'Why Can't I Remember My Childhood? Dissociative Amnesia 101 | Psychotherapy Crash Course

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#trauma #CHILDHOODMemory #PTSD

Note:Camera is still under construction. Apologies for quality .

When I began my career as a trauma therapist I found myself seeing a lot of adults and adolescents who reported either "faint" memories of their childhood or no memories at all of their childhood. As I continued to study and attend seminars, conferences, and consult with colleagues, I began to adjust my questioning of my clients/patients during their sessions about their childhood and later found out that most of these clients/patients were struggling with dissociative amnesia (or a form of memory loss due to trauma).

Childhood experience really is the start of most challenges for a lot of people. Traumatic childhood experience can dictate the developmental course for those who are longing to heal as adults. Although there is hope for those with traumatic childhoods, if you experience memory loss due to trauma you may recognize that your loss of memory is more psychological than you thoughts.

In this video, I will be discussing the various types of memory loss or amnesia that you may experience as one with a traumatic history.

**Movies mentioned will be posted here:

2. Phineas Gauge


Intro 0:00

What happens when I suppress trauma 1:41
Somatic Disorders 1:50
Localized amnesia 2:21
Selective amnesia 3:26
Semantic amnesia 5:22
Procedural amnesia 6:01
Micro amnesia 6:47
Phineas Gauge and traumatic brain injury 7:34
Systematized amnesia 9:10
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*New videos Wednesday, Friday and/or Sunday, EST.


🎵 Track Info:
-Patrick Patrikios - Oh My

*Videos are provided for exploration and educational purposes only and does not constitute clinical suggestions or consultation for individual cases.

----Contact me-------(BUSINESS INQUIRIES ONLY)
I'm Támara, a licensed and internationally/Board certified trauma mental health therapist, with over 12 years experience. I specialize in helping children, teens, and families with mental illness. I also treat psychological/emotional trauma in children, teens, and adults.

Mail me stuff!
PO BOX 15747
Robinson Township, PA 15244

Copyright © All rights reserved.
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New camera coming Wed!! Quality will be back. Lol


I think it's really bad for me because my friends try to tell me of the fun stuff we did and I don't remember. I just realized recently and has happened twice and there is a video of me doing said activities. It felt like watching someone else's childhood.


My childhood is a complete blank to me, it's all fuzzy. The only thing I can vaigly remember is my mum's perfume and crying. Alot of crying, I grew up in a domestic violence home. I don't remember anything from -9. I have MDD, and ADHD. along with social anxiety and self harm issues. I was so confused as to why I can't remember my childhood. This video really helped clearing things up! Ty


I feel like i was born, and suddenly I become an adult lol


So weird I don't think I intentionally blocked my childhood out but it's mostly gone 😢


I completely and instantly forget arguments/conflict, except for the knowledge that I've had an argument and the feeling of being angry/sad/frustrated/anxious. For example, I remember I had a strong argument this january, I remember it hurt me a lot and still hurts me, but I don't know what I argued about, or any other detail surrounding the conflict.

When I was a child, I could not defend myself from my father (he would get loud and scary, once he flipped a sofa over, once he caught me by the neck), I could only cry and I was mocked for it. I couldn't explain why I was hurt because "it would make him feel bad". Then I was encouraged to just "forgive and move on", and I can't bring out the few things I remember about the abuse because "I'm so resentful". I barely remember anything since I was a child until I was diagnosed with AVPD at 27 and started fixing myself and my life. I feel like my life truly started right then.

Sorry, had to vent. Thank you for the video!


Thata why i think its good to have family yearly vacations when you have children, it helps them mark their childhood


“There are memories that we don't want and we don't need, ” says neuroscientist Maria Wimber. “Forgetting is good and an adaptive thing.


I'm a trauma therapist certified in Brainspotting. You are among my go-to resources. This video will give me more to explore and share with my clients. Thank you!


This video was great! It explains a lot. I can't remember many happy childhood memories although I know there had to be some. All I remember is things that were confusing to me or bad things.


YouTube recommended your video and I felt the need to watch it. I just cried while watching, I never thought to put the pieces together and now my poor memory makes sense and I don’t feel crazy. I recently diagnosed myself with amnesia and told my family, friends, co-workers “I have amnesia!” I only did that because I’ve gotten so tired of the constant conversations, “Do you remember when..”I know you remember when..”I’ll help you remember..”OMG I can’t believe you don’t remember this, ” etc. it’s very hurtful so I’ve become more introvert as conversations aren’t “fun” to me anymore because people insist on always reminiscing. I know they mean well but I wish people would accept it when someone says, “I don’t remember!” I figured if I tell you I have amnesia then this situations would stop, nobody hears me, so I avoid conversations and interactions as much as possible. I’m sorry didn’t want to make this long but I definitely appreciate your video as has helped me understand my current situation. Sending you virtual hugs ❤❤❤


My problem is that what I remember are the traumas themselves and nothing else, but even those are slowly becoming hazy. But that's probably a good thing since the memories are such a huge trigger for me too.


my life until 12 is very murky but a lot of anger and temper tantrums, the smell of alcohol on someone’s breath


I’m trying to connect the dots on everything, who i am? Why do I react the way I do? Etc. and now i know why i can’t remember 5-13 years old and I’m 14 btw but thank you soo much ❤


I vividly remember being 3 and being able to tell time....my parents made a huge, unusual fuss. But, I always wondered why I couldn’t remember the bulk of my life as a child. It’s like it skips from 3 to 8 then 12-17.... it’s weird. I feel like I know something bad happened, which explains my bad behavior after whatever it was. But I want to thank you for this explanation, it always bothered me about my memory.


This is so sad but true for me. I'm going to watch this again when I'm alone and can cry.


The thing is, i never thought about it before until i saw a reel on insta about not remembering childhood memories could be a defence mechanism by our brains to protect us, then it hit me, i don't remember anything! Like most of it is gone, i can't remember anything but i know i wasn't a happy child and i was constantly walking on eggshells.
So recently, it's coming back at me, like in the most random way, i remember stuff that made me feel uneasy or uncomfortable as a kid, a smell, a pencil, recently anything can trigger something hidden and push it to the surface.


I seem to have few childhood and even teenage memories. I do not believe I was abused in any way. I’m not remembering bad memories…..I just seem to have very few true memories. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I have had friends who remembered a lot of things, good and bad.


62-yo and can't remember most of my childhood until about my high school years. My dad was emotionally and physically abusive. His belt was his BF. I've always been good at compartmentalizing, but I never wanted therapy because those "boxes under the bed" are tightly packed and I don't want to open them. My siblings remember so much, but for me...zip. I don't remember the Grand Canyon!


I don't remember good things . Whenever I tried to recall my childhood I feel ashamed which I have said or what I wear. So I tried to avoid the past. But anger and frustration is my constantly behaviour. I can't be happy 🥺🥺🥺
