Should I Learn jQuery or JavaScript First?

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I definitely understand and appreciate your explanation. Makes so much sense. People seem to not understand that some ppl have different explained that well.


I unfortunately learned jQuery before Javascript. And it's kinda strange now that I look back at what I was doing without really understanding. I was really learning a pattern, but not knowing why. Now I have taken the time try and become a JS ninja so that any library or framework that I look at, I will be able to understand what is happening. So I would suggest to anyone asking that question to take the vanilla JS route. Especially the way the JS community is today. (That's if you want to make JS your main tool and want to master it)


Chris, I watched this video, nice job. However I still don't really agree with what you're saying. Let me say however, that it's open discussion, it's okay to disagree and I may well be wrong (in which case I'm all ears) and in the end, the answer to the question is heavily dependent on what your goals are. It's not a "flame" or anything like that, and I hear you that JavaScript is the most important programming language. I agree, even though it's not may favorite language. Also when I say, "you", I'm not referring to you, Chris Hawkes, personally. I realise you are an experienced programmer. I mean "anyone".

The way I see it, is that jQuery is simply a JavaScript library. A statement like, "I'm very good at jQuery but not so proficient with JavaScript" doesn't actually make much sense. Anyone that says, or implies something like that is likely to get laughed out of the interview room if they're going for a job at any worthwhile software development company. What a decent JavaScript programmer would hear is, "I use jQuery as a crutch and don't really know what I'm doing or why I'm doing it, but I see pretty results on the screen".

The question is kind of like saying, "I want to program native user-interfaces. Should I learn GLFW first, or C++?". It's not a question worth asking, and you just know anyone who claims to be "good" at GLFW but not so good at C++ is going to make a mess of your code base at best, and at worst has absolutely no idea what they're talking about. To put it in perspective, Bjarne Stroustrup recommends that to be an accomplished programmer, one should be reasonably proficient in around five *lanuages*. Not libraries. jQuery is not even one language.

As far as the direction of the industry, that's headed full-steam ahead towards HTML5 and ECMAScript 6. With browsers (even IE) vastly improving their implementation of ECMAScript standards, using jQuery for cross-browser compatibility is not longer a reasonable argument (especially if you had no idea what it was doing, and it was all "hidden magic" for you in the first place). Not only that, but jQuery is being used less-and-less. It is convenient, but comes at a cost and the benefits that it offered in 2007 are dwindling fast in 2016.

There's one case, and one only, that I can think of where I might recommend someone "learn jQuery first" ... that is if they're developing their own website, it's a simple website, it's a hobby and they have no desire or plan to become a professional programmer.

In any other case, I would strongly recommend learning JavaScript first. I don't mean become an expert (that takes many years of work and study). I mean become reasonably proficient with the fundamentals. Know the basics of the language. Know what a prototype is, how to use it, why you should use it and why it's not a class. Realise that software engineering is an engineering discipline. Anyone can do it, but it takes dedicated study and commitment, and it doesn't happen overnight.

To an aspiring professional web-programmer, I would recommend concentrating on JavaScript, in-particular ECMAScript 6 using a transpiler if necessary, HTML5 and CSS3 (and I would definitely recommend they purchase a study the "You don't know JS" series of books. In fact, that's a recommendation I'd make for the majority of people who claim to be experienced JavaScript developers, but picking up a book look that from the start would be invaluable! (I wish I had!).


can anyone answer simply? jquery or javascript?


Swift 2 noob here and my brain and self confidence was just thrown under the bus...


I disagree a bit about JS IDE support. Webstorm is a fantastic JS specific IDE. Those that support multiple languages like Komodo or Netbeans are also very good. Even Visual Studio does a decent job with JS.


jquery after basic javascript is enough? or i should learn complete javascript for web development


isn't this a little like asking: should I learn django or python first?


but what about the video "Learn Javascript in 12 Minutes" that I just watched?
