Founder of Satanist Church of South Africa Gives His Life to Jesus!

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Wow! A kind of "wake up call" for Christians. He said "I felt her unconditional love." We need to call out sin but we also need to show sinners the love of Jesus.


I have been a “Christian” all my life…… but i just recently started acting Christian and praising him and god has been good. Pray for me plz!❤❤❤❤


You can tell someone about Jesus all day long but when He reveals Himself it is life changing!


"And lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.” Amen. Christ be with you my brothers and sisters


When I got convicted by God I was so sensitive to the Holy Spirit that I would immediately start crying. This powerful conviction lasted for 5 days. After that, it subsided and my life began to change in every which way to the glory to God. Since then I've never been the same man. He's a loving God! Hallelujah


I always get so much joy seeing people give testimony of meeting Jesus, but this guy is just precious. So happy for him!


Praise God 🙏 I was a witch and Satanist...I came from a Christian background too. I had no plans on being a Christian . I was going to get married and the only way I could do it was in a church I lived in a small town and Enterprise Oregon. I told the pastors I was a witch...I was honest.. they were so freaked out there was no way I was going to tell them I was a Satanist. One pastor agreed to do it . He came to our house and talked with us. Something that day changed me... He didn't run away!!! A day later I gave my life to God and my husband did too!!!


I used to be a witch and a Satanist and when I was saved by Jesus I not only saved by His grace and mercy but He chose me to serve Him. Thank you Lord for saving me from my destructive life and for setting me straight.


“The kingdom of God is not a gated community” Amen to that brother🙏🏿🙏🏿


God is doing exactly what He said He would do, He is reaching the lost with His love and power...Glory be to the Lord God Almighty!!!! Who was and is and is to come, HALLELUJAH


WOW.. I had the exact same experience with God, as this former satanist. My story was that I going through my last term of confirmation class in a small Lutheran church that I grew up in. I was a 'good' girl, only 14 years old, and still young and tender. One day I was sitting in church writing sermon notes, when suddenly Holy Spirit came over me. He filled me with God's unconditional love for me, and it was so overwhelmingly beautiful and all so encompassing, like it had no end, that it was beyond words. I knew it was God; He made Himself known to me, and I could only sit there and let His love wash over and fill me and be in awe and wonder. This happened for 4 Sundays in a row, and on the 2nd Sunday I went from sitting at the very back row of the church to boldly moving to sit at the very front row. I was very shy. I can only explain this by the power of God's love and I wanted more. My ears and my eyes wanted to see and hear more of Him. I became a believer, as a result, and was saved. This proves exactly what the ex-satanist's revelation was - that the Kingdom of God is not a gated community, but it's open to everybody; to every whosoever will receive Him! He invites us to come as we are with open arms! Praise God for His mercy and grace through Jesus Christ that the conviction of His lovingkindness touched this man and brought him to repentance! Glory to God! დ🙏😊

*For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. (Ephesians 2:8-9)*


i used to be a satanist too and now im a christian ❤️ Praise Jesus

some of these comments are annoying
im a christian yes and im baptized
im an orthodox christian


All heaven is rejoicing over you my brother. Praise God for your beautiful testimony. Father, may we all be like Your lady servant who looked beyond the exterior and showed him Your unconditional love which brought Him to You.. HALLELUJAH! All of hell is quaking for God will use you brother to reach that sector to bring many out of bondage. All praise, glory and honor to our KING of Kings and LORD of Lords. God bless you brother with Holy Spirit 🔥 ❤️


“The kingdom of God is not a gated community, it is open to everybody”….. LOVE IT!!!
I know this doesn’t mean that everybody gets to go into heaven and that all roads lead to heaven… This means that whatever you were before Christ does not exclude you from truly repenting and being a true follower of Christ and as a new creation, you can go in through the narrow gate.
Just pray he is genuine in his repentance and persistent in a true walk with the Lord from now on... even the demons believe and tremble...


I am so overwhelmed by how wonderful God is through this man! His words truly have penatrated my ❤️! God is absolutely 💯 GOOD!!


This made me cry!!!! I am soooo happy he get to know THANK YOU JESUS FOR SAVING THIS MAN AND MANY OTHERS!!!


What an amazing testimony! Lord use this man’s testimony to bring others to you.


That was one of the most powerful testimonies I ever heard. It’s NEVER to late


Tears in my eyes. It's so good to see His mercy pouring out on people. Thank you Father for saving this man. We all love you so much.


This is a powerful testimony!
When he spoke about not feeling worthy, I felt it deeply.
I know how it feels, I’ve felt it for a very long time… actually most of my life.
People don’t think Christians struggle, but we do.
I thank God for sending his Son, to save all who would believe 🙏
