What if Anakin Learned the TRUTH of Order 66 from Fives

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What if the Jedi BELIEVED Fives about Order 66? Let's explore the depths of it in this video.

Anakin and Rex watch Fives rave about a conspiracy against the Jedi. He claims that there are chips planted in the clone's brains to make them obey secret commands. Anakin remains skeptical about it, watching as Fives' tone becomes increasingly unhinged. It doesn't help that he's being accused of trying to assassinate the chancellor.

Rex though is far less certain. He's been born and raised to obey orders. That was what the Kaminoans and their superiors had told them since they were created. He had never put much thought into it, but as he listened to his friend talk, something clicked.

What if it was more than just some motto and was meant to be taken literally? Tup was an incredibly independent-minded clone, but his actions on Ringo Vinda didn't seem like him. And if there was one thing this war had taught him, it's that clones were seen as little better than droids. The Kaminoans seemed like the type to try this.

Rex: General, I think we should believe him.

Anakin: Shocked. What? Are you out of your mind?

Rex: It sounds crazy, but he might be onto something. Please.

Anakin: Sighs. Very well, alright Fives. I don't know anything about this, but I trust Rex. Let us go, and we'll help you look into this.

Fives look at them, the relief plain on his face and he deactivates the ray shield. At that moment, gunships begin to land outside. Without much time, the three of them grab their weapons and hurry out the back before the Coruscant Guard finds them.

Their first move is to find someone who can verify Fives' claim, Shaak Ti. Anakin heads back to the temple to contact her while Rex and Fives go into hiding to plan their next move.

In the Temple, Anakin approaches Shaak Ti privately to discuss the matter regarding Fives. When she inquires about the search for him, she's surprised to learn that Anakin believes there is more to this and asks for her help.

When she reminds him that Fives had tried to assassinate the chancellor, Anakin bites his lip but says that just because Fives acted like that, it doesn't invalidate his claims. Shaak Ti agrees to help, saying she's pleased with Anakin and knows how difficult it is for him to do this.

She confirms that she saw the inhibitor chips and saw how Tup's chip had rotted away while Fives had his removed, revealing how different they were.

With that revelation Shaak Ti smiles and the two leave to meet with Fives and Rex in their hideout. Although they can confirm all the clones have inhibitor chips, they still can't prove what they do and without Fives' chip, they have no way of learning more.

The captain rubs the back of his head and stands up.

Rex: What if. What if you were to study my chip?

Anakin: That's a pretty risky plan there, Rex. We already saw what can go wrong with those chips. It can make you snap like Tup and-

Fives: And who, sir?

Anakin: Hesitates. And hurt yourself.

Rex: It doesn't matter. I already lost a man because of those things. I'm not losing any more of my brothers to them, not if there's a chance for us to figure out what's happening.

Fives: Well, if that's the plan then we need someone to remove it. And there's only one person I trust.

A few days later, a ship descends on Kamino where Anakin and C-3PO descend the boarding ramp. The two approach the medical bay where AZI-3 is treating some wounded clones.

3PO: Master Anakin, I believe if this plan is to succeed, you must smile.

Anakin: I hate this idea.

Despite that, he forces a smile and enters the medical bay.

Anakin: Ahh excuse me, are you AZI-3?

AZI-3: That is not my official designation, but I have been called that by some of my friends.

C-3PO: Well then today is your lucky day. Lady Shaak Ti has noted your contributions in learning about the inhibitor chips and decided to reward you with a trip to the best maintenance spa on Coruscant. I have been commanded to escort you.

AZI-3: Oh how wonderful. I'll finish up here and we can depart immediately.

The two of them leave with Anakin hanging behind. But before he can leave as well, the doors swing open and Lama Se appears, frowning as he folds his arms together.

Lama Se: That's the most surprising news. I never knew Shaak Ti cared so much about the droids.

Anakin: Well, that's the Jedi for you. We care about everyone, unlike some people.

Lama Se: Indeed, for better and for worse. Is that why a Jedi like you came all the way here just to escort a medical droid?

Anakin: Perhaps. Those are my orders, I just follow them.

Lama Se: Well it's my job to question things and I find it questionable why you need to take this droid. Perhaps the chancellor must hear of this?

Anakin's smile disappears and he clenches his fist.

Anakin: Don't think you're the only one who has the chancellor's ear. One of my men is dead and another is a fugitive because of those chips. I'd hate to have to remind him of those…defects.
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Lama Se grabs Anakin by his forearm and leans in close until they are face to face.
"The chancellor needs us. Don't forget that"
"You realize I can force choke you right?"

The Force is with you Darth Theorist. I humbly request a sequel🙏🏽


Definitely gotta know what happens next.


If you leave us hanging without a part two ever being given, well… It’s treason then.


What if the Jedi uncovered the truth about the chips but the palpatine said he would change order 66 to eliminate just rogue Jedi, which the Jedi accepted. But the 501st, Wolfpack, and obi wan's legion (332nd, I think) distrusted the chancellor and removed their chips and decided to desert the army and invade hutt space to create a new republic, with many Jedi and senators joining or supporting them?


I think the biggest wrench that could have been thrown into the sith grand plan would have been Anakin being on the DL. 😂


What if Revan wasn't found in stasis until the first year of the clone wars? That would mean that Revan in his prime would be alive and well, and Darth Vitiate's spirit would still be dormant since Revan didn't awake his spirit at Yavin.


Turns out that the the captin was actually fives as bait to get the truth outta palpatine they show recording to senate and is executed the end lol but we do need a part 2 tho ❤


As we know darth vader was a natural engineer and could use mechaguru or whatever so what if he used skill to create nanobots to repair his lungs and burns while also making limbs that could conduct the force to make lightning. This could relate to inquisitor baris as she used nanobots in the bomb and he may remember nanobots and their uses. He could could also conduct experiments diguised as torture to fool sidious, learning to heal wounds, make force sensitive droids/limbs and using nano bots to manipulate mididclorians to strip or enhance the force in individuals.
What I was thinking was that he used nanobots to remove scar tissue especially around the lungs and he would be dipped in bacta or bacta would be applied this would allow him breath which means he can meditate more deeply. And for the limbs, it is possible to make material force sensitive and I was thinking he make limbs skeletal looking like in attack of the clones but would then cover the we either grafed flesh from his body or flesh made from his blood and other ingredients like perhaps kyber crystal this would make the force flow from him easier and perhaps with the sith alchemy in the limbs making his force lightning more powerful. Basically an uber vader who is perhaps stronger than full potential anakin.


Hell yes I want a part two!
That's how a story is supposed to be written.
Well done sir.


Hello there Darth Theorist can you please create a part2 on What if Fives Convinced Anakin of the Truth behind Order 66?


Palpatine is truly a master manipulator! Even when you believe you’ve got him, he pulls out a clever contingency!


There definitely needs to be a sequal too this story maybe even 3 of them.


I closed my game just to tell you you did a remarkably good job writing Anakin, this felt like clone wars.


a sequel would be fun because how far would that last order go


Bro your channel is so goated. Voice acting top teir, visuals amazing, im just in awe


You do such a good job getting us hooked on the story that it hurts when it ends before its over.


Followed by What if Anakin Skywalker killed the Son with the Dagger of Mortis and kept it afterwards? And what if Anakin Skywalker was sent to kill and destroy both Darth Maul and General Grievous after killing Count Dooku?


What if commander Thorn survived scipio by managing to enter the city alongside two other coruscant guardsman as the separatists attacked?


Oh, I like this. On some other channels, Palpatine will inexplicably get shot or something whenever he's about to go to prison and salvage his plans from there, ending any further potential for plot. It's a fresh take to actually *see* him able to alter his plans from a prison cell. (No hate to the other channel in question, it's just an interestingly consistent pattern I noticed there.)


I would love a story about a old republic jedi who left after the sith war but returned at the start of the clone war one who's essentially immortal one who master the light and the dark so only the force is there
