Get Out of Your Own Way

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Nathaniel is like your older cousin who actually did something with his life.


«There's no winning or losing. There's just being human».

Thank you, Nathaniel. Always.


I am 41 yo now. From 15 to 30 yo I was obsessed with this idea of falling behind too. I drove myself crazy. I see a lot of myself at your age in your videos. If I could, I would tell my younger self this: "stop being so hard on yourself!! Be patient and pace yourself. Things in life take time. You cant pull on the carrots in the garden to make them grow faster. They are not falling behind, they just need time to grow. You need to give life enough time to work its magic. It doesnt mean that you have to be completely passive, just work with the flow of life instead of against it."
I am at a point in life where I am actually questionning this idea of productivity and accomplishments versus taking the time to live and enjoy the simple joys in life. Is life a competition that I need to win or a simple experience i need to live?
My dear Nathaniel, believe me, you are not falling behind. You are exactly where you should be right now and you have accomplished more in 5 years than some people in 50!
Have you read The Surrender Experiment?


"Do not censor and silence your own voice before the world has even had a chance to hear it" is such a powerful sentence. I think we all seek to try to do the very best/perfect, but mistakes build our character, and who we are, and that's okay.


This is one of your most powerful videos you have ever produced.

"There's still a part of you that feels like you could lose." Nothing comes closer to the truth than that. And not only 30 seconds after slappin' the ass with such a crystal clear truth, you share with us a brand new way of thinking that, with time and practice, can be implemented into our lives in a way that puts an end to the dissatisfaction of trying too hard.

God bless you, my man. You are something special here and I wish for you the absolute best here n' now and for whatever comes next <3


I spend a lot of time on YouTube - this guy is the only YouTuber who has actually impacted on my life (i.e influence and changed my behaviours). For that, and for all of your incredibly valuable content - Thank you!


"The present moment is always enough."


“If you accept a limiting belief, then it will become a truth for you.”
―Louise Hay


„Discomfort is where things get interesting, it’s where you see and built real character, it’s where life gets exciting and unpredictable.“ this video and its message resonates sm with me rn. Thank you for doing this amazing work of always sending the things out I need 🖤


This. "Do what you can and let the rest just happen "


Nathaniel, you've helping me for so long I can't even say how much you impacted on me. Even now cuz of that quarantine I felt like I was going crazy. My thoughts were absolutely unclear but when I watched the video I got better. You've been literally healing my entire life. I wish I could thank you somehow more that just write it here but still thank you with all my heart.


Man, I got tears in my eyes. I needed this :’)


Hey Nathaniel! I just wanted to let you know that I've been watching you for a while now and your videos resonate so much with me. I'm a native Italian speaker and English teacher and I've had this desire to try and use the Internet to teach Italian and talk about language learning, one of my biggest passions) for quite a while, but I've always postponed it because I was not sure on how to start.
I have to say that you motivated me to just start and see where it could go on the way, so I've been uploading videos on my channel for about a month now. I'm at around 1000 subscribers, which is amazing by itself but, more importantly, I feel like I'm doing something useful and using my passion to help other people.
Well, that's it, just wanted to thank you for helping me without even knowing it. And kudos for your Italian btw ;)


He did say, "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." :) Bless you, beautiful soul.


Yes!! This is such an important message. Your natural tendency to want to "work harder" on things to make them "work out" is in itself a sense of forcing a situation to be one way when there's likely a reason why it's not working out. Trusting and getting out of your own way is (I'll repeat) such a good message. Thank you for this - I've been enjoying your work a lot!


"Do what you can and let the rest just happen" This video was so forgiving and informative. I wrote down so may quotes!


This is so good. Well said!
"Letting the things that are naturally bursting out out of you come out."


You're an inspiration, Nathan. I want to make videos of your quality.


I feel like it depends on a situation.
If you really have to force yourself and beat to death just to finish a task you, in the end, don't even feel satisfied with, then yeah, reconsider your path.
But once we're talking about addiction, things start to get harder. If you're an addict and just get out of your own way and let yourself do what you feel you should do, you might never get out of this addiction. Sometimes the thing that's bursting out of you and your mind's telling you to do is actually not the right thing.
Great and inspiring video, don't get me wrong, but I just thought it's important to address this part of the issue. Sometimes you do have to wrestle yourself to get better, but sometimes it's not necessary. Just a case by case thing. Stay safe


I'm smiling at the moment. Thank you so, so much, Nathaniel! From the bottom of my heart!
