Learn Unreal Engine 5 for Blender Users - UE5 Beginner Tutorial

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Unreal Engine 5 Beginner tutorial for Blender users! In this free tutorial you will will learn the fundamentals of Unreal Engine 5 but with an emphasis on the similarities and differences between UE5 and Blender. This beginner tutorial is created specifically for Blender users so that you can easily transfer yours skills from Blender 3D into Unreal. We will focus on Unreal Engine 5's brand new features: Nanite and Lumen! Also you will learn how to export your Blender assets and import them into Unreal for a fast workflow.

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0:00 - Intro
1:11 - Download and Create a Project
3:46 - User Interface
10:19 - Project Organization
14:34 - World Navigation
22:37 - Move and Create Objects
33:05 - Exposure and Post Processing
41:17 - Basic Materials
55:41 - Blender Material to Unreal
1:12:19 - Blender Objects to Unreal
1:29:12 - Intro to Lighting
1:39:53 - Dynamic Lighting with Lumen
1:49:39 - Static Lighting with Lightmass
2:01:07 - Landscape Mode
2:10:13 - Landscape Materials
2:29:07 - Foliage Mode
2:34:08 - Nanite Geometry!
2:39:38 - Megascans Master Material
2:43:46 - Migrate Assets Between Projects
2:46:19 - Virtual Texture Blending
2:58:13 - HDRI Skies
3:07:30 - Monkey Shrine!
3:28:07 - Virtual Texture Setup
3:35:55 - Paint Trees and Place Cliffs
3:19:07 - Marketplace Assets
3:55:51 - Set Dressing
4:09:34 - Spline Curves
4:28:37 - Monkey Shrine at Dawn
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Haven't watched yet, but gave it a like based on past videos. Can't wait to have some time to actually get into this!


I've just decided to finally pursue my passion for game development.. and your video is godsent. I can't imagine how long it must have taken to plan, record and edit. Bless your soul 😂


This is crazy. I already finished your other tutorial, and literally, today was the day I was motivated to learn how to integrate objects from Blender to UE5, and you upload this amazing tutorial, when??? TODAY! How did you know!?


This is amazing and what i've been secretly waiting for for quite some time. You are an amazing teacher and the fact that you make UE course specifically for blender guys is just an extraordinary. I've tried UE for a couple of times and struggled because of "but blender has it this way, oh no".
Do you have a place we can donate you? I really want to support this amazing piece of tutorial.


Thank you.
Without this video I wouldn't have realised how easy and powerful unreal is.

The fact you address the crossover with blender too is just spot on.

You are amazing. You have changed my learning :)


Unbelievable free content!! Thanks a lot Unreal Sensei..You are truly the Master


I'm so glad I found you on youtube, I finished your unreal 5 tutorial a while back and have been hungry for more, thank you for these detailed tutorials!


The most impressive part about Quixel assets is their customisation abilities, especially with foliage. I had no idea you could adjust foliage materials like that. Thanks for sharing this!


THANK YOU. i really couldnt understand which things to do in blender and which things to do in unreal engine. this helps a lot!!


You are one of the few channels I have adds unblocked and the only one where I don't skip the adds.


this is great thank you. i knew alot about unreal 3 and some of 4...then went and worked for a company using hero engine now learning unreal 5. this is super helpful for me getting back into it. thanks! the interface in 5 is so much better at least visually. honestly im so glad they changed the look of it to be more mature looking. seems like unreal is prob the best real time render-er on the market.


bro i'm just starting in unreal and this is the first video i chose to learn about it.... one hour in and it is not boring.... i can understand everything with ease...


me : started watching the blender to ue 4, refreshed the page, BAMMMM new video fam its blender to ue 5 !
also me : 😳 what is this sorcery


You are an amazing teacher, you know your stuff, and are good at explaining it.

Also bonus points for talking with your hands


This guy needs serious recognition more and more. 👍👍🖤


First we got Blender Guru now Unreal Sensei. And u wear the title well. Damn good tutorials and presentation :D


I learned so much about U5 because of this tutorial. YT should seriously let us hit the like button more than once ;). Thank you!


This is a BIG powerful help for me to get into Unreal 5. It cuts half of the learning time of Beginner. Thanks a lot!


The most useful lesson on YouTube on UE5. The density of information is extraordinary. Competent timings, very conveniently organized learning material. At any time I go back to the right place and find what I need. This is what the education of the future should look like. Thanks to the author for this video.


Just completed your earlier UE5 Tutorial, and can’t wait to finish this one, just pure knowledge.
Just my laptop gave up on me the last time let’s see it can hold up this time!!
