Why zero cannot equal Nothing| Zero and infinity part 1

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only zero and infinity have problems in our number system. This first video of this series is to intoduce you into the problem of zero, and give you an objective way out. All videos are under the zero and infinity playlist.
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I think mathematics got cardinality wrong. Cardinalities of ♾️ and ♾️ + 1 should be different in my opinion. What they defined as cardinality is something different. I can sense inconsistency here. Bijection can't be established in my view. I came to that conclusion by thinking about continuum hypothesis.


You scary me !!! I have always zero on my banking account and I must check maybe there is something. If I repeat searching million times then it should be at least one dollar :D


These are the kind of videos you get when a teen gets a new mobile phone.
Hey buddy, absolute zero surely exists, not just as an abstract concept but as a verifiable real concept.
A short example would be the probability distribution of an electron at the nodal points, it's basically zero and it has been verified multiple a times.
It's just that in which context are you using it, makes it vulnerable to other possibilities, a relative zero or an absolute zero.


You are mixing math with physics. If you want to have a formal definition of 0 or any natural number, check out Peano's axioms. Also the statement that 0 does not exist physically is very questionable. If you have a container with a single atom of hydrogen in it and then you remove that atom, i am pretty sure you would agree that the container has 0 atoms left. What you are discussing here is quite close in spirit to float point numerics, which is a field in its own. But that does in no way invalidate the notion of natural numbers.


The mathematical apparatus is based on human logic. It is as robust as it can be made by the hunan mind.
The problem is not in mathematics, but in the way mathematics is applied to physical reality, for example the way it's used in Physics.
Mathematical rules are good only for approximations, and not for predicting the real dynamic of the Universe.
There's the mistake made by the indoctrinated parrots with PhDs and useless No-bell prizes, namely: they blindly ( and wrongly ) believe the mathematics more than they believe reality. And there's their whole errors in correctly understanding the natural dynamic of the Universe. /
You're talking about the so-called "gravity", electromagnetism, magnetism, particles, mass and charge.
-What is "gravity" in reality? ( not in theory; what's in fact the real phenomenon that creates that effect? Etc ).
-What's electricity in reality? (...)
-What's magnetism in reality? (...)
-What's a particle in reality? (...) ( don't give me the idiotic explanation with the electron, proton, quark, etc, because Physics doesn't know what they are in true reality ).
-What's "mass" in reality? (...)
-What's "charge" in reality?
-What's "field" in reality? (...)
-What's a field made of in reality? (...)
If you don't know the answer to these then your mathematics about them is shoddy at best. 🥴
