Wizard101| The ULTIMATE Chest Fishing Guide!

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EDIT: Sorry! I forgot to add alternatives to the Yuletide Elf Pack gear - the Cobbler Elf Suit has the same energy & fishing luck as the Solstice Elf Suit, & the Winter Elf Cap & Shoes are the same as the Toymaker equivalent as well at level 160. So you can mix and match to get the best stats.
Fishing for chests can be a time-consuming process, but I'm here to give you the ULTIMATE chest fishing guide to speed it up and get you the treasures you're looking for as easily as possible! In this video I'll cover the spells you'll need, strategies for fishing, as well as energy & fishing luck gear and pets that will help you on your fishing journey. If you like free permanent mounts, premium bundle gear, rare furniture items, or helpful seeds, snacks, jewels, and more, then I definitely recommend giving fishing for chests a try!

Helpful Links:
FREE Mounts From Fishing:
Top 10 COOLEST Bundle Wands You Can Fish For:

0:00 Intro
1:02 How Does Fishing For Chests Work?
1:56 The Spells You'll Need
6:20 Fishing Spell Order & Strategies
7:17 Fishing Luck & Energy
11:14 Final Thoughts
#wizard101 #w101 #mmo #gaming #youtubegaming #fishing #chest #chests #treasure #loot #drop #strategy #spells #energy #luck #fish #gear #pets #jewels #elixir #premium #bundle #permanent #mounts #seeds #snacks #furniture #housing #houses #rare #collection #crowns #free #howto #guide #quest #luckyhookline #haareksilverscale #ryoshi #yurismokesnare #timorflamecaster #alejandrodelapaz #buoy #winnow #lure #charm #summon #rank
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EDIT: Sorry! I forgot to add alternatives to the Yuletide Elf Pack gear at 8:19 - the Cobbler Elf Suit has the same energy & fishing luck as the Solstice Elf Suit, & the Winter Elf Cap & Shoes are the same as the Toymaker equivalent as well at level 160. So you can mix and match to get the best stats.


I’m DEFINITELY not still bitter about the 10+ hours I’ve spent trying to fish for the Battle Narwhal 🙃


One small addendum to this video regarding fishing luck elixirs. If you are lucky enough to have the Fantastic Voyage Gauntlet or have a friend with it, the gauntlet always applies a 33% fishing luck elixir for one hour after you complete the gauntlet. The best part is, the gauntlet is super easy (for being a gauntlet) so you can solo it pretty fast to get the elixir! Its a great way to get fishing luck for free if you don't have gear or other elixirs to use already.


Man, I don't even fish in this game, I'm only here to enjoy new content from everyone's favorite Queen of Wizard101. Congrats again on your "milestones" 😉, I hope you smile more. Can't wait to see what new content you come up with in the future.


Tip for everybody: The Fantastic Voyage Gauntlet always rewards an amazing one hour fishing luck elixir at the end and it is a perfect thing to do before any fishing in general or for chest fishing. It gives you a whopping thirty three percent fish luck luck and is free and is always rewarded at the end of the gauntlet forever not just the first time you beat it


God how I LOVE your videos!! Great job as always!!


Good to know this stuff so when I do get the rest of the fishing luars i know what to look for and have fun doing it


if you're fishing for code wands: buoy chests 1 --> winnow all except ice --> ice rank 3 lure. there will only be ice sentinels in the pond which are super fast to catch once you get the hang of it, just press spacebar the moment you see the fish touch the lure. if 0 energy fishing isn't active, skip the winnow spell and just be careful to catch sentinels only :]


Congrats on finding a real life wiz babe💗


as usual zaepha hits us with the content WE NEED 😤😤


Hey! Love the way you easily explain things in your videos. You're a life saver for a returning player like me.

Is there any possibility that you'd do a video talking about the best bosses to farm on Halloween and what you can get from them?


Great timing, just started fishing for mounts. Thanks for the uploads!


If I'm not too sleep deprived, you just told us you took in a special boarder. Congratulations to both of you!


Thank you for another great video. This was particularly needed because I'm having trouble getting flying squid ink for the second Zander staff. I got two of them fishing and none by battle, but I have a about 20 more to go. One problem seems to be that I found the first in an Ice chest, but the wiki says it's a Myth item. I don't remember what school the second one came from, but I'll be watching the video again, to see what I missed. I think you said something about the school of the spell doesn't matter as much as setting up the conditions to get more chests. BTW, I do love Buoy Chests! It hasn't gottem the squid ink, but it has improved my chest score! Thanks again!


I am returning tomorrow to wiz for 1st time in many years


I’m still mad that I got the prestigious hat and boots on back to back fishing sessions and I haven’t seen a robe yet. It’s been days


Dumb question... how do I open the chests? I keep clicking but I cant seem to open


Honestly fishing makes me hate wiz its nearly impossible to get these mounts because chest are just filled with bad stuff and chest are hard to come by i spent 8 hours trying to get the stupid celestial wolf


You forgot to say you can get a free fishing luck potion after completing that one gauntlet I forgot what it’s called cuz I haven’t played in a while but that one gauntlet that looks like the front of a boat with the bell on it


My 1st fish i caught back was a chest than i got chest with a pet
