The #1 Mistake That Makes Decluttering Take Forever

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Clutter shifting is a huge hindrance to living with less. It’s the number one mistake that makes decluttering take forever and in this video I will show you how to break this bidden habit for good.

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0:00 Intro
7:17 Part 1 - A Popular Solution
2:21 Part 2 - Two Types of Clutter Shifting
3:29 Step 1 - Sort It Out
5:19 Step 2 - Reduce
7:12 Step 3 Give It a Home


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#ronaldlbanks #minimalism #decluttering
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Are you making this clutter shifting mistake? If so, have you been shifting your physical clutter, mental clutter, or both?


I came for the decluttering secret, I stayed for the Therapy session. Thank you for your calming demeanor and advice.


My mental clutter piles up around things I'm afraid to do, like make a phone call or interact with people.


I watched this entire video, which is out of character for me. I was just about to hit "save" to my "watch later" file. It hit me that I AM A CLUTTER SHIFTER! I have thousands of "watch laters" and I also reorganize my closets, storage, files, etc. Today, I have been politely confronted with this problem. I'm subscribing and I'm going to start watching this channel all the way through. Thank you!


I have a basement full of pretty storage boxes that I replaced with new pretty storage boxes 😂 I feel like it's time to get rid of the storage boxes.


I grew up in my mother’s hoarder house. If I learned anything during those 20 years, it was how to cram as much stuff into a space as possible. How to stack boxes to the ceiling so they wouldn’t fall for years, yet still every layer be reasonably accessible. How to turn the last months new mess into a box that could go in a pile.

This is a fantastic skill, which is why everyone calls me when they need to move even though Im not particularly strong or own a truck. I can pack into one Uhaul what someone else would need 3 trips to move.

But man its making shedding my inherited hoarding difficult. What someone else sees as too many xmas decorations I see as only half a box worth, after I’ve packed it properly.


I bet your parents are amazing people, Ronald. You are such a well spoken, empathetic, supportive, and caring individual. Thank you for being who you are.


One of the hardest things I've ever dealt with is decluttering. 12 years now I've had to declutter other's mess & my own. The past couple months has really been & eye opener. Watching people be like scavengers, getting defensive & watching people just carry off belongings of the deceased person. WOW!! I was floored not once twice this happen within a 2 months of each other. That was the eye opener for me that sent me over the edge.
Since then, I've not let the grass grow under my feet lollll😂 I've yardsaled, gave away & donated & thrown away. 30 years of things finally gone that wasn't used in 14 yrs it was time. The hardest part was the sentimental attachment I had to a lot of those things. When going through & separating I cried so many tears. It felt like I was throwing them out too when placing items in boxes or trash. I literally suffered tremendous separation anxiety decluttering.
The point is I did it😊 12 x 20 building, 8 skids in garage stacked high & years of collective items all gone😊❤
The shifting of clutter is the hardest of all for I can contest to that! As of now I'm in the home stretch of finishing the last of hoarded things hidden in the house lolll😊 Whewwww! I feel so free & actually happy.


My old dad used to say "there should be a place for everything, and everything in it's place". I didn't know when I was young just how far reaching this statement really is!


Stopping the clutter shifting is one of my 2024 goals. Find a permanent home for the things I need and removing the rest. I know with physical clutter gone, my mental clutter will already be clearer. I have started but it’s a slow process that I wish was quicker!


Lightbulb 💡 moment…Because my house is very tidy and organized, it’s prevented me from purging deeper. I have a lot of stuff and I’m tired of shuffling things around often purchasing nice new containers . No wonder my home still feels too full, tidy or not!!!! Thanks Ronald✨


I started out with hoarding and then I went to organized hoarding and then I went to organized donating..It took 2 years to downsize 9 fully firnished rental houses...Emotionally better.


That's my problem.. freezing. I see so much chaos that the only thing I can do is freeze. I live with people who love chaos and it's overwhelming for one person. Being a minimalist may solve it.


I'm doing your worksheet right now and I wrote down all the discovery questions in my journal. Before I could even begin to answer them, it hit me like a ton of bricks and I wrote in my diary, " just realized I am letting memories of past joy steal my present and future joy." Thank you so much for what you do and for this video.


T. K. Coleman recently came out with a book on emotional clutter and, from a quick skim read of the intro, I couldn’t relate. But the penny dropped at 3:00 where you say, “maybe if I delay when I have to think about it, I won’t have to deal with it.”


I always said, If I go with storage boxes, that means my house is cluttered ... Own what you use, but use what you own. I have this thought of dying suddenly, I won't want my husband or family to go through my whole mess and cluttered house. So far I learned to not over consume, to not buy things on "sale", and mostly to let go. I'm working on everything, every room a little by a little. Keep going everyone. Thank you Ronald, your videos are tremendously helpful, and shows how decluttered your mind and space is ! 😊😊😊


Oh gosh, this is so painfully right! It feels like we’re accomplishing something, but in reality it’s just occupying a different space. Thanks for the reminder, dear Ronald.


Great presentation. I love your delivery style. I didn't have to rewind, slow it down, or even take notes. Your simple background, simple graphics, and steady pace really made the content of your video stand out. Subscribed.


OMG!!! I so needed this today. I have been shifting clutter far tooo long now. After viewing this I went back and was able to let go of more unnecessary stuff. Thank you, bless you.“ Do I need, value & enjoy using it.” Powerful. THANKS!!!


Putting a term on the activity I have been practicing is life changing for me! No more clutter shifting! Thank you so much!