Advice For My Younger Self

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I would tell my 10 year old self that I am not responsible for my parent's feelings and to make sure my parents know that. My parent's divorce fucked me up from ages 12-18 and if someone told me to tell my parents to deal with their shit on their own and not unload adult problems onto their kids, life would have been way better.


The pain you feel when your with your "friends" is real and valid. Its not your job to sacrifice your feelings for them.


"Bruh I figured out how to communicate into the past this shit's cool as hell."


Advice to myself: Friends will come and go, embrace the ones who are there for you


I would tell my younger self whatever I remembered being told by my older self at that age, so as to not mess with time.

It would probably be: "Trust your own judgment. Literally no one else has your best interest at heart all the time, and even your mom can be wrong about what that actually is. (Now, memorize what I said so you can repeat it to yourself when the time comes to go back in time and do so.)"


To my younger self. You are a good person and people do know that. You don't have to please people constantly and, don't waste time on people who constantly need to be 'pleased'


You are such a beautiful person!! Thank you for sharing!!! <3


yo I appreciate your videos very much, keep doing you, my friend.

Also, I would tell my younger self to have some chill.


This was very informative and fun.
Thanks a lot.


Stop caring what other people think of you. You are amazing and the right people will realize that.


"Check yourself before you wreck yourself"


Realize your own potential, you have a lot of it


Don't stop playing cello (17), Don't stop making YouTube videos (25ish?(, and Not everything is as it seems- count your blessings and stick it out (2010).


If I could go back, I'd tell myself to stop being afraid of math, and to stop being embarrassed about my struggles with it.  I *can* learn math, it just took a lot of experimenting to find the right method for me.


I would tell my younger self that it's OK to disagree with other people and that you're not a bad person for disagreeing with them. Even (read: especially) if it's your family or your teachers. And that you shouldn't pressure yourself to befriend everyone because not everyone is going to interested (and sometimes YOU won't be interested in them at all - and that's not a bad thing.)

Also, avoid having video games taking 95% of my free time when I was a kid.


Skip that football game when yoi were 13. You were making the finals anyway and you will save yourself 6 months in hospital, 12 months rehab and a lifetime of consistent pain


I gave up on college so that I could help my mother go through a divorce. The divorce ended up taking four years. Now things in the house are tense, I feel as though my family is constantly judging me for doing what I did, and my mother and I fight all the time. I don't know what to do with my life at this point, all I love is writing and stories and I'm a bit of an emotional wreck from my childhood. 

Can you give me any advice on what to do at this point? I'm 21 and feel like a failure, I gave up a lot for my family and just... feel really really lost right now. 

You're an incredibly thoughtful person and I just really want someone from outside my situation to look in and say "Hey, here's what's up and this will get you to a happier place."


To middle school self: Just ask that guy out, you might get rejected, but you'll learn to stop putting your crushes on pedestals.

To high school self: You may think you are drama adjacent and nobody notices you, but that's naive. Some people are not your real friends so it's better to stop giving a fuck about them now and chill more with you band friends.

To undergrad self: This is going to be hard for you, but you are going to make it through. It seems endless now, but didn't high school feel that way? You are stronger than you think you are.


I would tell myself to study more, to think more rationally, to not take people's unkind words to heart, and to just be myself.


1) (to 10 year old me) Don't quit baseball so soon. I know it may seem like a boring sport at such a young age, but trust me. You'll actually end up enjoying it and every other sport, and it's one of the safest ones out there that you can easily improve on
2) (To 13 year old me) I know your basketball goal sucks and it messes up your shot, but please for the love of God practice more on your own.
3) (to 18 year old me) Don't let your friends talk you out of dating certain people. If you're both attracted to each other, and no one is forcing you to do anything you don't want to, it's good practice. Trust me, you'll regret not taking that step just because you think you're friends know what's best for you. At the end of the day they really don't.
4) Don't sell your ps2 or gamecube. I know you want to buy the newer consoles but what's an extra $50 really? Just wait a bit longer to buy your stuff. You'll miss a lot of the stuff you're planning on selling.
5) (To 20 year old me) Don't date you're roommate's ex. DON'T DO IT. It's a terrible idea.
