14 Red Flags in Job Interviews That Mean You Should Get Out of There ASAP - (And how to spot them)

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In this video, I cover interview red flags for candidates. While they can be hard to spot interview red flags exist and ignoring job interview flags can often lead you to a bad career move. Whether it's a toxic culture, bad benefits, or a bad boss, knowing potential employer red flags gives you the best chance to avoid them!

By the end of this video I will have given you 14 red flags in job interviews that mean you should get out of there ASAP! You will know what to look for, how to spot them and I will let yu handle the rest!




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I'd add a 15th red flag - Including a lengthy assignment as part of the interview process. Asking you to do unpaid work shows a lack of respect and consideration for your time and the other things you have going on in your life.


I had a recent on site interview, manager says to me " We wear a lot of hats". Then he showed me the desk I would be working out of, it was a disorganized mess. I asked about the previous employee, the Manager simply said, "Oh it didn't work out". He never explained why it didn't work out.


In all my interviews, I am heavily scanning the interviewer, how they dress, how they talk to me. Body language etc, I ask them very specific questions to see if they will do something stupid like reveal how much of a micromanaging lunatic they are. You would be very surprised how many red flags you can grab by asking for specific questions and listening to their responses. Some red flag key words for you guys.

“Work hard play hard” = overworked and if we have activities you are forced to join or we will make you want to quit.

“Company culture” = a company that overly talks about this is cult like, if you don’t fit in. They will fire you.


“We are like a family here” = we will be the first to side with each other and throw you under the bus.

Ask them questions that you would know if they are a bad boss they will get hostile with you in the interview. Test them. Watch out for that hive mind behavior also.


If a job wants you to do a one-way interview. I assume it's a trash company. You tell me I am putting in work outside an application and I can't ask questions? hell nah


Interview processes that take longer than 2 weeks. Only red flag you need


There are other red flags:

1. Presenting your with a 'so called' fictitous business-problem scenario that could actually apply to the company in reality, and asking how you would go about resolving it. All they are doing is looking for free input - a free consultation. They probably have someone lined up for the job elsewhere.

2. Being vague about why your position is being filled to avoid telling you about high staff turnover rates.


There is nothing wrong with job hopping in this current job market. Any employers that rules out a potential employee because of short term employment are probably toxic and there is no long term employment prospects.


I had an interview last week where the manager gave me the opportunity to talk to the girl in the office and she said, without even looking up from her screen, "don't talk to me, I'll tell you how shit it is". He tried again and she shook her head. I said, she looks really busy, perhaps I should leave her be" and she nodded with a sarcastic smile, still hadn't looked up. She basically undid an hour's worth of a good interview with a nice manager. Still no word from them, and I'm glad, cos I don't want the job now! Imagine working with her all week!


WOW! I am currently looking for a better job due to these many RED FLAGS I was unaware of. I am grateful for the information provided here and hope that I can make a better decision in the future!


I worked at the University of Minnesota for many years. Terrible employer for administrative employees. People get locked into their positions and it's almost impossible to move up, receive training, or even hang on to one's job from year to year. Hideous and oppressive.


High turnover is really common on glassdoor for companies. So many bad companies out there.


Giant red flag: interviewer is late run away


Ben thank you man I watched so many videos about this topic but yours is easy to understand I love all you’re videos cheers ❤


I recently had an interview and thank God I watched this video before committing myself to some bs sweatshop. During interview there was hiring manager and his assistant or whoever she was. She didn't even say hello when I walked into the room. That assistant lady was just playing, texting with her phone whole time. My gut was telling me to get the hell outta there.

Chasing an employer isn't the only option today. I might be more suited for a freelance work.


Great videos, Ben!! I love all of your videos!!


Lack of diversity issue. I think it depends where the job is and type of job. If the company is located in a rural or small town that isn't socially diverse then that is just reflective of the town and no bearing on the company and their ethics. However, if I walked into a company in a more urban and diverse area and that isn't represented in the company, I would question the ethics of company. Especially if they have a history or trend of hiring a very specific and certain demographic (i.e. young white females, etc). I would question if they were hiring me based on my skills or simply as a "token" to give illusion that they're diverse. I would also question how co-workers/staff would treat me being an "outsider"? Will they treat me equally or be more critical of my work? A very slippery slope and political issue but important nonetheless.


Thank you for this video! Everything you said in this video is so true!


I questioned the same things and guess what got rejection. I would never have worked for them anyways. Culture is a good one because people stumble upon this and you guess it is CUT THROAT.


Hi Ben! I just found your video and I think it's very informative. I really like the idea of asking for a one-on-one with the team member for further discussion. I've never tried it before and now I put it in my questions list for the next interview.
