Why is Decluttering so HARD for me & so easy for everyone else!?!

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We all know the benefits of decluttering by now, so it seems like it should be an easy process...after all, so many others make decluttering look SO easy!!! We wish that were the case, that it were simple, cut and dry process, but often it doesn't go that way! Today we'll share a few new tips for moving past guilt, fear & indecision!

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Ok, I admit...even though I'm not Christian, Diana's Bible teaching was really nice. 😊


Wow! A youtuber to advise us to take a break from social media? You really love us ❤


My daughter and her family came to visit at my house yesterday. WHen she arrived, she suggested that she could help me collapse some of the boxes in my living room, put them in their van, and she and her husband would take them to recycle the next day. (My living room was full of boxes I was keeping so I could declutter into them.) I designated several they could take, but I said I needed some to declutter into. She said that more would come. They collapsed those boxes. Then she asked if there weren't a few more they could take. I let her do that. The third time she asked, I told her she could take all the empty boxes. Today, I am thankful for empty floor space in my living room, and for my daughter and her husband. Having someone to help me with deciding to get rid of the boxes made all the difference.


You two are yet another reason to look forward to Sundays. Your words and caring natures are so uplifting, so ...🙏 thank you.


I feel that donating or passing on my excess or unused items IS changing any bad decision I may have made in acquiring those items because now it can go to someone who will use it. The money spent is only truly wasted when the item goes unused, no matter who paid for it.


I love the advice of forgiveness. My daughter has been struggling with mental health during this pandemic. Thank you for your prayers. ❤️


Similarly to self forgiveness: “I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better.”

― Maya Angelou


Wow!!!! Powerful.

I have only just started watching your channel in the past couple of weeks. My fourth child is 17 days old, who was delivered by c-section. We run a business and have worked all the way through our lockdown with all of our staff having been on furlough for 3 or 4 months. We are also 3 years into a massive home renovation project which we are living on site. We have so much stuff and much paperwork!!!! We have only one livable room downstairs. Since watching your channel I have been able to throw things away more easily. It has given me hope that we dont have to live in this chaos forever and slowly I can declutter and remove items that are surplus to requirements. And be set free from feeling so suppressed by the clutter all around.

Today's vlog really resonated with me about forgiving yourself for past wrong decisions, and the guilt that you feel when you come across things you purchased which you shouldn't have.

Just wanted to say how positively you are impacting people. You are beautiful souls, thank you for sharing what you have today. Xx Anna


It is so much easier with a friend. I helped a friend declutter her closet, she provided the wine and I provided the logic and reason.


Getting off of social media was a great tip. I follow a couple of clothing blogs on YouTube and these women always look so darling and I have purchased a few of the items that they are modeling to influence and they have been mistakes for me. I am retired and have a very very casual life and those items were never worn. When I don't look at those kind of blogs they don't tempt me into a fantasy lifestyle and it's easier to discern what's right for MY LIFE!


You two make me feel so calmly motivated. You offer such brilliant, practical and sensible advice. Thank you, enjoy the rest of your weekend x


“Forgive...so we can look towards the future rather than trying to rewrite the past.” Wow. As always Diana and Dawn, got it spot on. Not only is the heavy guilt such a female thing, it’s such a Mom thing!! Ugh. Got to try to let that go and forgive myself...


I have been listening to you say over and over about having to face that we've spent money on things that we didn't have end up using or needing, but it never really resonated with me. So I thought, this morning as you said it again, what is it for me then? I am at a different stage of life, having a fairly new empty nest after thirty plus years of marriage and family, which was very busy. Suddenly I realised that for me, it's that I haven't had the life that I expected. I can't move these things out and make room for the next stage of life until I recognise that and grieve for that. Not that my life hasn't been good! Just not what I expected in my nineteen year old self when I got married :)


I have just decluttered a skiing suit that I treasured for 20 years🤦I kept thinking that I might wear it again. No, I won't. For the last decade we did not go mountain skiing 😀 Plus the size does not fit me. So it should be easy to say good bye. But it wasn't. I declutered a lot in the last few years but I always kept the suit. Well, not today. Actually I feel happier letting it go than keeping it. My advice on decluttering: keep trying. Do multiple attempts and one of them will be a success.


It changed me as a person when I read Pam Young encouraging to remember the GOOD qualities you have that got you here - I didnt sort papers because I was supporting my daughter through exams and nursed my mother for 2 years, I was unselfish, I didnt sort the attic because I ran the high school christmas fayre 4 years in a row, I kept baby clothes because I cherished my babies, I snapped up bargains because I thought I was saving money for my family - it makes it easier to forgive yourself - thank you for the companionship of this video 🤗 I only 10 minutes ago exclaimed how come I am not done yet ?? stopped for a cup of tea and saw this 🌻


Loved this .... We moved 2 years ago into our forever/retirement We had been in our previous home for 35 years....The year before the move I started decluttering. I cleaned out closets, drawers, removed old not needed furniture, clothing, ragged towels etc...etc.... I tried to do some small project every couple of days and removed the Goodwill boxes immediately. We were watching (and still do) our grandson so when our daughter picked him up I would ask her to take the boxes to the it came time to move I was able to pack more efficiently as I had cleaned out and put things in there place and the boxes could be marked as such. We hired 2 men and a truck and they literally put the box next to the closet for me this made unpacking so easy. It may of looked easy but remember it took me a full Now that we are here I still find myself filling boxes for Goodwill. I haven't used those coffee cups, blankets, shoes, in 2 years out they go. The other day we went through 2 baskets in the livingroom with electronics/cables in them yes.... we hadn't been in those baskets for 2 years. This is a process and although I am still working on it the feeling is good. I would just like to add to your video that this sometimes doesn't happen overnight. I am going on 4 years and yes I have empty drawers, shelves and most everything in it's place but there is still some things yet to do. You reminded me that I still have more than 4 ....yes 4 staplers. I will tackle those this week. Our new home had closets in both bedrooms and 2 baths which my previous home had not. The garage here is smaller that was another area to condense down. I also want to thank Diana for the scripture I love them and pray with you girls too! Dawn keep giggling and know that we appreciate you and the hubby for brightning out days and making us smile. Hugs from southern Minnesota


I’ve become my own voice asking cause I have no one else. I do best in morning when my pain is low! And I do the thing I hate the most to do or what’s irritating me the most so I can start the day with a feeling of accomplishment!
I so love your encouragement. It is what I need. 😍


I've been getting rid of at least one thing a day since July first, I'm doing something every day.


My husband finally after a year and a half has got on board with decluttering. I was so proud of him he downsized his closet to 1/4! Changing our stuff has made such a difference!


Thank you, Dawn and Diana, for this wonderful post today. Thank you for basing it on a relationship with Jesus. I'm working on decluttering and had gotten stuck. thanks for helping me move forward beginning today.❤️🙏Jane
