Why you SUCK at DUELIST (and how Pros do it)

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Learning to play Duelist from Fnatic Derke.


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I love how Derke advices us that you shouldnt go for more kills and yet, when you see him play he always goes for more kills lol


make life easier for team
by creating space, seeking advantages etc

1. Get to know your agent
2. Play with your team (combo utils)
3. Man advantages (dont be greedy in a man up scenario)
4. Look at enemy team comp (analyze utility usage and act accordingly); (break util and reposition instead of repeeking
5. Be Everywhere (change pathing, think of possible gaps and entries)
6. Would you rather kill a jett or a omen? (prefer killing agents with more valuable util)
7. Entrying (dont be scared to go first, ask for flashes and utils, dont push too far afterwards)
8. Find a duo and learn stuff together in customs
9. ?
10. Routine ( have a daily warmup routine and follow thoroughly)
bonus maintain consistent settings


My biggest thing was finding the right amount of focus. You’re a zombie if you focus too little, but overthink when you focus too much. You gotta find the zone


I pick duelist not with the dream of top fragging, but out of frustration with playing Viper: Nobody enters out of my smokes, I always have to do it myself.
Well, if I am forced to be the first contact, at least I will play an agent with tools to help me with that role, and hope that whatever smokes my team mates place are good enough.


Derke is nuts. Confidence is a big point I'd like to add. Literally being confident in your abilities and being able to confidently communicate will make it easier for EVERYONE.


Then you have the insta lock duelist who should have chosen KillJoy: Never enters first, never uses any utility to break in, he is always "watching the back" two steps away from the KJ turret.

Then when his 4 team mates have died, decides to go in the site, and maybe takes a couple of kills of people bee lining one by one to try to kill him. The round is lost anyway, and the economy of the enemy team is so strong that those kills do not matter at all, but he will still write "wtf I am top fragging what is my team doing trash team".


The one about which characters are more valuable is pretty important. Like as an astra player its important to stay alive as long as possible so you can help your team with util for as long as possible, more so than a jett because jett's util is great for her but not as great for the team and her job is to take risks anyway. Cypher is also really important to stay alive because he has a lot of map control just by existing. So your cypher dying is a big weakness for your team.

But most of the time character's aren't that much more important than others. It just depends on the situation. Its like if you are a sage player and are deciding who to res.


I'm proud to have been following the 5th point pretty well. My last 3 sens chnages were 0.35 to 0.27 800dpi while being drunk over a year ago, 0.27 to 0.135 at 1600 dpi and my last change is to 0.272 (800dpi, 2khz). I got my hyperpolling dongle for my v2 pro and 0.272 is almost exactly 60cm/360


I agree to a certain extent because it really only applies at a certain elo tho where your tm8s can "use" and play off of your role.
I have seen some duelist doing the "right thing" in lower elos but their tm8s could/would not follow them on entry if their life depended on it.


The issue with this is that when climbing out of low elo, I was playing duelist/controller/initiator omen on my own, using blinds to take info with enemy noise when they’d run, smoking off the site, and using tp to break through defense. It’s actually wild how hard it is for duelists in low elo


Ask for util is great advice; unfortunately you might sometimes run into teammates with so much PTSD from baiting duelists that literally refuse to even give you time to go in first. I can't tell you how many times I've been playing Jett or Raze and a teammate (not on duelist) runs through the choke point without letting go of W the entire round up to that point. Meanwhile I'm looking at the map and trying to ask my initiators for util.


I don't care about this game as much, but these videos are still entertaining. Thankyou Valorant Ascended.


Me wanting to play duelist bc after playing valo for quite some time, i should actually treat the game as it is, a shooting game, i main kj and all i do is put all my utilities and hide in a place, i sometime don't even look for angles or anything, just hide and hope my nanoswarms or turret can kill someone, i wanna actually learn to, you know, shoot someone and actually walk around the map instead of know the main entry to the site, i literraly don't know what the mid of each maps look like


"Don't Roza your ult" lmao good one


This video explains that it is not easy to play dualist and somehow it is still the most popular role. This is the reason why i never mained dualist.


I peeked immo, now ascendant, big brain cypher main but sometimes I play duelist, with the make life easier for your team, it's a huge thing, you need to learn to adapt, you're having a bad game or u just seem unable to pick of enemies and die in your encounters? Offer yourself to run in first to get traded, set your other teammate thats performing well for success, destroy enemy util in their way if they're holding somewhere with op or smth, if it's possible use your util as much as u can, your astra stuck in a corner? Use that smoke flash or made to help them get out, as dreaded as it is go for that flank if u have a feeling but most importantly communicate wjat u wanna do, I'd youre going for the flank tell your team to not just rush but wait and avoid gunfights


Press your mic and say -> The Most difficult part of the game, everything else is secondary


I feel like every time i die as duelist without even getting some damage in makes me feel useless. But if i play too passively then I’m even more useless. Makes me think your better off just not playing duelist period.


the main job when my friends duelist is apparently lurk here, there, everywhere, never be with your team, etc.


Derke always has highest FK/FD than majority of other pro duelist, you can check stats in every match and thats insane
