Response to Jordan Peterson on climate change | Paul Rosolie and Lex Fridman

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Paul Rosolie is a conservationist, explorer, author, filmmaker, real life Tarzan, and founder of Junglekeepers which today protects over 50,000 acres of threatened habitat.


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Guest bio: Paul Rosolie is a conservationist, explorer, author, filmmaker, real life Tarzan, and founder of Junglekeepers which today protects over 50, 000 acres of threatened habitat.


Straight speaking and realistic rather than political and ideological

This guy is great


Oh look, an ACTUAL environmentalist who isn't just posturing to look good. Refreshing take


"Go vegan!" isn't a slogan targeting indigenous people and it's not about what you eat when you're in the jungle. The vast majority of the global population isn't surviving on local spider monkey meat. However, beef is in fact the biggest cause of deforestation and habitat loss in the Amazon which also affects indigenous people losing their homes and food sources. And don't forget that 90% of soy that's grown in Brazil and other countries is fed to livestock. And when you consider the trophic effect of agriculture, you realize that there's a massive difference between primary consumers and secondary consumers so skipping the middle man (animal protein) and consuming plants instead vastly reduces your impact.


Peterson is no doubt a brilliant psychologist, but I think the issue with him is the issue that happens to many smart people who specialize in one field. They think because they understand so much about one field, they must be intelligent enough to understand every issue, even ones they haven't researched deeply enough. I think Peterson is well-intentioned but misguided when it comes to climate change.


These are the conversations we need. I always say I am a 50 percent fan of Jordon Peterson.


This guy is cool, We need a discussion between him and peterson


Most people who dispute climate change experts is because they get lost in the graphs figures and statistics. It doesn't mean anything to them so it loses them. I found saying "lets not even talk about temperatures or CO2 and lets just talk plastic". You can see the millions of tons of plastic in the oceans and rivers, we have pictures and videos. It's very easy to see that we have a runaway problem with just plastic waste before discussing any other issues. The issue of plastics alone needs government level intervention. Obviously there are some health and safety aspects that plastic is used for but we need to stop companies wrapping bananas in plastic or making plastic 'disposable' products.


This guy is the way we all need to see the world. There is place for everyone here in this realm including humans.


I agree with Peterson's views on climate science. I also had my therapist conduct my open heart surgery.


”We’ve lost 70% of the wildlife on this planet in the last 50 years, that’s a huge problem.” HAHAHA that passage won the ‘understatement of the week’ award 😂


As an environmentalist for over 50 years, I've never considered myself "anti human". I think seeking to promote sustainable, responsible stewardship of the most precious planet, and all it's inhabitants, is fundamentally pro human. Somewhere between the alarmists and the deniers lies the truth. The problem with people like Jordan Peterson is that their sophistry bolsters the deniers.


This guy is disarmingly chill about being in the midst of an ecological collapse


I think Jordan Peterson needs to stick more to his domain. I don't think he has a good understanding of it. What I would like to see more of him is to explain some of the physiology behind why people have different views, and our biases. I would like him to try to explain why people do the things they do. Not talk about subjects outside of his expertise. Cause then hes just another 'popular person' on the internet influencing things he has no clue about.


Wow what an inspiring approach to talking about those you disagree with. It’s easy to believe that Paul strongly disagrees with JP. But Paul’s approach is to lean INTO JP with compliments and focusing on what they agree on. Paul expresses admiration.


With all due respect, this guy is not a climate scientist - Lex should definitely talk to one. I find there is a lot of quite vague talk here. Yes, it's sad that kids feel the desperate need to go 100% vegan/. But what is the conclusion? Is it their fault? Or maybe, just maybe, a reasonable conclusion would be that we should put hard pressure on policymakers and corporations to drastically reduce their carbon emissions, which we know is the cause of the atmospheric imbalances and hence the accelerating warming? Because the latter is NOT what Jordan Peterson is doing. He has an enormous audience, and on climate change, he's using it to spread confusion and idleness. I don't particularly blame him as he is not a climate scientist, but then he should admit his ignorance.

It's ironic that he's talking about the importance of "making your bed" and taking responsibility in terms of lifestyles, while not applying the same logic to the environment - including the climate.


Spend enough time on YouTube and you could be forgiven for thinking JP is the only well spoken intelligent person out there. But that's a distortion of the internet. In the larger world where people are doing research, writing reports and making legislation, no one is taking into account what JP has to say. In fact most people working in that space don't even know (or care) who he is.


they almost discussed climate change science.


Economist here.
I spent years in Indonesia, and I learned something there. Without wealth, there is little room for much concern for the environment. If your children are starving, literally the last thing on your mind is the protection of the environment.

Capitalism builds wealth. If you destroy capitalism you will destroy the environment.
Read the great book, "Ecocide in the USSR" which chronicles the horrendous environmental record of the Soviet Union. Indeed, the authors argue that was the primary reason for its demise.

The solution is capitalism and properly institutionalized markets, not a return to stone knives.


A great guest with tons of integrity. Thanks for having him on!
