Why Mormon Baptisms DON'T COUNT w/ Stephen Johnson

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Stephen and Matt break down why the church has ruled Mormon baptisms are invalid

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Former LDS starting RCIA in the fall. I was really hoping that my baptism was valid lol. (Figured it wasn't).


This gentleman is very fascinating! I love his story, and I hope he comes back soon


I was raised in a devout multi-generation Mormon family and left as an adult after learning about Freemasonry. I heard a Muslim leader (sorry I forget what they are titled) say that Catholicism is the number one enemy of Freemasonry so I naturally felt led to find out what that was all about and now I am a convert to Catholicism. Thank you for having this guy on.


As a Protestant, I give a hearty Amen!!


Thank you. That was very informative.


Holdem up. Did you just say, you have to have intent, and cannot forcibly baptize. Don't Catholics baptize infants? How is that not a forced baptism?


If baptism against someone’s will is wrong, can you legitimately explain baptism for an infant? Coming from a Protestant raised from Catholic genealogy


Thank you for sharing this. ❤ Learn something new every day.


I dearly love my best friend's family, Mormons all. I have read and listened to a LOT of doctrinal books, sermons, the histories, etc.

It is good to hear Mr. Johnson's testimony here, I hear witness to Catholic Truth in love and charity to then and am sometimes baffled at how a person could accept some of the theology or metaphysics.


For an article explaining the CDF's decision on this question see "The Question of The Validity of Baptism Conferred in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints" by Fr. Luis Ladaria


As a member of the LDS faith, I am not surprised other churches would feel this way about the validity of our baptisms. We feel the same way about their baptisms. We absolutely need to own the fact that we have different doctrine and interpretations of the holy scripture. We feel that when someone desires to join the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints they need to be rebaptized if they were previously baptized into a different church. I am not offended or surprised by this, even though I don’t agree. We all have our agency to believe what we want to believe.


Fascinating, I would have thought it would be an authority argument.


It does not matter whether "the church" declares a baptism valid or not. It is wholly interpretation from abominable creeds and interpretations of man. That is all this is, interpretation of man.


Could you please then explain then why the Arian baptism (Arians believed Christ was a creature) was considered valid by the Church if the valid matter and form were used?


My friends,
As a Christian minister, please allow me to make the following true statements, to help you on your journey.
1. Christian baptism is not a sacrament. There are no sacraments in the church of the Lord Jesus Christ. New Testament baptism is how sinners are saved by the blood of Jesus Christ. It is how we obey the gospel and are converted.

2. There is no formula for baptism. The Bible says that we are to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of our sins.
Matthew 28:18, 19, Acts 2:38-40, 22:16, Mark 16:16, Titus 3:5, John 3:5, etc...

3. Mormons do not baptize in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, as the scripture teaches. They baptize according to what the Book of Mormon teaches in 3 Nephi, which is a doctrine of devils. They put their victim in the water, and they say, "By the authority of the name of Jesus Christ, I now baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." And then they dunk the victim under the water, without baptizing him in any name at all.

This is the deception of the Mormon church concerning baptism. They are not baptized in the name of the Lord, so they are not his, and they are still in their sins, and hellbound.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share these things with you according to God's word.



At the time Christ walked the earth, was there any one else offering baptism other than the one known as John the Baptist, to whom Christ went? Considering that John the Baptist was the one having authority to baptize The Christ, then there must be some significance in the appearance of the resurrection of the same John to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery and the words he spoke to them with hands laid upon their heads—
“Upon you my fellow servants, in the name of Messiah, I confer the Priesthood of Aaron, which holds the keys of the ministering of angels, and of the gospel of repentance, and of baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; and this shall never be taken from the earth, until the sons of Levi do offer again an offering unto the Lord in righteousness.”


Most Evangelicals don't believe that Baptism does anything. It's just an outward sign to them. They don't believe in Baptismal Regeneration. Wouldn't that mean that their intent is at odds with the Catholic Church?


Hey Matt i am a Mormon (A member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) and I wanted to say that I really enjoy your channel and many times your videos strengthen my testimony in Jesus Christ and in our Heavenly Father. I know your channel is for Catholics and I completely respect and support that. But I noticed that the times when someone on our show talks about mormon beliefs they tend to be missing information, be unclear, or have been cherry picked without context of which those beliefs come from. I just think it would be interesting if you invited an actual member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on to the podcast so that they could explain the beliefs and to make them clear for your audience. Now, I totally understand why you might not want that, because well, your a Catholic podcast, but I think it’s important to learn about the beliefs of a group by actually learning from that group. As a Latter-day Saint (Mormon) I find Catholicism interesting and some parts beautiful. But I don’t go to those who aren’t Catholics and ask them what Catholics or what the Roman Catholic Church believes, I ask a practicing Catholic. Anyways thanks Matt enjoy the podcast.


Why are there always join our
Israel church on a catholic podcast? Just a little sus


It's OK we done accept Catholic baptism
