How to See In the Unseen Realm | Isaiah Saldivar

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Isaiah Saldivar shares a revelation on seeing into the invisible world around you.

Isaiah Saldivar learned about the war that is being fought right in front of you, and also behind your back. This one-day atheist, next-day deliverance prodigy was literally catapulted into ministry with wisdom beyond his years.

Isaiah says life is more intense lately because Jesus is coming soon to gather His kings and priests, His radiant bride with soldier’s boots, all rolled into one.

satan knows it, so the usual negative spirits that waft through home and workplace have joined with darker, less subtle help.

Isaiah says the spiritual doors of our culture may be more open than the Texas border, but you are fully equipped because Jesus knows how to clean house.

Bottom line—Isaiah gives you powerful teaching on his 4-CD/audio series, Be Empowered. Depression, anxiety, trauma, stress, tormenting thoughts…it’s time to go! Isaiah gives you the boots to do it.

#ISN #SomethingMore #SpiritRealm
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Thank you for having me on! I pray people’s spiritual eyes are opened when they watch this video!


If you have any doubts, let me tell you this... The LORD takes our anxieties and fears and replaces them with peace and joy. I no longer fear man or demon. There is none like our LORD and Savior. Jesus is my best friend forever and ever.


Oh God take away my addictions of smoking and drinking permanently in Jesus name


I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU! I am Christ follower and I work in a hospital in the O.R you have no idea the intense spiritual warfare that go's on in hospitals. I wake up at 1:30am every morning to get into the word and pray to be drenched in the blood of Jesus. I pick up on the spirits as I am constantly being attacked. I wish more believer's would be spiritual warrior's and take this most intense battle seriously.


The temptation you feel to commit sin is what is unseen. Turning away from sin is winning the battle. That only comes from Jesus.


The Holy Spirit came upon me watching this. I started crying and speaking in tongues.


In addition to the rampant viewing of garbage “entertainment”, music can open the wrong door as well. Some music contains a spirit of grief, depression, lust, hate, in the same way movies can. People, including Christians, who don’t believe in the spirit realm won’t believe or understand this. And I say this as a music & movie fan that has come to the realization that it’s no joke & to stop polluting my mind. It grieves the Holy Spirit.


I can't belive what just happned to me while watching this vedio . When he said 1 corinthians 12 I wanted to kw what it says. So I just pulled up my Bible and opened it and got the exact page 1 corinthians 12. I was taken aback. All glory to our Lord Jesus Christ !


Gifts are not toys. They are tools. Activate the gift. Exercise the gift. Spiritual senses be activated in Jesus name amen 🙏🏽


Beautiful, he reminds me of my mom. Same thing happened to her, same day of accepting Jesus, she started praying in tongues, seeing in the spirit, delivering demons, healing the sick, and she was so frustrated because she had no idea what was happening to her. You can just imagine how God has raised her it's now 30 yrs and highly anointed. Trained by God Himself.


Most people don't know how it's beautiful to be with the Lord.


I am a dreamer. I pray for the gift of sight in the name of Jesus


I felt a hand pushing me to the altar when I was saved in 1997. Praise Jesus!!!


prayer for my sons who have been hooked in drinking and smoking to be delivered from this spirit


I started speaking in tongues watching this! Praise God


I recieved the Holy Spirit when I was 13 yrs old. I loved the peace and joy it gave me . However, up in my later teens and as a young adult I resented having the Holy Ghost because I couldn't enjoy things, places or be around certain individuals and have fun ( couldn't sin in peace ) . My CONVICTION button was soooo strong . Later in life I ignored the conviction button until it's alarm was faint but still present . I WAS MISERABLE like no other in life . Praise God for the HOLY SPIRIT protecting me soooo many times from harm !


Ooo me too! I can see darkness and light in people's eyes! I can feel people's emotions, evil spirits around and God's presence. If there is an evil spirit around, I can feel it. My stomach twists and my heart races. Or I feel scared, nervous or really uneasy.. I speak it away and it leaves. Sometimes it's so strong that it beats me down when I'm weak. When I gather strength I can speak it away in Jesus's name.


Mathew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
If you only seek the spiritual gifts but not God, your heart is not in the right place.


Yeah I can feel people’s pain just by looking them in the eye. Or by hearing them talk. I feel so much energy from around me sometimes I need to be alone to recharge


YES! I fasted seven days and on the sixth day, the Lord told me He accepted what I was doing and although I was doing it for "this" reason, He was giving me "this" instead! And just like that I could see the war in heaven! It's so incredibly amazing what he's talking about!! I was driving a wrecker at the time, and had to call in and explain it to my boss, lol, yeah. . I went home and wrapped my head in a towel and sat in my recliner so I couldn't see everything. God dialed it back so I could handle it. Now only ministering, during deliverance, or when I have to engage an ungodly principality. Man thank you for this video! This is good stuff and true! God bless you and continue to use you to forward this Kingdom, amen!
