Overcoming Adversity - How To Handle The Most Horrific Life Challenges Ever

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Overcoming Adversity -- The key mindset you need to have to handle adversity well. This one technique, if you do it, could turn your current situation around completely.

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Hey Leo,
I have been watching your videos for quite some time now (almost 11 months!) and I have to admit that these videos have changed my life.
I started with just randomly browsing through your videos (after I stumbled upon one) and later I just started following your personal development blueprint
I have become more confident, my health is great, my career is on the right track and I am not in therapy anymore (my doc has officially put me off medications)

I wanted to say a BIG thank you! thanks for making my life (and many others) better


if there is no enemy within the enemy outside can do us no harm. African proverb


I’m revisiting this video during a transitional period in my life and this is still as helpful as it was years ago. Thank you for producing your videos with the quality that you put in it. I appreciate it.


Thanks Leo for making and keeping this content available. I needed to hear it today. Loved your mantra too.


This video is really old but I’m just seeing it now. It’s an interesting perspective. It really is eye opening to imagine how primitive humans survived. Not only did they not have the tools, technology and conveniences we have but they had so little knowledge. I’ve never really thought about that before....what it must have been like basically being born into a vacuum....nothing to provide any context, not even any way to communicate before any sort of language was developed. That’s a wild thought! It certainly required a great deal of intuition and bravery and trust in eachother. It was probably very scary....but in a way, maybe it was a little better than existing with all the complexity in our world these days. Basic needs were prioritized and there was never a question as to what your focus should be. With no understanding of why you existed, where you came from or what your future may hold, you had no choice but to really live in the moment. Past and future were foreign concepts. All you had was the present moment. There is something liberating about that. Humans have come a long way and in some ways we’ve made life easier for ourselves but all that improvement and advancement came at a cost and we’ve lost sight of what really matters. We have almost too much knowledge now...which ultimately is distracting. It’s very interesting to think about.


It must be difficult at times being a life coach. I say this because a lot of people out there just want an easy fix and not something they should be working at. I know I have definitely had my difficulties with wanting a fix and also telling the truth. Sometimes its hard to tell people truth but they do need it at times. I can understand now how some counselors, life coaches, and psychologists can be neurotic. It must be frustrating to try and sit there and explain to people the truth and they don't take it. 


Any challenges in life, by staying true to myself I can overcome!


training, consistency, self discipline is the ultimate solutions


I met Victor Frankel when I was 13 years old and I bought his book. Very small town in Texas. I was surprised he was traveling around to these tiny places. But I had never heard of such a thing as the holocaust. It was so inspiring to me. I never forgot. 💜❤️💜❤️


Thank you Leo... I am dealing with something really hard in my life right now and the last three days I had literally given up and locked myself away from the world! I thank you for this video... you have no idea how much you are helping us out here! God Bless (however you want to take that... Lol!)


19:33 "Survive horrific things like death" ... 2014 Leo foreshadowing some enlightenment insight right here ;)


The worst things to face in life are not those that are pointed at us, but at those we love.
There are some things we don't have the power to overcome, on their behalf.
That's the worst adversity life can offer.... usually accompanied by a
need to be strong for them. For all life's breif joys, this one aspect is the thing I shall be
most glad to see the back of, when my time comes.


Thank you so much Leo.
I'm in a though situation at life now. I'm have been given a task that includes traveling a long distance with hotell stays. I am unsure of weather i am able to do complete the task in the given time period. But now i look at it as a challenge, and i can handle whatever challenge gets thrown at me.

Thanks again Leo, this will change my life.


C'mon man, affirmations? I wan to reassure anyone who reads this, almost certainly lost forever comment, that even without affirmations, you almost certainly have built in to you what it takes to overcome the most severe adversity. I was a depressed, anxious poly drug addict who'd been hitting it for, shamefully, more than one dacade, I quit my career to take an easy part time job to pay for drugs, my grandma died after 10 years of Alzheimer's, then within the next couple of years my cousin and friend hung himself, both my parents died horrific deaths from cancer, one after the other over 10 months, I had to care full time for my mum for 8 months, losing my job, too many times watched the terror in her eyes as she had horrific seizures as the ambulance took 2 hours to arrive. And here I am, kicking heroin, getting my life in order and knowing that whatever comes my way, even my own death, I will deal with it because I am born with the innate ability to cope with the extreme suffering that our ancestors have evolved to cope with over millions of years.


Leo, I agree with you up to a point. When it comes to things like rape and torture, we may physically survive but mentally become a basket case. There are some horrible torturous scenarios a person can have happen to them. Some are not inflicted by another human being, like being burned all over in a house fire. Some things are just too much for certain people and understandably so.


Hearing this, listening to this felt like receiving a great and completely unaspected gift. I really hope that I oneday will be able and get a chance to give something back to you. Thank you Leo /Millan


Thank you God for letting me see this powerful guidance ❤️ i love you Leo thanks!! May you be successful in all your intentions xx


thanks for your video. I am in the process of moving to another state, finding new work, and dealing with some personal stuff all at the same time. Been real tough.


Thank you for this video. i have been searching for awhile how to cope with my current position in life and how to press through. you didnt mention God but i truly believe he lead me to this video. i have been suffering with anxitey and this has helped me alot. idk if you are a man of faith but God bless you.


Bruce Lee was very good on these sorts of areas
His book on philosophy is well worth reading/flicking through
He was far more than a mere martial artist.
