The Temptation to React to Narcissists: Understanding the Power of Indifference. #narcissist

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Reactive Abuse And Examples Of Lesser Known Reactive Abuse. #narcissist

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Check this out!
15 Rules To Deal With Narcissistic People.: How To Stay Sane And Break The Chain.

A Narcissists Handbook: The ultimate guide to understanding and overcoming narcissistic and emotional abuse.

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For more information about understanding and overcoming narcissistic and emotional abuse, click the links below.

Check this out!
15 Rules To Deal With Narcissistic People.: How To Stay Sane And Break The Chain.

Narcissists Handbook: The ultimate guide to understanding and overcoming narcissistic and emotional abuse.-1


It’s tiring, especially when raised and grown up with them.


Elizabeth, once again your own bitter experience of dealing with these vile creatures is of immense use to we who are going through this horrendous abuse. Your words give us (I hope im speaking for us all) hints and tips to defuse and deny them the fuel they despeately need, silence Id say severs the head of the snake. Thank you.


Absolutely spot on. Currently divorcing a narcissist and had to hire a lawyer bc of his incessant accusations and threats that I was taking very seriously.

I now realize they were probably ploys to get me to react, which I did!! Especially as I was finally settling into a routine of peace without him. But the greatest gift my lawyer gave me was telling me not to react, bc I had her now. And anything he has to say he could to her.

I never realized how much I needed that buffer bc my ability to be indifferent is practically nonexistent. It’s something I’m working on now. And it’s so hard, as I spent much of the day yesterday crying over the realization that he never actually loved me these past 13 years and yet desperately still wishing that he did.

So much healing to go!! But thankful for channels like yours that helped open my eyes and remind me that there was nothing I could’ve done or do even now.


I had a week of silence and banging and slamming because I spent £1 on a washing up bowl!


Learning to be indifferent is not easy for me. its like learning to ice skate. Lots of falls but eventually you learn to stand up and move forward.


Thank you. What do I do when a narcissist hits our property/ It is becoming harder to ignore.


had 16 years with a narcissistic bully . I have suffered with anxiety all my life he was cruel in every way you could think of .... Its funny and not funny that my husband is a mental health support worker who works for the charity MIND !


It's interesting, if you do not react and show indifference, they have no fuel and have nothing, they need you to hit the ball back, if you do not, their game hits a wall. Where do they go from there?
