D'N'A Reacts: NF | Hope

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We continue the NF journey!

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This is NF's 'Bohemian Rhapsody'.


He said 30, 30 times because he was about to turn 31 and was letting go of the 30 years of everything he mentioned... I can go on for days about the call backs and Easter eggs in this song and video but I'll save some of that for my other outcasts... 👊🛒🗝🎈


Keep the tissues close for this album. There are plenty of hype songs as well, but he has some tear jerking songs on the album. Don't let Happy fool you. Album is a 💎


Please do every song on this album. It’s a much different NF but still very good


This video makes so much more sense, when you've listened to all his previous stuff. Your reaction was awesome. He found the map to hope! The "I forgive you mama" when I heard that I was so happy for NF.


There are so many call backs to other songs in this one. The question of definition of success was from ”Why” where he didn’t have an answer. The women’s voice is from a song from first album “Mansion” the other person is Nate is his old self. Map to hope referred back “the search” which is the album with the balloons are his burdens. The old guy was from “let you down” and the cage and keys are from “outcast” also first time he said in a song that he forgave his mom, see “how could you leave us” (Mama is follow song to that one) to name a few of the connections haha. There are so many connections between songs and even more with the music videos. He is my favourite artist… period


99% sure I’ve watched every reaction to this on YouTube. Y’all’s is by far my favorite. With barely any words spoken throughout the song, your expressions said everything. So glad yall took the journey. To be a witness of his growth as an artist and as a person is special and motivating.


It doesn't matter how many times I hear this song or watch the video...I get major goosebumps every single time ❤


You have to see him live, he is even more incredible in person .


You guys definitely need to listen to happy and watch the video


Here are a couple of takes from NF fans on the connection to the NF Journey and this song:
1 year ago
0:20 The Raft „Drifting“ in the Water
0:30 Nate‘s white Clothes (The Search, Leave Me Alone, Paid my Dues)
1:05 Paddlefrom Lost (Lost)
1:06 Fear‘s first Line (Intro III)
1:16 Hope Island, strong opposite to Lost scenery (Lost)
1:23 Nate and Fear argue over who made the album ( Intro III)
1:31 Definition od success (Why)
2:00 Feelings giving wrong Directions (Just Like You)
2:20 Map of Hope (The Search)
2:54 Mansion (Mansion)
2:54 Dramatic Scene change (Clouds)
3:19 Shopping Cart and Ballons (The Search, Leave Me Alone, Why)
3:36 Room full of Regrets (Mansion)
3:44 Cell and Keys (Outcast)
3:44 Old man (Let You Down)
3:58 Nate gets „Kidnapped“ (Green Lights)
4:12 Nate forgives his Mother (How could you Leave Us)
4:16 30Years of….(The Search, Hate Myself, Nate, Why)
4:44 Nate vs Fear (Intro III)
4:58 Nate takes the Reigns (Lost)

This Journey Is INSANE

1 hour ago

Intro III (fight with fear) 1:23

Why (definition of success) 1:31

Grindin' 1:54

Lost (he was lost soul) 2:38

Mansion (pushed in mansion) 2:55

Leave me alone (shoping cart) 3:20

Therapy session (healing proces) 3:38

Outcast+Let you down (cage man) 3:46

Story ("That wasn't a shot") 4:10

How could you leave us (mom) 4:11

Search 4:17

Paid my dues (arguing with himself) 4:26

Nate 4:33

Wait 4:40

Only (lonely) 4:42

Hate myself (he hated what he was) 4:43

Clouds (evolving) 4:44

Change 4:45

This song just brought in a ton of the Mixtape officially into the NF Journey. I had no idea how Nathan was going to transition to the light, but he is doing so with the idea that both NF's are going to emerge in the album. Hope will win out. Also, I think the song called Mama on the new album is going to be about forgiving his Mom. What do you think?


Your reaction to this one was epic (somebody hand Dallas a tissue). This one hits me in the feels too. Such a good message. Y'all stay awesome!


These girls mastered the head bob lol love it


My favorite song of this album is the last one, I gotta be honest, that song was something else. Hope is my second favorite!!! I’m looking forward to hearing more of your reactions! 🤍


Grab your Kleenex when you get to "Running". Such a powerful song!


Great reaction. You've been on the whole journey and it shows.


Yayy! Girlies a new.. BRAND NEW sleep token song JUST DROPPED at 8 am est. I BEG for a reaction lol but anyways i hope yall are doing fine!


Ladies new Sleep Token dropped today! Emergence!



I don’t think I can wait til Monday for the Sleep Token reaction


This is his best album. Just wait. Every song is amazing.
