes carry and transmit many dangerous diseases including malaria, dengue, west nile virus, encephalitis, Zika virus and more.

Don’t worry, we’ve got your back. We are going to teach you to protect yourself with an all-natural mosquito repellent.

What Is Wrong With Traditional Mosquito Repellent?

Mosquitoes are dangerous - that’s one of the reasons people use mosquito repellent. They also itch like CRAY CRAY! But what if the repellent is toxic to your health? They say not to put dangerous chemicals on your skin, as it can end up in your blood stream. But the truth is, traditional bug repellents contain many harsh chemicals that may do more harm than good. The main ingredient in these store-bought products is the real kicker!

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Рекомендации по теме

Drew i attended a aromatherapy class and we tested the essential oils on different types of alcohols. isopropyl alcohol what you guys were using has a lingering medicinal smell. Grain alcohols do really good at dissipating the essential oils without interrupting its original scent. The one that was the cheapest by far is at your neighborhood liquor store Vodka. Get the cheapest quart you can buy since your not drinking it this over witch-hazel works so well in keeping the essential oils Original Scent, where witch-hazel changed it just a bit. A really easy recipe is just fill up your bottle with plain vodka and then leave enough room to add your essential oils that you have on your recipe. You can do that for any essential oil. It becomes like a cologne and or room freshener but you're recipe works great just try the Vodka versus mixing it with water and witch-hazel just a thought less ingredients.


As an added bonus, you could include sweet almond oil -- which ticks HATE! Also, swapping the witch hazel/rubbing alcohol with vodka instead works great for me. I use vodka when mixing my household cleaners, too.


Actually never add lemon to something if you are going out in the sun because of its acidic properties. It can intensify the UV rays and create a burn or intensify already made burns. Lemongrass is also a deterrent that you can use in place. Great video though thumbs up!!!👍🏻


No tea tree oil? That’s the best insect repellent of all.


I was so excited about making this and I made it exactly as instructed by your video but was very disapointed that it didn't work


Out of all the tested oils, the most powerful and lasting was clove oil. Lasts up to 5 hours, mosquitos absolutly hate that smell. Tea tree, eucalyptus and lavander oils all wont last more than 3 hours.


Great videos guys...I use tea tree, peppermint and eucalyptus oil with a little ACV and lemon juice mixed with distilled water...


god and jesus love you all spread the word


This is awesome Drew thanks! I'm going to mix up a batch today for two bottles, that way my wife can leave a bottle in our daughters carry bag.


Thank you! Finally a site with measurements and a minimum of blatherskite. You give clear instructions and are engaging.


I thought that you were not supposed to use an essential oil without mixing it with a carrier oil


Tried the mosquito repellent, made it at home with the two essential oils and it felt okay.  I was still bit in my leg, probable an area I didn't spray enough on.  The rest of the day it kept mosquitos at bay.


All the ingredients is good except the rubbing alcohol, is that natural?


Hey! You guys are using DoTerra Essential oils 🙌🏽 Good stuff 👌🏽


I love DoTerra! I laughed when you guys added dashes rather than drops. I'm going to try this


You guys just saved the universe from disease x


That’s IS how the universe works 😊
I ended up here.


THANK YOU! Mosquitoes LOVE me and I have literally put my outdoor life at home on hold because of it. I break out in HUGE welts when they bite me. I will def be trying this TOMORROW!


Does it keep spiders away? That's the important question


Is there a way to just get the recipe in written form without watching a video?
