What If Anakin Skywalker CONVINCED MACE WINDU To Arrest Palpatine

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Thoughts on todays fan fiction? I hope you enjoy, and have a great day!💚💙

#darthvader #starwars #anakin #anakinskywalker #revengeofthesith #clonewars #ahsoka #starwarswhatif #georgelucas
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I like some of these twists and they are often more logical than what happened in the real material.


You're quickly becoming one of my favorite storytellers.

I absolutely LOVE stories where Anakin and Windu develop a bond, or at least mutual respect.


They did try to arrest him, but he attacked them first, he never attempted to talk himself out the situation.


I love when stories highlight that the Empire has all but risen at this point. Things would have been bad if Sidious was arrested or killed in the Chancellor's office because being a Sith isn't exactly a crime.


This scenario is incomplete. Arresting Palpatine before he could initiate order 66 means that Rex and his clones never crashed the ship, and Ahsoka made it back to Coruscant with Maul who could easily testify to Palpatine’s many crimes.


"Let me put these handcuffs... um... OK, we need another plan."


This was a great fan fiction, im so excited for Ashoka and i think in honor of the Ashoka show you should do “what if Sabine was force sensitive”


Couldn't palp just yell execute order 66 in the senate hall then use the confusion to escape as all hell breaks loose.


Awesome story! And very believable. Also like the insert from the novelization about the transcript. Recognized it immediately.


Your use of the RotS novel is greatly appreciated


Love this. ^^

Though an opportunity was missed.
Something that would've given this more depth.

Am gonna quote a line from Star War's Episode 3: Revenge Of The Sith.

Mace ~ If what you've told me is true you will have gained my trust.

So then during the Jedi Council meeting following the event's that took place in the office, Mace could've said the following to all Jedi present either physically or by hologram.

Mace ~ Anakin has gained my trust.

With the weight Mace carries in the Jedi Council just imagine how impactful that would've been and he would be keeping his word to Anakin which would've immensely helped Anakin with his trust issues toward the Jedi Council and by extention Mace himself.


This was an absolute amazing video dude. Was on edge right up to the trial! That heroic moment of Anakin's really showed his true personality.



Obi-Wan: What is the status of Palpetine?

Windu: He's been placed under arrest.

Anakin: You could say he's been... disarmed.


After Palpatine killed 3 Jedi Masters for coming to arrest him(not kill him), how was it going to be "Cold Blood" if Mace decided to follow through with Killing Sheev. Remember, while the Jedi DID ignite their Lightsabers, the Chancellor attacked 1st. Also, I do understand Palps was unarmed, but only after Mace Kicked him and Sidious dropped his saber as he fell to the floor. He did not give up willingly and attempted to fry Mace he said "You are Under Arrest, my lord." While it is not the Jedi way, killing Go For Papa Palpatine at that moment would not be in Cold Blood IMO considering what transpired in his office after the Jedi attempted to Arrest him.


That was another terrifically great and sensationally spectacular alternate history take on starwars. As Sidious always forgets the little people or details once he has used and discarded them and was deliciously ironic to see his former sins in respect of the naboo crisis and before being his downfall.


What if Anakin convinced the council to grant him the rank of a master claiming hes work in the CLONE WARS, SAVING THE CHANCELLOR, CAPTURE OF BARRIS OFFE PLUS THE HYPROCICY OF THE COUNCIL WITH DOOKU N ASHOKA ETC


If Windu kills Palpatine, no order 66, Padme doesn't die, No Death Star, No destruction of Aldrean, no trillions killed and etc!


Great 'what-if' video dude.
Now granted there were many factors that contributed to Anakin turning to the Dark Side and becoming a Sith Lord, but I've always personally believed that one of BIGGEST reason was simply because Master Mace Windu NEVER trusted Anakin. Not only that, but going SOLELY by what we saw on-screen in the Prequel Trilogy my opinion has always been that it seemed like Mace Windu actually WANTED Anakin to fail as a Jedi.
And I've personally always thought that was COMPLETELY the wrong approach for Mace to take towards Anakin, because like Anakin Mace had a natural affinity for the Dark Side.
TRUE, Mace Windu had the training and practice and experience to harness the Dark Side WITHOUT letting it corrupt him and ALSO remain true to the Jedi Order, but I've always felt that Mace, in his ARROGANCE, didn't even CONSIDER the fact that with proper training Anakin could do the same thing.
So I like your 'what-if' scenario here, where Mace Windu actually LISTENED to Anakin, and instead of essentially MURDERING an unarmed and defeated Supreme Chancellor Palpatine (AKA Darth Sidious) actually adhered to the Jedi Code and Ideology and instead took Palpatine into custody.
But regardless of my opinion, again great video.


being a Sith was a crime in the republic


Bruh Anakin legit pointed out that palpatine is a massive manipulator and then proceeds to try and manipulate Anakin more. 😂
