The Mandelbrot Set - Numberphile

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Famously beautiful, the Mandelbrot Set is all about complex numbers. Featuring Dr Holly Krieger from MIT.
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Since this was filmed, Holly has become a mathematics Lecturer at the University of Cambridge and the Corfield Fellow at Murray Edwards College.
Videos by Brady Haran
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Since this was filmed, Holly has become a mathematics Lecturer at the University of Cambridge and the Corfield Fellow at Murray Edwards College.
Videos by Brady Haran
The Mandelbrot Set - Numberphile
What's so special about the Mandelbrot Set? - Numberphile
Fibonacci Numbers hidden in the Mandelbrot Set - Numberphile
Pi and the Mandelbrot Set - Numberphile
Decoding The Mandelbrot Set: Math’s Famed Fractal
Beyond the Mandelbrot set, an intro to holomorphic dynamics
Proving God exists using Math
63 and -7/4 are special - Numberphile
The Mandelbrot Set
How to Calculate a Mandelbrot Set
Convergence of the Mandelbrot set
The Mandelbrot Set: How it Works, and Why it's Amazing!
This Shape Reveals How God Thinks
Have you ever found 'fibonacci series' on Mandelbrot Fractals in the form of patterns? #fr...
The Feigenbaum Constant (4.669) - Numberphile
Filled Julia Set
'Trypophobic' - music from Numberphile's Mandelbrot Set
The Mandelbrot Set: Atheists’ WORST Nightmare
The Mandelbrot Set
This equation will change how you see the world (the logistic map)
mandelbrot set #shorts test
The Opposite of Infinity - Numberphile
Pi and Mandelbrot (extra footage)
Level of the Day: Mandelbrot Set