9 Ways To Confidently Flirt With Women

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In this video, I go over how to start confidently flirting with women!

Instagram: @courtneycristineryan

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1:01 Show up for youself
2:09 Natural approach
3:00 Make eye contact
4:08 Smile
4:50 Mirror her movements
5:24 Be a good listener
6:29 Give a complement
7:41 Humor/teasing
9:19 Don't be a SIMP


I feel confident in myself and what I bring to the table, but...so often I feel myself struggling to think of anything interesting, witty, funny, or flirty to say 😂 it's like my brain shuts halfway off. Especially if the girl is exceptionally pretty. Thank you Courtney!


Learning to be charismatic around anyone and not just women definitely helps. If you can talk to any kind of person in any situation it makes being flirty a lot easier.


I think for a lot of men the issue is anxiety to even approach. Most people can pick up social cues and keep a conversation flowing, it's the fear of rejection that keeps many men from making connections. It's important to remind yourself that you are in your own head and nothing is either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. Control your mind and approach a woman for what she is, another human being that is no better than you or I, and you deserve a chance at happiness just like anyone else


I was flirting with a girl last night at the gym I work at. Of course I was on the clock working the front desk but I noticed she seemed to be sitting watching me and in no apparent hurry to leave after my coworker left. We got talking and she was smiling and laughing a lot which made me reciprocate it. It felt so good because it's been so long since I've had that feeling. I was pretty nervous but I reached for the stars and told her I thought she was beautiful with a big smile on my face. I ended up getting her phone number so hopefully we keep talking!

Thanks again for another great video Courtney!


Excellent Rundown and Explanations!! For me, internal confidence ( working on showing up for myself mentally and not being a simp like doing anything to get someone to like me) as well as eye contact are 2 key components I definitely still need to work on the most. Really appreciate your insight bc I want to grow and become more comfortable & mature about putting myself out there and enjoy my time when I’m out at social gatherings.


Courtney, I just wanna say ever since I broke up with my last gf a little over a year now, your channel among others has helped me to find myself and reinvent myself. I’m still a work in progress but I’ve never felt better about myself. From fitness, to style and grooming to knowing how to better communicate and use positive body language. Just wanna say thank you!


I'm glad I came across this video. I've finally landed my dream career (or at least the first serious step of it) and am about to land my own place. I feel like I will be ready to start dating soon. This will be my first time dating since 2014.


I have to say this Courtney! You are the best speaker I've seen who shares a woman's perspective so amazingly! Love the content you create! Keep creating Ma'am!⭐


I always like to set a frame that they’re annoying me. One girl I see at the gym regularly I will say something with a smile like, “oh no not you. What do you want?” It gets a laugh every time. Playful debates work great too


Being myself usually works. I just go with the flow and enjoy the time spent when communicating. Don’t try to force anything but take one step at a time and allow her to enjoy her time in the conversation.


I think like dancing, good flirting requires both parties to be contributing to make it work. You can be an amazing flirt but if the girl is playing too hard to get it will totally kill the vibe.

I used to be considered a huge flirt in elementary school and highschool. It's quite difficult to do with a stranger that's more teasing/banter, I think flirting only happens when you already have some rapport.


Love the multiple perspectives. Strong women with different views, some overlap in paradigms but really fantastic individuals that are unique. Great work. You are providing amazing insights and your production values rock! Don’t stop.


I think I heard this video at the right time because I feel that it's about time I start going back out and testing the waters. I'm 23, but fell out of the dating scene because I felt like I needed to improve myself, and not time to start dating yet. Now that I feel that I'm in the right place in my life. I just needed confidence, and this video really gave it to me. Thanks Courtney, you're the best! 😂


I found that doing everything simply as you said doing it works. Be confident and be comfortable 👏


Successful flirting is a continuous balancing act between tension and easing tension; polarization and comfort provision; being socially calibrated and riding the razor's edge; showing her you're not afraid to push her buttons but you know how to do it with care and grace.


Yeah it is definitely important to pay attention to the environment because then it does give you an idea how to break the ice, or at least have the chance to get people laughing, even if that means talking to somebody else while getting the girl's attention, and if she gives multiple cues, like lots of eye contact, that is typically when you should go and at least introduce yourself. If you can be subtle and playful without being direct, sometimes that can be stimulating without being creepy or perverted and I know some guys struggle with how to ignite an ember or even feed the flame once it's already there


Very useful and insightful video Courtney. Good work ! Joey Tribianni's flirtatious "How you doin'?" was admittedly hilarious on Friends. But in real life, you are giving very sound advice when you suggest dropping the pre-meditated pick up lines -- to be more real and authentic in a way that can make someone feel that your attraction is unique to them in particular (and not a cheesy, pre-meditated and rehearsed pick-up-line-ploy).


knowing "who" you are and being 100% comfortable being authentic to your personal truth. Great vid Courtney, I love the content. great job.


I can't see women all that well do to my visual impairment, especially in the dark. But I have found a good tip for anyone in my situation is that a lovely voice for me goes a long way. I will often compliment a woman if she has a lovely voice. It always seems to make the day of whoever I'm telling this to.
