Does 'Born of Water' mean baptism? (John 3:5) Why it doesn't and what it does mean.

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Proponents of baptismal regeneration have often used John 3:5 as a proof text. But John 3:5 does not refer to baptism. In this video I prove what it does mean.
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Hello brother Hal. Great teaching. What bible software are you using. Thanks!


I am sooo grateful for your discernment; and willingness to seek truth and put your life on the line, because let’s just think about what the word says “To whom much is given, much will be required” (Luke 12:48). To make videos studying the word of God takes courage because Woe if your motive is to deceive us. But I agree with you, and I’m sure many believers do. We need more of these studies!!! Thank U from San Diego, California!


This may surprise you, but I do not have a specific conviction on this passage yet. It almost feels like an enigma to me at this point. In time, I believe it will open up to me clearly, but at this point, I merely recognize that there are four basic interpretations of this passage.

#1: Some teach that “born of water and the Spirit” refers to water baptism of regeneration.

#2: Many teach that “water” is a figure of speech for the Holy Spirit, with Jesus saying essentially, “born of water, even the Spirit."
#3: Some, such as yourself, interpret “water” figuratively, not as a reference to the Holy Spirit, but to the Word of God and its cleansing effect, similar to Ephesians 5:26, “the washing of water by the Word.”
#4: Many teach “water” refers to literal water—the amniotic fluid of a mother’s womb that breaks in childbirth, so that “water” refers to a physical, womb birth, while “Spirit” refers to one’s rebirth or regeneration by the Holy Spirit.

Using the context principle, point four seems to be the strongest. In time, as I pray for understanding, I believe it will become very clear. I didn't have strong convictions on a few passages for many years, but in time, all the pieces come together.



Thank you for sllowing the HolyGhosg to open up the word in simple language even a baby can understand God bless so much in Christ Jesus fot being out Teacher I am truly Blessed Keep doing the work of a teacher i know ehrn i hears a teacher love you for taking this great step CommonWealth Of Nassau Bahamas


Word is God So God is a Spirt so you Can't be born of the spirit and of the spirit doesn't make any since


Hey brother, I was wondering if you could do a video concerning 1 Corinthians 6:12, 10:23, Titus 1:15 and what they truly mean because I know the way these osas heretics use them it is not so. Yet I am confused, going to study deeper into it but would be good if you could also make a video on it, thanks🙏


Jeremiah 1:5 before I formed you in the womb I knew you. So people saying that Jesus is referring to being born out of the flesh out of your mothers room and then be baptized in the Holy Spirit to enter the kingdom doesn’t make any sense. Because it would be like saying aborted babies didn’t have a chance to be born so they can’t be baptized with the Holy Spirit so they would go to hell which is not fair because God knows us before we are even in the womb. So if a baby were to die early whether miscarriage or abortion they would still go to heaven. So obviously he’s not talking about that. So the water Has to mean baptism water.


This verse seems to imply that once a person of faith develops a genuine fear of The LORD, they are born again. We may be in faith, and thus in the womb of mother Wisdom, but unless we come to fear The LORD, we never are given a chance to grow and mature in Wisdom’s care, outside of her womb. Babies who fail to exit the womb, die and are born dead, because their faith is dead.

"To fear the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and it was created with the faithful in the womb."  Sirach 1:14 (KJVA)


@Hal Chafee, Do u believe that Holy Spirit is a person that if he is a person then the Holy Spirit can speak and have a voice and that he can help us in interpreting the scriptures, since he is the one who guided or led the writters of each book.


So far I find that you teach sinless perfectionism and you see yourself as "holier than thou."


Hey Hal, I have overall enjoyed your videos. But it seems you have placed yourself outside of being a Protestant when discussing water baptism. Do you believe in the five solas? We can agree that we have conditional security in Christ, but at the same time don't deny the five solas to especially include justification through faith alone.


So the water and the Spirit could both mean Christ? He is the Word of God and was made a life giving spirit. We are made clean by receiving Christ's sijless life.


Blood and Water came out of the side of Jesus of nazareth, the First Wife, Eve (Life Giver) came out of the side of the first Adam. The Church is the wife of our Lord and Savior.


Sad to see that you are rejecting the doctrine of baptismal regeneration which all Christians believed until the Anabaptists showed up in the 1500s. Even without undisputed church tradition, scripture as a whole is quite clear. John 3:5 is quite clear.

The passage from Ezekiel does not mention the “word” but water. Jesus’ example of receiving water baptism and then the spirit, symbolically by a dove just earlier in John 1 is elucidating the same point. Following the exchange with Nicodemus Jesus and the disciples went and baptized many people. Water baptism seems quite clear.
