Return of the Jedi - The Most Frequently Asked Questions ANSWERED

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After nearly ten years of running this channel, I have seen the same questions over and over again. Today I'm answering FORTY of the most frequently asked questions I've seen about Return of the Jedi!
0:00 Intro
0:20 How was the second Death Star built so fast?
1:17 How was the second Death Star different?
2:33 Who were the B'ommar monks?
3:11 Why did Boba Fett stay at Jabba's palace for a year?
4:07 Where did Leia get her disguise?
4:39 Did Max Rebo have arms?
5:19 Did Luke Force choke Jabba's guards?
6:25 What was the plan to save Han?
7:30 Where did Luke get his green lightsaber?
8:24 Who survived the sail barge explosion?
9:12 Who were the Emperor's advisors?
10:07 Did Yoda really teach Jedi for 800 years?
11:05 Was Luke really the last Jedi?
12:11 When did the Mon Calamari join the Rebellion?
12:59 What was the Battle of Taanab?
13:47 How did the Rebellion learn about the second Death Star?
14:30 What did the Bothans really die for?
15:28 How did the Rebels steal the Imperial shuttle?
16:27 What else is in the Emperor's throne room?
17:14 Why did the Ewoks worship C-3PO?
17:59 Why did the Ewoks have a dress for Leia?
18:45 How did Leia remember her mother?
19:30 Is Captain Rex in the movie?
20:32 Where is Rogue Squadron?
21:22 Why don't we see many B-Wings?
22:02 How did the B-Wing get its name?
22:37 Why does Darth Vader stop Luke from killing the Emperor?
23:32 Why do the Ewoks have log traps?
24:15 Did Palpatine know Yoda trained Luke?
24:54 Could Darth Vader use Force lightning?
25:57 Does the Emperor's death foreshadow his return?
26:41 What happened to the Death Star's debris?
27:25 How did Han react to learning Luke was Leia's brother?
27:59 Was the Battle of Jakku the end of the Galactic Civil War?
28:46 What happened to Cloud City?
29:18 What happened to Coruscant?
29:56 Did Ewoks eat humans?
30:37 Why did Anakin get to be a Force ghost?
31:45 Why does Anakin's Force ghost look younger?
32:39 Could Sith become Force ghosts?
33:26 Why are there only three dots in the crawl?
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Star Wars Explained
1227 Rockbridge Rd SW
Ste 208 PMB 264
Stone Mountain, GA 30087
This channel is not affiliated in any way with Lucasfilm Ltd. LLC, The Walt Disney Company, or any of their affiliates or subsidiaries.
0:00 Intro
0:20 How was the second Death Star built so fast?
1:17 How was the second Death Star different?
2:33 Who were the B'ommar monks?
3:11 Why did Boba Fett stay at Jabba's palace for a year?
4:07 Where did Leia get her disguise?
4:39 Did Max Rebo have arms?
5:19 Did Luke Force choke Jabba's guards?
6:25 What was the plan to save Han?
7:30 Where did Luke get his green lightsaber?
8:24 Who survived the sail barge explosion?
9:12 Who were the Emperor's advisors?
10:07 Did Yoda really teach Jedi for 800 years?
11:05 Was Luke really the last Jedi?
12:11 When did the Mon Calamari join the Rebellion?
12:59 What was the Battle of Taanab?
13:47 How did the Rebellion learn about the second Death Star?
14:30 What did the Bothans really die for?
15:28 How did the Rebels steal the Imperial shuttle?
16:27 What else is in the Emperor's throne room?
17:14 Why did the Ewoks worship C-3PO?
17:59 Why did the Ewoks have a dress for Leia?
18:45 How did Leia remember her mother?
19:30 Is Captain Rex in the movie?
20:32 Where is Rogue Squadron?
21:22 Why don't we see many B-Wings?
22:02 How did the B-Wing get its name?
22:37 Why does Darth Vader stop Luke from killing the Emperor?
23:32 Why do the Ewoks have log traps?
24:15 Did Palpatine know Yoda trained Luke?
24:54 Could Darth Vader use Force lightning?
25:57 Does the Emperor's death foreshadow his return?
26:41 What happened to the Death Star's debris?
27:25 How did Han react to learning Luke was Leia's brother?
27:59 Was the Battle of Jakku the end of the Galactic Civil War?
28:46 What happened to Cloud City?
29:18 What happened to Coruscant?
29:56 Did Ewoks eat humans?
30:37 Why did Anakin get to be a Force ghost?
31:45 Why does Anakin's Force ghost look younger?
32:39 Could Sith become Force ghosts?
33:26 Why are there only three dots in the crawl?
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Star Wars Explained
1227 Rockbridge Rd SW
Ste 208 PMB 264
Stone Mountain, GA 30087
This channel is not affiliated in any way with Lucasfilm Ltd. LLC, The Walt Disney Company, or any of their affiliates or subsidiaries.