Book of Leviticus Summary: A Complete Animated Overview

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Watch our overview video on the book of Leviticus, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. In Leviticus, Israel’s holy God invites them to live in His presence despite their sin, through a series of rituals and sacred institutions.

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how on Earth do you make an 8 minute video seem like an entire movie? So much good and clear detail. Thank you for this!


This book is rough, NGL. But still pushed through and read every word! Praise Yehovah!


Five years later, still relevant.
These videos make Bible reading so much more interesting, because you are able to better understand it, and not just read it for the sake of reading.
Thank you Bible project.
Love from Kenya ❤️


this is amazing, what a blessing this channel is turning out to be!


This channel helps me unbelievably. I recently got through Leviticus, and admittedly, it was extremely hard because in my mind all I could see was a Book full of a bunch of rules and regulations and severe punishment. The only real thing that I took away from Leviticus is that, Old Covenant=A bunch of rules and standards we could never live up to and thank God we are in the New Covenant now. But this video helped me understand the things I didn't, like the actual reason why they had to do all of those offerings and why Aaron's sons died when they entered God's presence. I thought it was just because they were disobedient and so God punishes them but it's not that simple. The Glory of God consumed them. Seeing it that way was so eye-opening. And the analogy of the scapegoat was so amazing. And now I finally understand the Ritual Impurity thing. Before, I just thought it was so ridiculous be ause I couldn't understand, but Wow, they are representations of death and that's why they couldn't enter his presence in that state. And furthermore, being physically impure wasn't seen as a sin! I see it now! Obviously I still have a lot of questions about the Old Testament, (all of the Bible really, but right now my focus is the Old Testament) but this video helps so much. Thank you!


I am so extremely thankful to God for introducing me to your channel. Thank you guys for taking the time to really educate people on the Bible. Praying that your channel gets more views as the year progresses. Love you guys, and all my brothers and sisters in Christ. God bless each and every one of you!


If I understood the video correctly, you are unsure why certain animals were "unclean". You pointed out that it may be hygiene or unknown reasons.
May I suggest that your "death" vs "life" illustration in the middle of the poster already gives you the answer.
Notice, all the unclean animals are predators or scavengers, carnivores or omnivores. For example, pigs are scavengers. The clean animals are herbivores, plant eaters. So, just like touching a dead body made a person unclean, an animal eating another animal would make that animal unclean. Carnivores and omnivores were unclean because they ate blood (life).


I'm sorry, I just laugh at the part where the goat is having a question mark thinking. Goat was like " what is this human blabbering about"


This is amazing 😉 new in Christ I been reading & studying my bible daily & really getting to know god's word & what he was trying to do. The more & more I read the more I live right.. So I will be lame in the name of Jesus..


Who else is watching these whilst doing the Year Bible Plan on the Bible app?!


Their saying that the tabanacle was a reflection of eden made so much sense


I love it. It's clear, easily understood, even the child who doesn't know much about the Bible will understand this. Thank you and thanks be to The ALMIGHTY for blessing you with this idea. Praying for you all.


I'm telling you, the Bible Project is insanely awesome. You guys are taking Bible reading to the next level for anyone who wants to know the word of God


Amazing. For some reason this book is so overlooked even though it is so important to understand


I do believe I'm falling in love with God's Word more easily because of the way these videos help with context and explanation. Bless you!


Tomorrow is day 8 of my whole bible reading plan and it's Leviticus 1-14. Pray for me. 😅 This video has definitely helped and encouraged me though, an incredible amount. Thank you so much Bible project.❤


I love reading the Bible and later watching Bible project 🔥 these people are truly blessed .... Who are making these 🙏


Not gonna lie but the book of Leviticus did seem strange to me as the chapters went by BUT this explanation of yours helped me make sense of it all! 🥰 Thank you so much for helping me understand the word of God! 🙏 God bless THE BIBLE PROJECT! ♥️


this will be the first time I'm reading through the Bible with the Bible Recap plan/Bible Project and also the first time I'm actually understanding any of the significance behind all the laws and rituals. tysm(!) for helping me (and probably so many others like me) to avoid just trying to hustle through these OT books with a grind mentality while praying that I could somehow keep it up until hitting NT. now I look forward to reading the OT each day to see God's matchless love and pursuit for His people despite the inevitable cycle of sin and need for forgiveness, and am further awakening to why sin, and therefore grace, should be taken seriously.
