How to Confidently Flirt With Any Woman WITHOUT Being Creepy | The Goldilocks Rule

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In this video Marni shows you how to flirt with any woman without being creepy by using something called the Goldilocks Rule. If you follow the goldilocks rule you will never be creepy with women again when you are flirting. Flirting with women just got easier ;)

Top dating advice for men coming directly from a woman! Marni is now your personal Wing Girl and she's going to tell you how to attract women, date women, seduce women and get any woman you want. She's helped 100's of thousands of men around the world be more confident with women so they can make women want them. Now she'll do the same for you!
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Showing masculine sides(don't be pal, perv, )
Make active and passive balance *
Passive forces-
1-Objective judgements
2- conversation threading
3-Willing acceptance
4- deeply listening
Active forces-
1- taking initiative
2- showing confidence
3- taking social risks
4- initiatives touches


You know, MOST guys do not have $3000 to waste on learning these "skills". Most of us work a job, pay lots of bills, have houses, and are pretty much successful, but don't have lots of waste money for "lessons". It is NOT as hard as you make it seem... Otherwise humanity would have died out a million years ago.


So I got into a 30 min conversation with a really cool girl today, at her job and they let us talk. Marni, I lost my wife 11 years ago and this is the first REAL or serious conversation I've had in a long long time. And she was truly focused on us, no body was able to butt in! Thanks!


Just saw an ad for her videos on her own video lol


I was today years old when I learned I was "A Pal". I would purposely put myself in the friend zone ASAP to avoid rejection. I'm still friends with these ladies years later, but have developed a bad habit of doing that and now just refuse to speak to any women at all.


You explained the two different categories really well. Great points!


Passive behaviors:
-Objective judgement (girls verbal and non-verbal signals, socially aware, decode feedback - calibrate actions)
-Conversation threading (actively listening, proactively sharing opinions experiences)
-Willing acceptance (ability to be okay with whatever's going around.. be stable and not to affected by things, think safety? Even with unwanted responses.)
-Deeply listening ( deeper conversation, let lose, knowing how to show personality to create trust.)

Active behaviors:
-Creating initiative (able approach, start conversation, keep interaction going, 'being bold in general')
-Displaying confidence (faith in yourself, owning your actions)
-Taking social risks (be the first to be playful, sexual innuendos, teasing, slightly off color but still in good humor)
-Initiating touch (whats needed in the moment, touch, kiss, sex etc to keep the interaction moving forward)


I am studying these videos and many more like a college course, I am sick of being this way and it's time to make a change


When I was younger, I was great at flirting and getting along with the ladies. In my 40's, I was in an accident. Serious damage. Bed bound for almost a year. But I put on 45 lbs. Now, I can't even get women to look at me so I can flirt. But recently I was taken off some meds that promoted weight gain, and now I'm able to walk and do light exercise. Pounds are coming off, and it is like the snow melting, each pound to come off, I get a little more attention. Women list what they want in a man, like in a survey, but they assume the guy is good looking. THEN the sense of humor, and whatever comes into play.


I definitely fall under the Pal category, I look at women like paintings, admire them from a distance but never interact, I'm nervous about making any kind of move because it might be considered sexual assault and I might be taken away in handcuffs


Marnie I know how much you have helped me my confidence is outstanding thank you


I would fall into the category The Pal Marni.


Excellent information. Balance is the key


The road to 900k subs congratulations Marni keep up the good content 👍🏼
Much love from Chicago!


If they look rich and are good looking then they do not have to compromise, girls will go for them immediately.
If you do not look rich or u r not handsome or both, than you'll immediately be labeled as a creep, It never fails
It just comes down to money and looks, nothing else matters


Turns out my crush had a crush on me since tenth grade😂.. Thanks to marni.. We're seeing each other now😄


I can’t flirt my way out of a paper bag Marni much less with women.


Guys who have hordes of women chasing after them are simply good looking


Good Afternoon from Wisconsin Marni!! Thank you. 😘💐


Was that your twin sisters ad ? Cause she rocked it ;)
