The Top 10 Knots You Need to Know: Bowline

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The Bowline is considered by many to be the “King of the Knots” and it really is one of the most versatile knots you can learn. To tie it, start by creating a bight in the rope to form a “q” shape. Ensure that the “q” is overlapping the standing part of the line.

Next, wrap the working end around or through the object you’ll be tying onto. Then feed the working end through the underside of the “q” you created. Bring the working end around the back of the standing part and continue passing the working end around, heading back through the “q.”

Now pull the working end through the “q” running parallel with the loop. To tighten, pull the loop and the working end with one hand and the standing line with the other. Lastly, for increased security, create a half-hitch in the loop with the working end and tighten.

This knot is perfect for creating a fixed loop that won’t constrict, such as mooring a boat to a pier or for use in rescue applications.

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The bowline is the best knot ever. That and the clove hitch. Learned both of them while working up in Alaska and you could use both of those knots on just about any situation and you could always get both of the knots out with no frustration. Even used them with chain to right a tipped over forklift


My favorite bowlines are the snap bowline and the water bowline.


Look into the Yosemite bowline. A bit more secure, and just as easy to break.


A new knots ITS video! I clicked so fast!!!


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