How to Stop Zero when Copying Blank Cells in Excel

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Learn how to stop zero when copying blank cells in Excel. If you have watched the usemybox video 'How to Automatically Copy Data in Excel' you may have noticed when copying a blank cell (perhaps for when the cell is populated at a later date) that a zero is displayed.

Follow the simple formula in the Excel video tutorial and learn the easy solution to stop a zero appearing when copying blank cells in Excel.

If you are interested in more advanced Excel tutorials then I highly recommend the channel @ExcelForFreelancers

#excel #copy #usemybox

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Fantastic, just fantastic. Simple and completely functional


The second method was exactly what I needed! Thank you very much! The first method worked, but converted number type to text type in LibreOffice Calc. Thanks Again!


This is what I use, but the biggest problem I have is that it still returns "data" to the cell which can cause blank pages to print. This isn't a huge problem, but if you're using it to grab info for template reorganization with columns of variable lengths, then you're getting a mess of extra pages. For example:
=IF('List of Findings'!I:I="", "", 'List of Findings'!I:I)
Will indeed return a blank cell instead of a 0, but it then populates as many extra pages as are left in the document. I want this to be a simple data compiler for coworkers who are functionally computer illiterate, and honestly something as simple as the "don't print 0s" option would confuse them.

So is there a way in the workbook to save it so that Excel will skip over blank rows and treat them as if they don't hold any data?


hey!! The & “” worked totally fine on one of my workbooks, but I’m trying it in a different one and whenever I add the & “”, it makes the entire formula show up as text. do you know what the problem might be?


Can you please give a tip, how to filter column from multiple excell sheet in one sheet single column


If I use the Average function on these cells I get a div/0 error.


I was using a vlookup on another worksheet, and you formula C5 & "" worked perfectly for me Thank you, so pleased to have a simple solution!!!!

='ENTER Products LIST'!C5 & ""
