The Sinister Truth Behind Why You Can't Remember Your Past Life

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The Sinister Truth Behind Why You Can't Remember Your Past Life
Have you ever wondered why you can’t remember your past life? Is there a hidden reason behind this memory block that we’re not being told? In this video, we’ll dive deep into the sinister truth about past life memories and explore the theories behind why most of us are unable to recall them. Whether you believe in reincarnation or not, the mystery behind past life amnesia is something that has fascinated many for centuries.

Throughout history, various spiritual and psychological explanations have been offered to explain why we don’t remember our past lives. Some say it's a protective mechanism, while others believe darker forces are at play, deliberately preventing us from tapping into our previous experiences. We’ll uncover some of the most compelling evidence and theories that might just change how you think about life, death, and memory.

You’ll also learn about the fascinating studies and research conducted on people who claim to have vivid memories of past lives. Can these experiences be scientifically proven, or is there a more sinister agenda behind these revelations? We’ll separate fact from fiction and delve into the unknown mysteries of the soul and reincarnation.

Why can't we remember our past lives? How do I remember my past life? What is the purpose of past life amnesia? Is reincarnation real? What are signs of a past life memory?This video will answer all these questions. Make sure you watch till the end!


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Рекомендации по теме

"Those who forget the past tend to re- live it over and over again". True or false? Healthy or unhealthy? God only knows! "The soul of man never dies". Go figure, eh?


If I don't see you around in this world. I'll meet you on the next one. Don't be late! Jimi Hendrix 1969. 100%


The universe cannot be unjust to us. There has to be an interference from some evil player !! The end of evil is near.


I'm definitely leaning in the direction of thinking that it's a survival mechanism so that the human mind can maintain its grasp upon physical reality. You say you want to know, but deep down on the inside you stop yourself from accessing these memories. Either you, or part of yourself, namely the Ego keeps that door locked. Otherwise, the 'walls' for a lack of a better world between lifetimes erodes and everything starts to feel like a fantasy.


I believe our memories are erased because if we remember how it ends and starts again (the magic) we would mess it up, screw it up.


People experiencing an authentic awakening process, will sometimes have 3-4 past lives revealed. This is absolutely necessary for the awakening person to understand their self and their issues. Knowing past lives is not for everyone and that's why many people do not and never will. It overwhelms the ego to learn that one is in fact a reincarnating spiritual being. This knowledge crushed the ego's narrow world view and forces the person to grow, which many people do not want to do. Like Jung said..."most people won't lift a finger for their own Soul".


You lose your entire premise when you start trying to scare people --- why remind people over & over that they're helpless to dree their weird? Go with the flow....


I don't know why but when I was really little I felt like I was another guy at one point in what was probably the early 20th century.


The book "the dream" by David Icke covers this in detail. I think he might be on to something.


It could also be when the person died someone inherited their life/wealth and that's why you don't have access to past life memories or money. It's really cheap to have nothing from past life. A person's identity/personality is biological so we are similar even without memory and we evolve with each new life experience. Also if you remember your past self you will forget your new self since it's a new reincarnation and life. Embrace the new life and possibilities.


Interesting points - I watched until the end but I'm not going to comment 100%. Or am


If reincarnation really is a thing, then it seems that the process of the brain dying and then the mind having to deal with an entirely new brain that takes years to grow into something that can comprehend at adult human levels, would definitely hinder remembering the prior life at full detail. Maybe some people would be able to access random flashes of memory, kinda like when you suddenly remember bits of a dream that you completely forgot about, sometimes long ago.


"I'm risking my life ...": Nonsense and nothing but clickbait ... 🥵


Unless their is some evil entity that's trying to win a war that is going on from good and evil all spiritual and dimensional and extraterrestrial but those who remember always seem to make it a win but heavy loss for us. This evil being entity set a loop in time and will remove it when it finally wins. That's what I kinda think
P.s. I'm using my grandma's youtube so it's under her name but my name is mado


Its not called Amniotic fluid randomly. There is a reason why that word is chosen. Amnesia..😱


If something is called past life that means it’s dead along with the mind who lived that life. So who cares how many lives one lived, those lives are dead so will be this one


God makes you forget your past lives for obvious reasons. You will mourn your previous family. Its that simple


Interesting would love to see a movie of this or anime if there is one, please let me know would love to see it 💯


i don't get, you seems knowing quite nothing about life, consciencness and time, past etc.. so .. why choose a subject like that ?
try speak about flowers next time.


I think it's a combination of all of these things and then some... at varying degrees.
