Naval Ravikant - The 3 MOST DANGEROUS LIES about Success [w/ MrBeast, Kapil Gupta & Mohnish Pabrai]

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It's packed with 23 Nuggets from top Influential Doers and Entrepreneurs (in their own words), 🎆 visuals (to make it super easy to understand), and my own 💭 reflections.

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★ Sources:

1) Self-discipline

2) Hardwork

3) Success

⏰ Time Codes
0:00 - Lie #1: You need Self-Discipline to Succeed [Naval Ravikant, Kapil Gupta, Jimmy (MrBeast) Donaldson]
4:22 - Lie #2: Hard work is critical to Achieve (Financial) Success [Naval Ravikant, Scott Adams, Jimmy (MrBeast) Donaldson, Kapil Gupta]
7:42 - Lie #3: Success depends on your noticeable accomplishments [Naval Ravikant, Mohnish Pabrai]
15:46 - Reflections
18:05 - Shortform: The platform that I use to get the BEST NUGGETS from important Books

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I do not own the audio source/s used to create this video. If any of the owners want their content taken down please contact me via the email in the About section of my channel.

All works of commentary, reviewing, video editing and (many times) the mixing of different content sources do come from this channel's creativity. Thus, I believe there is a "transformation of value" from any particular raw audio source. This value transformation and, given the non-fictional / educational nature of the audio source contents, makes it a stronger case for "fair use" right. Also, I believe this video is supportive to the owners of the audio source contents, as it helps to spread their invaluable message in a positive way. But in any case, as mentioned in the previous paragraph, if any owner do not want their content to be featured in this video, please contact me :)
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All this stuff sounds great if you're independently wealthy like these guys. There is no business where you can just do what you like. You need customers, suppliers, contracts, insurance, accounting etc. You can't just live and catch 2 fish per day. You gotta pay for a place to live and food to eat. People listening to this and thinking they just just have an easy life is what causes them to be unhappy. The belief that life should be easy, when in history that has never been the case, is the source of unhappiness.


9:00 Being successful

13:00 Life is finite, live simply


Love the videos, always high quality and well organized. The newsletters as well are excellent!


I have to listen to this nugget several times before I process and hopefully at a point understand this in my life. I didn't hear that hardship, or that suffering is not part of success. It seemed more centered on the idea of beliefs that if you work hard you will be successful which is being broken in this discussion.

There is a lot more in this video beyond the hard work discussion that I want to digest.

I need the patience to digest this message.

I am still having conflict with allowing myself to hear and understand the message.


The interesting fact here is you have to find your own truth in your life, if you think someone's advice will make your life easier, that will again put your mind into mechanical mode and you will get frustrated easily.


You didn't see Buddha losing because he was one person. When millions step out of the game, their land, possessions, women and liberty get taken away. They are forced to convert out of the religion, the only thing they cared about, and forced to become a slave. We need to stay in the game of achieving success not just for vanity of success but to not get stepped on. The person who becomes Buddha is like the guy in a chorus that stops singing altogether.


Man... I have been following since the beginning. Your vids keep getting better and better. Keep it up man! Very helpful. ❤


20 min of picking nuggets video? Count me in


Ahhh finally new video from picking nugget. Thanks Julio!


Another GREAT video. Thank you for putting it together and sharing it!


Thanks for the video🧡. Keep makin content. We support uuu


Perfectly organized these, well done!


great vid, you're a legend. how tf do u even make these and find diff quotes related to the same thing !? thank sfor this!


Amazing video! Keep it up!

Julio, how do you extract these audios to create the YouTube videos? What software do you use?

I see that you use canva to create the visuals.


Everything requires effort, human brain doesn't want any hardship or the idea of suffering. Discipline is necessary to get things done.
You can do all this nonsense, bs and stuck in a loop watching these videos. At the end discipline, grit, effort get things done. Even the people speaking in the video went through that phase. Just do it.


My favourite YT channel, thankyou sir 🙌


Presentation skills are on different echelon!!


The Fisherman story is a bit off. You can't say that I'm born, ask series of qns leading to solutions and then death. Just because death is inevitable, you don't die after you are born. You need to leave some legacy, something that others can use even when you are not there


Does this channel belongs to Ravikant ji❤
