Memory - AQA Psychology in 22 MINS! *NEW* Quick Revision for Paper 1

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The multi-store model of memory: sensory register, short-term memory and long-term memory. Features of each store: coding, capacity and duration.
Types of long-term memory: episodic, semantic, procedural.
The working memory model: central executive, phonological loop, visuo-spatial sketchpad and episodic buffer. Features of the model: coding and capacity.
Explanations for forgetting: proactive and retroactive interference and retrieval failure due to absence of cues.
Factors affecting the accuracy of eyewitness testimony: misleading information, including leading questions and post-event discussion; anxiety.
Improving the accuracy of eyewitness testimony, including the use of the cognitive interview.
0:00 Intro
0:41 The multi-store model of memory
1:57 The multi-store model of memory - Evaluations
4:26 Types of long-term memory
5:34 Types of long-term memory - Evaluations
6:59 The working memory model
8:14 The working memory model - Evaluations
10:13 Explanations for forgetting
12:08 Explanations for forgetting - Evaluations
14:07 Accuracy of EWT
15:25 Accuracy of EWT - Evaluations
17:38 Improving the accuracy of EWT
18:31 Improving the accuracy of EWT - Evaluations
20:27 Outro