California Dreamin'

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You realize you're getting old when you read comments from people telling about their fathers and grandfathers participating in the same war that you did. Sadly, many of your fellow soldiers and brothers didn't get to be old. I miss them so much, it breaks my heart.


My father was Vietnamese, and he died in this war at a young age. This song really reminds me of him, may all of your fathers/grandfathers rest in peace.


My grandpa was a F4 pilot. I learned all the aviation things from him. RIP grandpa, i miss you and your stories. A wise sentence from my grandpa:
War is hell, its not like in the movies or games, that feeling cant be explained. When you see your fellow soldiers dead bodies and shocked troops, you understand how deep it is.


My father was Army Airborne in Vietnam from '68-'69, and I have to say, this hits hard. He never talked to me about his time there really. I can only imagine what he saw and endured.
RIP, dad. I miss you.


Me and my dad always used to listen to this song together. He had cancer and died when i was only 5. He was such a legend, a bit of an older man but with an energy of a teenager. May he rest in peace.


My father was a Vietnam vet, he passed in February. He had me in his mid-40s and was significantly older than my peers' fathers. We both had a fascination with history and one of my favorite things was asking him about the past, as well as the war. He was always willing to talk and I learned so much from him. My heart breaks now whenever I want to ask a question only he could answer.
I miss you Dad, until we meet again.


There is some thing about this song, a melancholy which suits perfectly for situations like this. Good work.


My grandpa served in Vietnam he never liked to talk about it much which is understandable but as he got older he told me stories… I guess to him it felt good to finally talk about his experiences rather than bottle them up for so long one story still sticks with me

He was with his platoon… it was raining like hell and they were doing Standard patrol duty, all of the sudden the crack of a rifle and a bullet pierced through the helmet of the guy in front of him, He died instantly, someone obviously yells out “CONTACT RIGHT!” And next he knows he’s in a shallow ditch on the side of the road getting shot at from who knows where. At one point he peeked his head over for a split second and a bullet banged his helmet luckily it missed but it did leave a bullet hole there. He clutched his M-16 and fired back just spraying into the trees hoping to hit something. Soon someone else was wounded… he called out to my grandfather “TEX COME HELP ME PLEASE!” (My grandfathers nickname was Tex since in his platoon there were few texans and in his squad he was the only one) he runs over and tries his best to treat his wound but at some point the guy looks up at him and says in a weak and faint voice “Tex… I’m cold… I miss my mama” as he died in his arms. He doesn’t remember anything after that he described it as just all a blur, sure he’d seen men die before I mean hell he just saw one man get shot in the head a few minutes ago. But he told me what made this different is that he never had to hold someone as they died… he felt a lot of guilt for not being able to save that guy. He finished his tour of duty and came back home… where he was mocked and called horrible names since he was told to go to Vietnam… he’s still alive today luckily and still tells me stories from time to time


"The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race." ~ Kaczynski John Theodore


In case you didn't know Vietnam Veterans, you are a special fiber of our society. Thank You.


My grandpa was deployed in West Germany during the Vietnam War, although he didnt fight there, he was a brave soldier.

Donald Cantwell


My neighbor served in Vietnam, no one asks him nor brings anything about war up to him. The guy is incredibly sweet and occasionally gives us bags of vegetables that he grows. Hes a happy guy simply living his life and I can respect it.


my grandpa served as a combat engineer in Vietnam and the only story he told me was about the time he was doing his job at a airfield that was taking heavy fire and one of the Hueys got shot down with 3 men inside, they all died is what he told me and it sent chills down my spine and he has never told me anything else since then. Thank you to all who server their country's!


how it feels to be in school in the final few weeks


My grandfather was a seal in Vietnam, he passed recently and I'm pretty sure he liked this song, I miss him man. God rest his soul


my grandpa was drafted into the navy during vietnam. i don’t recall he ever saw any action or fighting. but i can assume he may have been off the coast of vietnam watching the F-4’s take off on bombing missions and such. but where i work i see plenty of vietnam vets and it always reaches my deepest interest to know what their experiences were like. everyone from that time of history has a story and i would love to hear them all.


Still amazes me what humans will do to each other


my uncle was a solider during Vietnam. he got home a few days before July 4th. he was such a nice man. but after getting home he was changed. still so nice but would never even speak about the hell we experienced. I miss him so much even tho I didn't know him very well myself


This song gives me goosebumps everytime.


Crazy story from my uncle who was Recon in the Marine Corps during the Vietnam war. He was set to have his son in a few months and his superiors denied him from going back to Vietnam with his team due to the fact of his son being born soon. A few months go by and all his buddies deploy, within a week all 7 of his friends were killed in Vietnam. Crazy too think my uncle wouldn’t have been here to this day most likely if it wasn’t for his son being born when he was. He always tells me that story ever since I was a young boy and it’s always made me wonder what if. WAR IS HELL
