Patch 14.22 Preview | League of Legends

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0:00 - Intro
0:41 - Taxes and subsidies
5:53 - Bounties
9:37 - Mid lane structure
16:42 - ADC items
23:35 - Buffs, part 1
34:11 - Buffs, part 2
42:12 - Nerfs, part 1
55:25 - Nerfs, part 2
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I never seen a dev give such in-depth explanation about a SINGLE PATCH, and he does every 2 weeks, really grateful to have such transparency ty phreak😊


Opportunity is bugged, the passive says you need to be out of combat with CHAMPIONS for 8 Seconds for it to refresh but attacking minions, monsters etc will reset the timer to 8 seconds


Hello Phreak! Swain buffs look great, but is there any chance we can return his pull stacking conqueror? It currently stacks every keystone except conqueror and I doubt this change would significantly alter his winrate beyond being slight QoL. Either way great rundown and thank you!


Flyquest played seraphine mid not bot and reverting her last buff without some compensation buff is crazy, she is gonna end up useless again.




Flyquest played Seraphine mid not APC which is absolute not overpowered.


24:00 As a Swain main, there are two reasons why his winrate is so low. 1 is that because he stat checks champions, people are experimenting with his optimal builds, so its fine that his winrate is a bit low. The other reason however is not fine! He is far more squishy than what he used to be. The strongest part of Swain mid and bot before the mini rework was they he could roam a bit and force fights once he hit 6. From that small advantage you would snowball and try to end the game asap. The issue now is that his ult is too costly, and doesn't provide enough sustain/damage. You kept on saying you wanted to encourage Swains to build items like ROA, but the issue has always been that no swain player wants to sacrifice early power that way. If you are playing Swain to scale, you are suffering the opportunity cost of straight up better champion options. But this rework forces him to do exactly that. Why would anyone want to play Swain right now over champions like Sylas or Galio?


The additional information allows me to understand the reasoning behind these changes and i appreciate it keep it up Phreak


Hi Phreak, one change to Swain that I think would receive widespread support from Swain players is removing the bonus HP scaling on R healing and replacing it with direct passive stack scaling. This would reward the most skill expressive aspect of Swain's kit and also encourage AP builds, while making Swain's passive stacking feel more meaningful.


Phreak probably already knows this, but most Swain mains would like to undo the extra demonflares and bring back ult AP ratio healing.


Phreak... as a Swain main can you for the love of god engage me or any other Swain Main to actually fix Swain?
This is ridiculous, you DESTROYED our champ, give insignificants buffs a week later which will do literally nothing, then we as Swain mains are expected to wait like 2-3 months before he "lands"?
I could fix swain with the current parameters in an hour, so could many other mains.
Engage us and fix this mess you guys created and not just leave us to dry with an even MORE useless champ than before


Hate to say it but swainers were completely correct that the rework was going to fail initially. and it did, tremendously. Good thing you are recalling back the un-needed nerfs. To make your job easier I will give you the final change required. R ulti health ratio should be 2% not 1.5% and bring back E haste on ulti. There, now the rework is at least on the same power as pre-rework. lets be sure to never touch swain again, and maybe give us 2 ban slots so we can perma ban ambessa.


Petition to make corki an adc spellcaster marksman in the bot lane again


nerfing seraphine again, i think ur jealous of her beautiful hair…


Hey Phreak, what do you think about the state of Azir?

By most metrics he’s one of the lowest WR champs in basically all elos, he feels very weak to play even by high mastery mains (like me), he wasn’t picked or banned a single time at worlds while historically he’s a very pro skewed champion.

The buff he received to his HP regen is nice but it was just a revert to a nerf from a couple of patches ago, at the same time he got a 4 AD buff which just feels thematically wrong. It is now better to auto minions without your W at lvl 1/2 and that just feels wrong. The durability patch 2 / every item nerf patch also made Azir even worse mid/late game where he’s supposed to shine after a very rough laning phase. There’s been an almost radio silence on Azir and Azir mains are very dedicated players which are now incredibly frustrated at the state of him and pitiful fake buffs. If you take a look at the Azir main subreddit, people are literally losing their minds, claiming that you are Xerath in disguise plotting to kill Azir with nerfs.

Anyways I hope something is done soon because Azir is my favorite champ in the whole game by a long mile and I don’t currently enjoy playing him in this state. I even agree with your decision in removing his 3 soldier AS burst passive, making the tower more useful and letting him use on-hit for Nashor’s, however I hate how Fleet and Grasp work with him and I don’t think that’s a healthy interaction and I think it’s better to go other keystone runes like Conq, PTA and Lethal Tempo, which all thematically fit him much better.


Hi Phreak,

More items should be made of two components (like AP items) rather than 3 (many crit items have the crit cloak totally separate). When building 3rd item you have boot, dorans and and 2 items and you run out of item slots. And this is without even finding room for Pink ward slot.

You run out of slot which makes combine cost of 3rd item absolutely massive.

Triforce and IE used to be the only items with 3 separate components


Just give us back the Swain R and keep the E changes :( This champ is unplayable.


Revert seraphine PLEASE she has the exact same stats as when you guys started changing her and we’re back to SQUARE 1 where all of her roles feel BAD and unsatisfying to play. She is back to pre rework stats winrate wise where support is bad, APC is broken, and now mid is completely dead. Her APC is very strong winrate wise sure but she feels so bad to pilot and doesn’t hyperscale like how she used to. I WANT to feel bad early I want to actually work for a god late game like how I used to have. This was the BEST and most balanced iteration of Seraphine prior to the enchanter bullshit you guys have been trying to enforce upon her. PLEASE revert her and take the waveclearing nerfs from 14.5 and build off of that PLEASE 🙏🙏


I would like to adress Kled. yes winrate is okay, but it falls off late game like no other, and he suffered a lot since the HP change, and the fact that his passive is always the same. You have pushed players into a assasin build, instead of bruiser, and it's ALWAYS useless to build anything else... it would be nice to give the champ options to different builds that are viable! please take this into consideration <3


@Phreak, I really miss the Dugduo but I love that you’re in charge of all this. Your tax analogy is exactly why you’re great for this role. Love it.
