That's Debatable with Dr. Michael Brown | Gay Christian?

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This is an episode of "That's Debatable with Dr. Michael Brown" where Rev. Brandan makes a case for LGBTQ+ inclusive Christianity.
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I do not agree with everything Michael Brown teaches, but I must say, he most certainly did his homework and refuted all of the arguments Brandon used against Jeff and James


The difference between Dr. Brown and Brandan is that Dr. Brown tries to express what the Bible says, but Brandan tries to show us his desires in the bible.


They're coming to Christianity in droves because men like this young man are telling them they dont have to give up their sin.


This is for everyone who believes Brandon is correct.

Romans 16:17-18
I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive


For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, and wanting their ears tickled they will accumulate teachers in accordance with their own desires and turn their ears away from the truth and towards a myth


Jesus said many will say to me on that day. Jesus said, “Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’” (Matthew 7:23). This will be Brandon if he does not repent.


"Are adultery and bestiality only wrong in terms of idolatrous practice?" That destroys Brandan's argument, even if it won't convince him.


Repent Brandan, with love- Pastor Brad, Alberta Canada🙏


This was a fast debate! Dr Brown is exquisite in debate. Clear and precise! Thank you for fighting for God’s design.


Lord Jesus, please help this man bow his heart to you and repent of his sin, just like we all do.


The reason why all sexual immorality is idolatry, is because Yahweh's only normative form of sexuality is found in Genesis 2:24 "Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh."


And another thing, Brandon doesn’t understand the relationship between a husband and a wife is a picture of the bride of Christ the church


Dr Brown: Verses, verses, verses, biblically sound and accurate.
Brandan: Love me, love me, very cleverly and conveniently wrong deceit and depraved in his own arguments, not a single verse, so the Bible is not his authority but his "new" revelation of the "truth"


The cornerstone of Brandan's argument is vanity.


Jesus didn’t come into the world to condemn but to save (John 3:17). Just because He didn’t condemn homosexuality it doesn’t mean He agreed with it. Repeatedly Jesus said to sinners: go and sin no more


I love michael brown. So loving. He debates the issue, not the person. So wise.


Wow denial or what he 'll face the Lord Jesus one day let him argue his way out of his sin and face kingdom authority I hope he finds the truth Amen.


Next time someone asks me the definition of cherry picking, I’m going to give them Brandan’s name.


a sinful nature is our identity, Brandan. An identity that God is making new through the process of sanctification. Being white is a part of your identity that God doesn't ask you to change because it's an accidental, amoral quality. Homosexual desires may be a part of your identity, just like heterosexual desires are part of 99% of heterosexual male identity. However, what we do with our desires is the issue. Lustful desires, outside of the bonds of marriage (see Gen. 2:24 for a definition of marriage), and especially physical sexual encounters outside of marriage, are something we are expected to deny. Jesus said, "if your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out!" This is a clear statement prohibiting sexual immorality, regardless of our identity as heterosexual or homosexual. In fact, Brandan, this is a clear example of Jesus commanding us to "deny our identity, " when that identity is sinful.


When Paul ( mentioning homosexuality) says that it's wrong in the eyes of God he says clearly that in the beginning God's intention when he created man was for him to have a female companion and that anything else besides that it would be a pervertion of God's design.

In the beginning God created man and woman because he had a plan for them and Paul clearly stated that plan.Christ then said "Man will then find a suitable female and leave his father and mother to form a family of his own", that's God's way but this perverted young man wants to change God's ways and original plan to suit his own ways which are motivated by his own feelings and carnal desires!.

The act of homosexuality in itself is perversion and sinful independently on the context which is performed, if this lost gay pastor can not see the difference it is because he is not allowing the word of God to speak😢😢😢
