10k pacing strategy. How fast should you run? 3 10k strategies for a new PB

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10k pacing strategy. How fast should you run? A no nonsense look at 3 strategies to nail your 10k pb and perfect your 10k race.

You've followed your 10k training plan and you're ready for race day. Even though a 10k is one of the shorter endurance running events it requires a clear pacing strategy in order to achieve your fastest time. Here we discuss three options as outlined by Steve Kalclash Fitness.

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I've found that something in between works well for me: fast first & last K, and a stable pace in between.
For a 39' 10K for instance: 3:50 on the first and last K, and 3:55 for Ks 2 to 8.


I just stay with the 50 minute pacers and then bolt off the last 400 meters 😂


My first 10k coming up this weekend.
- I've never run a race before.
- I've never run 10k before.
- Been running about a month total (but I've skip rope boxer style regularly for years)
- And my doing it in barefoot shoes.
My strategy: Just survive, really. I'll update you guys — normally or from beyond the grave.


Cheers for the Video Steve!

I too am a new Dad, my daughter just turned 1 and is teething like crazy, so I know how you feel in regards to sleep! My aims for this year is to get a sub 45 10K and sub 1:45 HM. I only started running last October, current best are 47mins and 1:48 (with IT Band Pain for last 5K). Still trying to figure out strategies, but tend to try and go for even pacing, but still finding my way! I'm hopeful I'll dip under 45mins by end of August, but lots of work to do before then!

Keep the great videos coming!


Got my 10k pb a few months ago, on a run I didn't think I'd do anything. Pb of 39.35 was 20 secs better than my previous with a 6.10 last mile my quickest.

Think I got it as I spotted a team mate at mile 4 and started drawing him in.

Usually I run off quick in the first mile due to adrenaline and the buzz of a race. It's then all about digging in and seeing how I do.

I didn't enjoy my last 2 10ks and was nearly a minute slower. This has given my confidence a dent but training is going well so hopefully I do better tomorrow as it's my local 10k on a flat course.


My average 10k run usually takes about 55 mins


i got my 10 K P.B. 34.52 with suicide pacing, 5.11 first mile then took as much pain as I could take! Last mile was very hard! Got all my short distance P.B.s this way.


Having tried all these tecnhniques and being a slow runner myself (PB 0:59) I came to the conclusion that technique number 1 is the best (to me). Whenever I go the the negative split, I simply don't have the necessary energy to go faster during the second 5k anyway. Yet, I try not to be too suicidal..NikoS, Greece (1 marathon, 8 half, 20 10ks). For the half the 3rd technique is the most efficient by far.


My go to strategy is an even pace with negative splits at the very end. Getting myself close to the finish line and then dropping the hammer when it’s time.


I did a 10k earlier this year and tried the suicide pace, did the first 5k faster than my current 5k race pace, really slowed for the last km as I was stuffed, still a great time and my best 10k time! I’ve done another 10k race since then, tried an even pace but was around 90s slower than the suicide pace race, I have another 10km race this weekend, guess what my strategy is going to be? 😂


My 10k PB is 40:04. 5k is 19:50 and half marathon is 1:31:47.


I don't normally post negative comments, but the advice here does very little to inform either people new to running or more experienced athletes. 'Suicide strategy' is painted as 'go as hard as you can from the gun' which even a newbie knows is foolish. The idea that doing the first half at your 5k pace then being able to hang on is simply impossible, I guess that's why it's immediately corrected to 'close to your 5k pace'. To give it macho value is even more childish. Negative splitting needs a lot of careful planning to get the pace change right, or else you leave yourself with too much to peg back in the second half. Maximum even splits is the best way to cover the distance in the shortest time, but how to achieve that? How do you determine what pace you are capable of sustaining in the first place? Honestly this video could have imparted the scant info it has in about 2 minutes.


or short intervals within 10k :o you run fast, start sprinting, then rest during fast run which gets faster because of the previous sprint ...repeat till finish


PB 44 => achieved without a watch on my hands, simply it was competitive mentality -> try to race with a runner in front of you, beat him, attach to him, if he is better than you, and keep as long as you can. So, I guess, the strategy is DYNAMIC. All 3 you mention in the video, is PASSIVE (you basically run and think about yourself, pacing, etc.) rather than focusing on other runners, and competitive element.


Fantastic tips and advice for 10k run


Excellent advice! I tried the suicide pace approach and tanked at the halfway mark ... so that's not going to work ... will try the negative split and even pace next!


I am more of a even split guy, but the first strategy you mentioned sounds like fun! haha


Super tips! I think I will try out negative splits.


Did my 1st 10k race yesterday. Tried to hold 7:30mm. Couldnt hold it bit ended up 48:34


Thanks for the info, Steve. I'm usually a suicide guy on the shorter runs but it's not intentional. It just works out that way. Tomorrow, (6/18/2016) I'll be running my first trail marathon, (in Vibrams) but will run a bit more conservatively.
Stay well and race hard.
