What your employer legally can't do Part 2 - Employment Law Show: S5 E30

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WHAT YOUR EMPLOYER LEGALLY CAN'T DO PART 2 on the Employment Law Show with employment lawyer Lior Samfiru. Discover your workplace rights and learn everything you need to know about employment law in Ontario, British Columbia and Alberta on Season 5 Episode 30 of the only employment law show on TV in Canada.

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0:00 - Intro

🔹 Employee rights and COVID-19 vaccines - 1:45
Vaccinations are becoming a common concern, particularly whether or not an employer can mandate COVID-19 vaccinations. Can employers force employees to be vaccinated?

📞 Terminated due to COVID-19 and offered less severance - 5:51

❓ Fired for cause for due to a failure to perform - 8:13

▶️ What your employer legally can’t do - Part 2

1️⃣ Force you to accept a new employment contract - 12:28

2️⃣ Treat you like a contractor when you are actually an employee - 14:26

3️⃣ Withhold pay or take money from your paycheque - 15:54

4️⃣ Fire you for cause if you haven’t committed serious misconduct - 17:37

5️⃣ Discriminate against you in the workplace - 18:51

6️⃣ Give you less severance than what the law says you are owed - 19:57

📞 Asking for an update on employee's mental health leave - 21:18
EMPLOYMENT LAW SHOW Caller: An employee has been off for a week to deal with panic attacks. As the week comes to an end, do I have the right to ask her for an update on her status?

📞 Significant decrease in salary and severance - 24:30
EMPLOYMENT LAW SHOW Caller: My employer wants to transfer me to accept a new contract for a different job within the company. My pay will drop from six figures down to under $100,000. I’ve been there for 8 years. How will this affect my severance pay?

📱 Pocket Employment Lawyer - 26:33
I've worked for 8 years with a company and have a salary of six figures. What should my severance be?

❓ A refusal to accommodate by an employer - 27:18


#EmploymentLawShow #SeverancePay #SamfiruTumarkin #EmploymentLawyer
Рекомендации по теме

This lawyer explains the employment law principles very well.


I been let go cause I was bullied by the kitchen manger and wrote a email stating of the harrsament for last 6 months and I made multiple complains to my owner and never been told that there was an investigation or anything. last thrus (1-4-23) I wrote to the owner of an another accident involving the bully and me and also how I been seeing a therapist and got meds for my anxiety and how he never did anything about it and his only reply was we talk on Sunday. then Sunday I go in to work and worked all day and he sat me down and told me that I am not a good fit for this location after 2 years of employment at same location.
I was also demoted on november for no reason at all and only got 2 days noticed and went back to serving. I now know I have rights there for sure and went from 60 hrs a week to 25 hrs week plus tips. ham basically 300/ pay less and approx 400 less a week in tips. I feel that I am in the right to call an employment lawyer fro constructive dismissal and my human rights for the bull. I'm I correct? will I have a case??


I wish they would do a segment in the show where they cover employment contracts and how they can minimize your right to severance. My former employer had a clause stating that I only get minimum entitlement. I was employed for two years and according to ESA I do not qualify for severance because I would have had to be there for 5 years. This clause feels like a predatory practice by employers that is being allowed.
