Why is the Bible so sexist?

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Many people think the Bible is outdated specifically because of it's view on women. So is the Bible really sexist?
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If blaming women for "the original sin" is not SEXIST then what is? Is it very difficult to imagine all the hardship and abuse women had to endure from the beginning of time due to this one "original sin"? I believe that there is a higher creator, but a lot of what is written in the bible is obviously written by men to benefit men.


What about the part that says women can’t talk in church and they “must be silent”, this to me insinuates that women’s voices are not important


bruh less than 8% of named characters in the bible of women, it literally doesn't value women enough to give them NAMES


Mansplaining why the bible isn't sexist.


As a young child, I sometimes wondered about the ninth commandment which states "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife." Why not spouse? It didn't take me long to realize that women were considered property in the bronze age culture in which the bible originated. If God is all knowing and all perfect, he wouldn't have adopted the misogynistic culture of ancient nomads. It is obvious the bible is man made and not written by a celestial deity. The bible also condones slavery and misogyny in numerous passages. Cherry picking a few verses does not absolve the bible of sexism.


You couldn't find a woman to explain? Oh right, you don't allow women to teach. Help yourself bro.


Except women couldn’t inherit property unless she had no brothers. In xstianity it’s way worse, not being allowed to speak in church/meetings, being subservient in marriage.

I came here for actual answers but I get a man telling me not to hurt my pretty little head by thinking and let him tell me how to feel and think. Not an answer but definitely a good example.


The issues from Paul's writings are that his commands draw into what value means. He declares they, unlike men, are unfit to speak much less lead at church. And that they should not lead men possibly ever. That they are somehow inferior at leading, teaching, inspiring taking command is to say they are inferior in some very crucial roles. That clearly many women are fantastic at, many of my bosses over my career have been women and if someone was to tell then they did good but a man could have done better is so harmful and small minded. It holds us back, it has held us back for too long. Young girls should be able to aspire to be whatever they put their effort towards. Nobody should limit that maximum potential. But here St. Paul is in the Bible these young women may have held in such high esteem. And how does paul say they get their value back after devaluing them over and over?

They can be mothers... as amazing as a calling as this is to imply this is where a womans value comes while men dont need to get theirs alone from fatherhood has clearly been wrong. Its simply misogynistic and while obviously men and women are different, this is like a racist man saying "I dont hate other races we are just made different so their role is to be subservient it's a noble and good path for them." Again I understand racism and sexism are not parallel but the argument used is just so tired and weak.
Men look at these writings and it will influence their decisions on how to employ women. That's messed up.


😂😂 I'm grossed out to see that in this day and age a smart man could read the bible and have the cheek to state it's NOT sexist.


Organized religion always has been and remains the greatest enemy of women's rights. In the Christian-dominated Western world, two bible verses in particular sum up the position of women:
"I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee." By this third chapter of Genesis, woman lost her rights, her standing—even her identity, and motherhood became a God-inflicted curse degrading her status in the world.
In the New Testament, the bible decrees:
"Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression." 1 Tim. 2:11-14
One bible verse alone, "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live" (Exodus 22:18) is responsible for the death of tens of thousands, if not millions, of women. Do women and those who care about them need further evidence of the great harm of Christianity, predicated as it has been on these and similar teachings about women?
Church writer Tertullian said "each of you women is an Eve . . . You are the gate of Hell, you are the temptress of the forbidden tree; you are the first deserter of the divine law."
Martin Luther decreed: "If a woman grows weary and at last dies from childbearing, it matters not. Let her die from bearing, she is there to do it."


Paul the Apostle did not believe that the woman was made in the image of God. Paul even stated that women should cover their heads but not the man because he is made in the "image and glory of God."


Just thought of a few more verse if you could please explain. How about in that story in the Bible where some bad people come to a certain home to harm two angels of God or two men sent by God, and the father gives his daughter to be raped instead of fighting with all his life to protect his family? Also woman we're constantly sold as if we were objects.


God the FATHER-Male, SON-Male, Holy Spirit-no gender? Where's the female image in this God???


Serious Questions:
I'm trying to understand the Bible better
1) why does God impregnant a minor Marry (likely around 12 years old) Without her consent, she couldn't say yes to it because she was already pregnant doesn't seem like a respectful thing to do.
Why weren't any of his disciples women? Also why aren't Christians women allowed to preach? It tells women to be silent in church Timothy 1 2:12
Why are did God not punish Lot for offering his daughter to a group of men to be raped?


Give this man some tap dancing shoes and he could be a teacher


Love how a man is explaining how the bible isn't sexist to women 🙄, like respect and all for being here but at least have a woman come on and talk.


The bible teaches women are meant to stay home and be a kid cannon.


Doesn't the bible say you know a man by the fruits of his labour? Yet paul in the Bible doesn't let women preach for no explained reason and millions of chrisitans his words today to condem women who want to preach the word of God. Chrisitans everywhere are agaisnt women working and believe only men should have leadership over women.

Why? there was no reason given so we are to assume the bible just deems women inferior because of the way she was born. Why does the Bible compare the realtionship between a man and a women like christ and the church? How is that not sexist? I am a chrisitan but I have come so close to leaving relegion enitrely because of these things


This is very outdated and not reflective of today. I have a buddy who is very quiet, meek, submissive etc, with a loud “dominant” wife and their relationship is still loving and Christ focused. Is he a sinner for not taking charge? Nope, and not all of us men are meant to be loud leaders who need to “control” women. Same way, not all women are made the same. The Bible is somewhat sexist if you look at it through an objective lens, but remember that God NOW is calling ALL of us to spread his gospel and teach others through our discipleship.


Bible is used for control and dominance especially for women.
You don’t need anyone or anything else to have a close connection with spirit❤
