The Mandelbrot Set: Atheists’ WORST Nightmare

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In this powerful lecture, Dr. Jason Lisle reveals a secret code seen throughout creation: the Mandelbrot set. Why is the Mandelbrot set atheists’ worst nightmare? Because it reveals the infinite, intelligent mind of God in ways that you’ve probably never seen before.

You can watch the original full-length talk here:

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In the case of the mandelbrot set. The answer to "What causes the complexity?" is "The work done iterating the formula". It's not a nightmare. It shows us that the beauty and complexity we see in the word around us can arise from a few simple rules.


As an Atheist, I am fascinated by the Mandelbrot! Not even close to a nightmare!


I'm an atheist. I have no idea why this was recommended to me, but it was a very good, entertaining, educational and non-condescending presentation on a series of complex topics. At least until the way it got to religion - you're right that atheist mathematicians/scientists don't understand everything, but to most of us that's the joy of science. To be on the very edge of understanding and not understanding.

Religious differences nevertheless, great presentation, thank you.


As an atheist, I do not see the relationship between the Maldenbrot set and Mary’s virginity.


“Mathematical concepts were not created, they were discovered.”
Edit: Please note that my comment was meant to imply that these concepts were created by God and discovered by men.


As soon as you plot a graph you have brought the conceptual into the physical. An incremental formula using negative values to infinity creating a pattern that is infinitely smaller and infinitely beautiful is no nightmare.
Thank you for confirming to me there is beauty in everything.


The universe does not inherently obey mathematical laws; rather, the physical world has an intrinsic behavior that we have learned to describe using the language of mathematics. Referring to these descriptions as 'laws' is a misnomer, as the universe is not governed by our mathematical constructs. Instead, we stumbled upon numerical patterns and scenarios that closely resemble and model the behavior we observe in the universe as we explored and played with numbers over time.


As an atheist I have always liked mandelbrot set since I first learned about it. It still hasn't given me any nightmares...


I have to admit, if you ignore the fallacious reasoning and logical leaps for the last 10 minutes or so, this man did an amazing job explaining sets, complex numbers, fractals, and the Mandelbrot Set. Good job!


I"m an atheist and the mandelbrot set gives me night terrors. I wake up in cold sweats. 🙄


As an athiest, i must say that this isn't my worst nightmare.
This is pure beauty and just reaffirms my strong beliefs in aliens.


It's not scary, it's beauty and wonder


I was an atheist and now I'm a mathematician after this video


This is a nightmare in that we get to observe individuals wholeheartedly discount high, yet rational, complexity, to the whim of a deity simply because the human mind finds it difficult to comprehend. The nightmare is knowing that people are inflicting this abject deism on other people throughout societies, guiding policy and lawmaking, and subjugating people to their own narrow band of "belief."


I had to laugh at the title of this. My maths tutor daughter, a confirmed atheist, is especially keen on the Mandelbrot set.


As a Christian, I don't think this is "scary" to atheists, or somehow conclusively proves the existence of God. It is some really cool math though, and I personally believe it adds to the glory of God, but I don't see how an atheist couldn't just be like "yeah. that's math."

Nice, funny, cool sermon!


The truth is always more crazy than the craziest predictions. Math looks boring because of school, but it's implications are absolutely mind-boggling.


Me as christian is absolutely wonderful how infinit univers points to Infinite God


I'm always impressed with the sheer ubris of religious believers, having the guts to declare they know it all, believing everything, without questioning, written in a book hundreds years ago. Mathematics is the product of the human mind. Its basic principles are simple, and from this simplicity comes the, still not well undestrood, idea of complexity and, let alone, beauty. Physics builds theories on maths, and the laws of Nature seem to agree with that.
Problem is that these theories are an approximation and we will never achieve perfect laws of Nature (a theory must be falsifiable).
The fact that math now works does not tell us anything about the future. These laws may change, and they may change randomly.
We seem to live in a stable gap of laws, hence the growing complexity and life. From life, mind. From mind, math and, sadly, god.


Ignoring the jumps to religion, this is genuinely a _great_ lecture on the Mandelbrot set and the beauty of mathematics.
