Jordan Peterson / Mikhaila Interview Analysis

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This video answers the questions: Can I analyze the video about Jordan Peterson’s recovery posted on Mikhaila Peterson’s YouTube channel? In this video that was recorded in Serbia and posted on June 30, 2020 Jordan and Mikhaila discuss how he’s doing after struggling with benzodiazepine withdrawal?

American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: Author.

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I’ve worked in an addictions clinic, where everyone is using everything. Most people who get sober, the last drug that they usually spend years to kick is benzodiazepines. Not coke, not meth, not heroin, fricken benzos.


As a person who went through post 14 year Benzo withdrawal for 1.5-3 years. I can tell you it’s absolute HELL.


Do you really find it hard to believe that multiple medical professionals would give bad advice?
That's the entire point. Medicine today is preoccupied with short term relief and nullification of pain rather than proper healing. That's what has created the opioid epidemic; that's the problem with worshiping science and failing to affirm what really matters.


He also didn’t dismiss the use of benzos. He specifically said that this can be a good short term treatment, but absolutely not a good idea for long term use


My mother suffered for years on these medications. She had severe depression, it was the worst 10 yrs of our lives. Unless you live this nightmare.... you have no idea


I was on Klonopin for anxiety for ten years. No one ever told me it was addictive. Getting off, even gradually was terrible. The withdrawal side effects were like being in one long nightmare. All my best wishes go out to Dr. Peterson.


Prescribing addictive drugs for too long is criminal


As an MD, JP's condition just left me with so many questionmarks. I simply do not understand how they got to Russia. I personally hate benzos and I generally avoided prescribing them, but JP's case was very extreme to me. This video resonated with some of my questions, I'd be very interested to hear his physician's side of the story.


Dr grande you have way too much confidence in the medical establishments in the US. NO TREATMENT CENTER IVE BEEN TOO DID ANYTHING TO HELP ME COME OFF OF BENZOS. Sometimes I didn’t receive a taper and others gave me a five day taper with the lowest dose librium possible which is pointless. Have you done any research? Watch the benzodiazepine research symposium and make another video after watching one of those symposiums


On benzos vs. opioid statistics, I really have trouble with your understanding of statistics.
You compare two values (number of deaths from overdoses on one vs. the other) without mentioning the base amount of people who were on the drug. To establish a comparison, the absolute amount of deaths doesn't matter as much as relative amount to the number of users.
Also, deaths from overdoses are important, but not enough to evaluate danger. Does it account for people dying from withdrawal? It also leaves out all osher issues where people don't die but have to live with addiction or symptoms that won't go away.

Please bring clarification, because it seemed to me pretty basic, and hurts the scientifically-informed part of the legitimacy of your channel. I want to believe you have the correct data and failed to present it in a convincing manner, and hope you will take up the opportunity to clarify.


I understand what Jordan Peterson is going through. My father was diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer, which he later died from at the age of 65. Our family went through hell and back, but thank God we got mental health counseling through Hospice without taking dangerous medicines.

I think it's a great time to remind people that it's not just the person undergoing cancer treatments who suffers. It is also the family.

Thanks for the content, as always, Dr. Grande.


I don't think I've EVER felt that a doctor cared about curing me. I always feel like they just want to rush you out the door. Lack of sympathy, callous, cold, disconnected are all words I'd used to describe MOST doctors I've be 'treated' by.


To say that "the chance that 5 psychiatrists giving bad advice is very low" you have to assume that a) psychiatry as a practice is relatively free of major conflicts of interests, and that b) consensus is an effective way of increasing the accuracy of a diagnosis/treatment.


Doctors are giving out benzos like candy without any warning whatsoever and have the nerve of trying to pin the blame on pacients for their lack of judgment when things get out of hand 🙃


You would be surprised at the number of MDs that tell their patients to cold turkey off of Benzos.


Why is it bad info when he’s talking about his personal experience?


1) Whats the point of this video? Peterson’s video simply tells his experience, so that people know why he has been gone for a year. It is not aimed at offering medical advice of any kind. Why the need to “correct” it?
2) You find certain things unlikely, and try to point to evidence in support of your view. Well, the only available evidence you have of what happened to Peterson is his own testimony, which you are trying to refute. That is dishonest.
3) You say one of the themes of Peterson’s video was that the coma was the right decision. This was not a theme; it was merely part of the story. Whether it was right or not, it happened and worked.
4) You try to defend the doctors in North America, and imply that the Peterson’s simply did not agree with the doctors’ advice. This ignores the fact that the addiction and consequences began with bad medical advice to begin with, and the fact that they went to two different clinics for detox and withdrawal management, and he only got worse. They also sought advice from numerous professionals who gave bad advice, a point you try to refute by simply saying that you find it unlikely. The whole move to Moscow was a last resort; a desperate one, at that. This leads me to my final point, which is the same as my first.
5) Whats the point of this video? When I finished the Peterson video, I left with a few messages. I left feeling hope for those that find themselves in similar situations, and hope that we can indeed prevail amid dire situations. I left understanding the risks of Benzos, and the importance of doing research before accepting treatment, especially long term treatment. Yet, when I finished your video, the only things that I got from it are “trust science” and the implication that the Petersons are not being honest. Not a good video, to say the least. I never dislike videos, but I will this one.


I was addicted to norco 10mg. For 6 years. One day I got sick and tired of living like that. So that day. I made up my mind. I’m taking my life back. I detoxed at home for a month. nights sweats. Restless leg. Insomnia, vomiting, diarrhea, cold sweats. But each day got better. It felt like a cold from hell. I treat my symptoms with cold meds. Help a lot. I’m thankful to be alive. But each day got better. Each day without pains meds is a victory!!! I live so see free now. My mind is clear. I have my life back.


My own experience: the withdrawals from Benzos are worse than withdrawal from opioids. This is MY experience and may differ from someone else.


09:45: OR, there really is a systemic failure of medical professionals across North America to be aware of the issues around benzo treatment and/or withdrawal/detox strategies, and the significant harm that accrues to a minority of users - which would need to be addressed to mitigate the harm to patients.

What's the first part of the Hippocratic Oath again...?
