How to do an IF VLOOKUP | IF and VLOOKUP Nested Function | IF TRUE Return Value From Another Column

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In this video I demonstrate how to use the IF and VLOOKUP functions together in a single formula. The combination of functions allows you to return values from different columns or tables based on a condition. In our example, we want to apply the correct discount to a table of transactions.
The discount applied depends on two factors: the product category and quantity purchased. The quantity purchased defines which column in the lookup table we want to return the discount percentage from.
Although IF and VLOOKUP work well for three-column lookup tables, the combination of INDEX and MATCH is better for larger ones. For this reason, I also give an example formula using INDEX with nested MATCH functions.
Excel 365 users will benefit from the IF XLOOKUP and INDEX XMATCH examples I also demonstrate in this video.
How to use the IF function in Excel
IF Function in Excel Tutorial
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