The ULTIMATE Wizard101 Best Gear Guide for levels 1-170!

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No matter what level you are, you can reference this gear guide to know what you need to get! This is a very grindy game, as is the custom with MMORPGs, so be prepared to sell your soul to RNGesus as you whack at the tree roots for the 46th time trying to get your wand! Very fun!

Other videos for new players leveling up their characters:

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level 1-20 0:33
level 25-50 1:15
level 56-90 5:53
level 100-148 12:39
level 150-170 18:06


I'd probably mention that the new level 100 rings from Morganthe are a pretty good alternative to the Aphrodite rings, especially if you're doing solo play or don't have keys stacked. They're pretty comparable in every stat for like everyone but Ice and life, and the universal block and extra crit can come in handy for survivability if you're really looking to upgrade from Alpha and Omega.


As a returning player, this was very informative. Thank you.


Just bought 12 year membership on my death/storm wizard. Super excited to hit max level. Im level 72 but theres still so much about the game that I dont know about yet. Love this game!


Fire guide!
I miss it when there were options like Morgy Athame and Amulet were good at Level 100. Wish KI didn't nerf them.


One thing I like to do personally, is to get a ring from the bizarre at level 15 that has a square jewel slot. Then buy a arch mastery jewel from the shopping district. That way, during the first arc you can make use of arch mastery before you get it basekit at level 50


Correction- the amulet the drops from the wood key chest in lower zigazag gives 2 square sockets and an extra item card BUT- The boss at the end of lower zigazag drops a damage amulet as well that gives just a blade and the 2% damage for all schools but life (Life gets outgoing) and a tear and square socket instead of 2 squares.


Wanted to thank everyone SO so much for 10, 000 views on this video! Timestamps courtesy of someone-or2rm below:

level 1-20 0:33
level 25-50 1:15
level 56-90 5:53
level 100-148 12:39
level 150-170 18:06


Honestly if I were to quest all over again, I'd always do dual boxing, for multiple reasons:
-quests, where you gotta kill 3 mobs, or collect 3 things, can be finished within one fight
-if you have a fire or a myth, you can use choke/blinding light as well as smoke screen, which speeds up fights quite a bit. Bosses in Grizzleheim/Wintertusk, as well as Azteca are actually stunnable
-you don't have to refill your mana so often when leaving marks at NPC, so you can speed through faster
-in boss fights, when you have 3+ people, there are 3 minions instead of just one, so fights last longer


i personally rock lvl 30 dungeon gear till 56 use my 56 crafted gear if i dont get all the ww drops rock that till 90


Aeon will prob be fine for at least the next 30 levels.

Don't fall for the gamble. Kingsisle wants you to spend more time in their slot machines cranking for the best stats. Just upgrade when you start struggling (and don't do pvp if you enjoy your life).


imo for end of game, if you have aeon keep that if you dont skip it and just do nightmare, even with just running team up ur gonna get the pity badge before you get aeon gear


I got the aphrodite ring for balance on my first run. But the rest of his graveyard gear didnt drop until the 30s or 40s attempt at malistaire.


thanks so much! great video ❤ im super excited to start playing again :D


I finally got to level 100 as a balance wizard and farmed some darkmoor armor and it feels really underwhelming. I'm kind of disappointed that I spent so much time leveling only to still be underpowered.


Was hard to follow after Darkmoor but if I understand this right, you basically rock Darkmoor gear all the way until 160. Because you said skip Dragoon at 130 and no one farms Merciless at 150? Other than the couple misc pieces along the way.


at level 150 you mentioned needing to be in a guild for some gear? would it even be worth trying to play solo up to that lvl i wouldn't be worried about pvp, but is endgame so challenging that its required to do raids or etc, would i be just stuck? sorry if I'm confusing in anyway I've never played the game at up until than i would like too but hearing some parts of the grind sound not fun or possible


Hey Ice Gold, do you think giving up a 45% blade amulet is worth that 2% damage amulet from zigzag?


If you’re a whale and want to spend crowns for gear, are there any decent substitutes that can be made on the list for better gear/ grind skipping?


can any level technically farm for the khrysalis wands? like could I farm it on my 170 to give to my upcoming 100 wiz? Or is it somehow locked to anyone not in that range?
