11 Rookie Workout Mistakes You Should Avoid

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How to workout properly for beginners? Why do we go to the gym regularly and don’t get the desired results? We often make many mistakes in the gym during our workouts that stand in the way of being healthy.
Did you know that doing exercises in a wrong way is even worse than doing nothing at all? In this video, we collected the 11 most common workout mistakes that you should avoid! Remember: the devil is in the detail.

Long cardio workouts 0:48
Low-calorie diet 1:24
Not sleeping enough 1:55
Sports drinks with electrolytes 2:17
Eating more 2:52
Working out on an empty stomach 3:17
Going to the sauna after a workout 3:50
Using a scale 4:11
Not hiring a fitness trainer 4:37
Not cooling down 5:12
Daily workouts 5:40

- The average duration of a cardio training should be around 30 minutes. Start small and gradually build your way up. This way you will know your limits and keep your heart safe.
- To get the necessary fats, protein and carbohydrates for your body, eat more salmon and avocado. These products have enough fats, but they are healthy and non-destructive.
- Not sleeping enough means lower physical performance and slower recovery. And when you feel tired, there is no point in going to the gym.
- Many people think drinking water when exercising is wrong, but you are not one of them, right? Don’t torture yourself by not drinking any water. During a workout, your body actively loses a lot of fluids.
- If you want to keep your weight in check or even decrease it, you have to eat right and stay away from empty calories.
- If you don’t want to lose consciousness in the gym, eat 2 hours before exercising. 2 hours is enough for the body to digest the food to the point when you are already not feeling sleepy and not hungry yet.
- A hot bath or a sauna can be very dangerous for your heart and blood vessels. So if you want to wash off the sweat, take a warm shower instead.
- You can comfort yourself with this thought: muscles weigh more than fat. So, maybe the fat you wanted to burn turned into muscles?
- Trainers are usually great motivators. Besides, their job is to develop a training program that fits your needs and your physical capacity. A professional trainer can make sure you do all exercises correctly and don’t harm yourself accidentally.
- Don’t forget to take a few minutes to stretch after a workout. It will reduce the pain in the muscles and make your recovery much faster.
- If you work out every day, you will feel exhausted, and your muscles won’t have enough time to recover. Ironically, daily workouts lead to the increase of cortisol in your body.

Do you know any other workout mistakes that we should avoid in the gym? Share them in the comment section below!

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“Choose between a tasty burger or a beautiful body”.

Why can’t I have both?!? 🤪


"Not sleeping enough" me: *looks at time and it's **1:10** am*


"Don't be cheap" 😂 As if we don't want to spend our imaginary money


11. Doing too much cardio
10. Low calorie diet
9. Not sleeping enough
8. Sports drink with electrolytes
7. Eating more
6. Working out on an empty stomach
5. Going to the sauna after a workout
4. Using a scale
3. Not hiring a fitness trainer
2. Not cooling down
1. Daily workout


One big mistake a lot of people make is... Not Warming up before a run or any other cardio workout. It can cause a lot of muscle fatigue and also injuries


The biggest mistake is not working out.


Not hiring a fitness trainer is a "mistake"? Shove it


Maybe it's just me, but I feel like I have much more energy and endurance whenever I workout on an empty stomach than when I eat before a workout. Even if I wait the 2 hours after eating.


Then give me the money for the trainer.


But I feel sooo much better working out everyday, so don’t tell me to stop


I won't get a trainer, i just don't like getting screamed at while trying to concentrate, it distracts me. I can push myself even harder alone


NOT EVERYONE CAN AFFORD A TRAINER, KAREN. I can't even afford a set of weights how am I gonna pay a TRAINER. I work out in a GARAGE KAREN CUT ME SOME SLACK.... KAREN


Definitely agree, stretching and proper sleep for recovery are some of the most overlooked aspects of fitness.


3 is actually bad advice. Most trainers are $100 to $900 a month. Most people can't afford one, if they don't have the means. It's not a cheap thing if you can't afford one. It's that simple.

If you can afford one, then hire one, if you can't then that's fine. Become your own trainer. There are videos on YouTube that would help you complete a workout effectively. Also listen to upbeat music and follow the rhythm of that music can help, also set a goal and put that goal on a timer. Let's say you want to do 100 pushups in 2 minutes. It can be done, start timer and work at it, but go at a pace that works with you. Don't go too fast that you won't feel the burn. You can get to 100, but it may not be that day, if you can only do 50 in two minutes and you've done your best than the next time set the goal to 60 and above and repeat pushing yourself further.

If you lack discipline to complete the workout and don't have the means for a trainer, invite a friend to workout with or to motivate you. If you lack the support then purchase workout videos. $40 is cheaper than $100 a month. Be sure to do some research. Some workout techniques may not work with you.

So Bright Side, or whoever is this narrator, please don't guilt trip your viewers. There are a few flaws in your video. #3 is the biggest one.


I dont agree 100% with the statement about cheating yourself at the gym when youre tired, i find that when im tired and i go to the gym it boosts my energy and helps me complete my workout and my day feeling less tired but of course sleep is super important!!!


One other thing is not doing enough stretches before and after workouts ...🍁🌹🍁


*You lost me somewhere between the words gym and workout.*


I do workout everyday except for Sunday. I do pecs/glutes Mon Wed Fri and Arms, shoulders, back/core Tues Thurs Sat This has has improved my health and strength tremendously as well as my physical appearance over the past 2 years


I got a full workout reading the comments. I’m sure my brain is stronger now. Bring on the exams!!!


Tasty Hamburger or beautiful body... Hmmmm I'm going to go with the hamburger
