Composition workshop 1 with Valérie Philippin and Eva Reiter at LOD music theatre

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Monday 9th December 2013 - Friday 13th December 2013
LOD music theatre, Ghent

During this first workshop, the composers worked with the four highly experienced singers of VOCAALLAB (high soprano, mezzo/alto, low tenor, baritone) and Eva Reiter (viola da gamba, Paetzold bass recorder) on their pieces. The singers also presented topics from older and contemporary repertoire, in order to study and compare this material, to share their experiences, and show them different ways of singing and writing for the voice, including topics like the use of text, the different styles of vocalization (from bel canto to traditional or popular voices, world music, noises and new sounds made possible by amplification, the voice as pure instrument, speaking and transitioning from speaking to singing).

© Pascal Poissonnier
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