Roundtable: Brown & Storms vs. Peters & Osman

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Every book in the New Testament, with the exception of Philemon, contains warnings about false teachings. Wolves in sheep's clothing pose a real threat to believers, and Scripture teaches us to mark and avoid them (Romans 16:17-18). However, there is substantial disagreement within the church regarding the biblical definitions of a "false teacher" and "false prophet". This debate is tied to differing views on the nature and continuation of the Holy Spirit's gifts, particularly the gifts of healing, prophecy, and tongues.

In a four-hour roundtable discussion, Justin Peters, Jim Osman, Michael Brown, and Sam Storms sit down to discuss these disagreements in person for the first time. We trust that this conversation will edify the body of Christ and provide clarity on these divisive, yet critical, issues.

Note: This roundtable discussion was recorded on April 1, 2023, six months before the news related to Mike Bickle's sexual abuse became public. Sam Storms' and Michael Brown's joint-statement can be read at 53:25.

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If you can't call Hinn a false teacher then no one can be called a false teacher


I used to be epileptic, having seizures all over the place.

A man of God pray for me and I haven’t have a seizure in 26yrs.

My faith in God was none existing at that time. The man had faith and God heard and answer his prayer.

We lived in a fallen world and God never promise us a pain, disease, sickness free life. God can use your sickness / disease to reach millions of people and bring many to salvation. Or He can use your sickness / disease to reach just one person. Or God can use your sickness / disease to draw you closer to Him in relationship.

God is good and perfect whether He heal or does not heal.

Trust. Believe. Obey
Leave the rest to God.
Amen to His way.


I love that 4 great men who love Christ and are committed to spreading the gospel can sit down together and calmly and respectfully discuss their differences. Great respect. 😊


I hail from South Africa and there were times when access to healthcare was out of reach for many of us. However, during those times, we learned to rely on the power of prayer and witnessed miraculous healings repeatedly. This I know!


I grew up Pentecostal and I didn’t even know how to get saved until I got out of that church. Charismatics, for the most part, not all, do not teach salvation correctly. I thought I had to get saved every week. I never had assurance. Every sermon was one, maybe two verses and then tons of screaming and telling stories. People would say it was a great service if it was just shouting, speaking in “tongues” running the isles. I needed sound, line by line biblical teaching and God finally gave me that.


I was in the Bethel movement and it was because someone did their research, rebuked their false teachings, and proved why it was false, that I got out and was led to the truth. For Sam to say that Justin needs to stop watching videos from false teachers is wrong. Thank you Justin for your hard work in fighting for the truth of scripture.


If it weren’t for Justin Peters teaching me about false teachers and their teachings I would still be on the path to hell. Calling out false teachers by name and calling out their teachings are necessary and commanded by scripture:


Gentle Men you're doing a great job. I love the level of maturity and sobriety both sides have exhibited in the dialogue. In my opinion this is the kind of conversation we need. So helpful, informative and friendly. May God continue to give you more grace to continue educating us in truth. God bless you.


Upon hearing Justin’s description of how Benny Hinn taught the 9-member godhead, Storm’s replies, “But do you know his heart?” Using this metric we can’t call ANYONE a false teacher/prophet. Storms needs to provide biblical proof for his metric of discerning a false teacher. We know a tree by its fruit and we test every teaching to God’s revealed truth (Scripture). How can we claim to know someone’s heart? 2 Cor. 11:13-15 “For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness.”


No matter how clear the evidence is they still refuse to denounce these false teachers.


Storms: "Bickle is my best friend in this world... I know this man to the depth of his soul." If this debate is about discernment, which it is, debate over.


We need more of these “Roundtables”! A+!!!


I think this was one of the most respectful discussions between cessasionists and contiuationists I've heard.


I’m not a cessationist but I have no problem rebuking Benny Hinn. How can anyone defend him


Finished all in one take…man…I’m glad this happened and more conversations with Gospel Centered Continuationists and Cessationists needs to happened. #TogetherForTheGospel


Oh I love Justin Peters so much. The unbelief on his face sometimes when they defend all the lunacy is very entertaining, and I feel for him.


Thank you Justin peters such a joy to hear you and jim stand firm on the Word of God.


Man this conversation was so important. We definitely need more of these with guys like John MacArthur, Piper, Michael Brown and Storms. As someone who grew up in the Pentecostal church for the first 20 years of my life to now having been in a reformed church for the last 1 year this was very fruitful for me to watch. I see both perspectives… God please help me with discernment


I saw a great miracle while watching this panel and it was the grace and patience that Justin and Jim showed.


I love to see the church have these godly dialogues. We need more of this.

“Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!”
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭133‬:‭1‬ ‭ESV‬‬

To God be the glory.
