AITA for telling my parents they repulse me and informing their friends the reason after learning

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AITA for telling my parents they repulse me and informing their friends the reason after learning they had harassed my late wife to write letters to our kids before she died?

I (28m) was married to Amy for 6 years and we had 3 children together. Our sons are now 10 and 8 and our daughter is 6. Amy passed away 2 years ago from cancer. She was sick for a little over a year and at a terminal diagnosis for 8 months. I helped care for Amy at home with the help of her family (her mom, four siblings and even her grandparents) before she died. And her death appeared peaceful. But Amy's twin Ivy recently discovered that toward the end Amy had been dealing with some crap... curtsey of my parents.

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NTA if your if your parents got harassed a dying woman they do not need to be near you or your children


There’s nothing wrong with moving on- but that is NOT what this is- this is sick. She wasn’t even dead yet, and the family no time to mourn.


NTA. This is the most convoluted way that those psychopaths could say "we no longer wish to be part of you or your childrens' lives from this point onward".


NTA. First of all, I'm so sorry for your loss. The pain of losing someone, especially the love of your life, is unimaginable. Your parents and siblings are AH. They are sick and twisted. You wouldn't be blamed if you went NC with all of them. What they did was vile and abhorrent. You had EVERY RIGHT to call them out on it. The way your parents and siblings gaslit you just shows how sick, twisted, and guilty they all are. Your children should not be around that kind of toxic behavior.


That is truly demonic and is not gonna be a good look for them at the pearly gates ...


I’ve seen where the dying mom/wife does exactly this, even writing letters to the new wife and for kids milestones. But that’s not something you can force anyone to do, it has to come from within.


Isn’t it funny how when the parent’s friends find out what they did to a dying woman it’s “humiliating” sounds like they knew what they were doing was wrong. Keep your kids far away from them.


NTA if they were embarrassed by OP telling their friends about their own actions against a dying woman. It was their actions then it is on them. Consequences for horrible actions can suck. Deal with it.


What I don't understand is why the wife didn't say something to OP when it was happening so he could get his parents to stop.


There is nothing wrong with being angry at the parents. In there minds they were putting their son first. But by doing that they acted immorally, harassing a dying woman. They decided to compromise on their morals and as such shouldn't be surprised when they are judged for it.


The woman body ain’t even cold and they’re already pushing the narrative to get remarried. What the fuck is wrong with people. them kids are fine, allow them to weep for their mother allow Op to morn his wife like damn. Old generation needs help badly thinking getting remarried instantly would help the kids, it won’t.
