Wizard101 Gear Guide: BEST GEAR LVL 50-99

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Wizard101: Best Gear for levels 50-99. Thanks to everyone that watched and liked the first gear guide. Here's the next one!
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I could’ve really used this guide like 3-4 years ago...


For level 56, I remember the rings and athames in Hrundle Fjord being better than the ones in Vestrilund (you have to do a side quests in which you thaw all the frozen bears to access these vendors), but what's better than either of those are the Rings of Battle and the Bear's Claws (slightly different names depending on school) that you can buy in the Bazaar.


50-60: chieftain crafted gear
60-70: waterworks, zigzag and tower of the helephant
70-80: avalon crafted gear
80-90: Azteca crafted gear

Note feel free to mix them up for better stats

90-100: tartarus there is nothing else tartarus is the way to go for 90 in khrysalis


Morganthe gear is 99+, surprised you didn't mention it


I believe that the 76 gear is a good jump especially being in Avalon, it is a good boost up so for anyone that wants to speed through avalon then get the 76 crafted gear it will definetely last you until Tartarus


If you are storm I recommend going for the House of Scales/Zigazag robe(which has mass prism) and the hat and then go for the waterworks boots. This will give you more damage than using the house of scales full set or using the waterworks full set. as well as more crit, accuracy, and health. although you do loose some crit block that comes with the boots.


that "what the..?" in sheer confusion still has me losing it every time I have to come back to this video hahahahaha! thanks for the guide Blaze :D

( "what the..?" is at 5:10 btw )


Omg thank you so much blaze been waiting for a gear guide for every level 🙏🏻❤️


The No Auction level 66 Zafarian Rings and athames are really good, you can get them as drops from Mirror Lake and notable bosses in Zafaria. I would definitely recommend Ice Wizards to farm for Elisa's Chill Band though, because it gives 3% resist.


I'm lvl 80 storm and still rocking the lvl 56 crafted gear from grizzleheim


Why am I watching this my best wizard is a lvl 18 storm LUL


This is such a great guide. Thank you for this, good job Blaze LifeHammer!


There's one more piece that is borderline for 99. I know that Morganthe is at the end of Khrysalis, and it's close to 100, but the athame, amulet, and rings from morganthe are pretty great.


Just to sorta add what you were saying about zigazag: if your a Balance Wizard I actually recommend getting farming the house of scales, the final boss gives some really good gear for a while. I still use that gear as a lvl 97 balance wiz.


I'm level 50 and I'm still using the armour from mount olympus its honestly really sad 😂😂 so I need better armour


There’s also some random lvl 56 Bazaar gear that gave me around 80 storm damage without a pet lol


lol then next video will be 100-125 and it's gonna be Darkmoor Darkmoor pack boots, pack wand and Darkmoor lol


What I legit did for all my wizards was just mount Olympus to waterworks then right to malistare and after was to get the lvl 100 robe from the krockotopia house dungeon thing and after that I went for morganth amulet and the ring from the first guy in malistare dungeon and by the time ur this far u should be good enough at the game to know what to get and not to get in further worlds


For what Blaze didn't mention below Azteca: • Bear's Claw of (insert school) // Athame• (school gem) of Battle // Ring For level 56, I personally have always found these better than the crafted rings and Athames.•House of Scales gear (level 60+) // Robes, decks, amulets, hats.Be sure to check out the House of Scales for a robe that I usually find better than the Waterworks robe, as well as the hat which is an alternative to the Waterworks/ Wintertusk hat. The decks here are hands down the way to go deck wise until decks start getting stats such as health. They give 1% accuracy for all schools, and while it's not necessarily worth farming, they're a nice touch. The amulets give school attack (2%), but the spells given are mediocre.•Zafaria and Avalon crafted gear More specifically, the crafted boots and sometimes hats always seem to work for me. Normally, just craft Zafaria boots and wait until Avalon for hats. Hope this helps, and although I like this video idea, I personally feel that Blaze could do much better with research for these types of videos. Best of luck getting your gear.


For level 70 players I found out that meowarty or what ever his name is you can get a archmage dule and you can get a extremely good hat there keep in mind that you can probably get better stuff by crafting
